When xiaojin woke she was in a familiar place but it was not her own, as she slowly sat up and looked around she noticed some figures off in the distance. One figure caught her attention it was her boss and he was right next her nearly giving her a heart attack "o-oh mr.park, i'm so sorry i must-" "have fainted, you've been here for a few hours getting treatment" jumin cut her off sitting down next to the bed she was in, as xiaojin looked around once more she noticed she was hooked up to an iv and heart monitor as doctors stood behind jumin watching her closely. "S-sorry mr.park, i'll do better," xiaojin said bowing her head "if i may interrupt, miss xu you need to start eating and drinking properly, if you keep continuing such an unhealthy lifestyle you may end up with worse consequences." The doctor said this caused more pain in jumin heart than it did xiaojin, xiaojin focused more on work than herself but then again there would be no point in working if she was just going to die anyways. "From now one you'll be working in my office,i'll be making sure you at least maintain a normal eating schedule from now on." jumin said in his usual cold tone xiaojins eyes widened "n-no mr.park i-its okay!" she insisted then sat up properly feeling a little dizzy, " it obviously is not okay xiaojin." jumin said making xiaojin freeze nervously "may you excuse us doctor kim," jumin said the doctor simply bowed his head left. Xiaojin felt her body freeze. There was tension in the air. Xiaojin was very nervous about this decision, Xiaojin felt like she became a zombie. She felt as if it took her hours to get something done which was going to be embarrassing to work in the same area as her boss "Mr. park m-may i go home?" she asked quietly as she fidgeted with her finger waiting for a response "when the doctor says you can go home you can leave." was all jumin said as got up and left the bedside and to another room xiaojin let out a small sigh as she sat in the bed completely helpless and the young girl hated the situation she was in, but something completely caught xiaojin off guard is that mr. park seemed sad but she didn't want to make assumptions about jumin she just wanted to work and go home. When the doctor came back in the room xiaojin had laid back down and fallen asleep again luckily jumin entered the room again "oh mr. park i have wonderful news, she can go home as soon as tomorrow she just needs to maintain a good schedule." the doctor said jumin humed in response as he watched the younger sleep he realized he didn't want the young girl to leave, "is that all then doc?" jumin asked, not taking his eyes off the young girl who happened to be sleeping. A few more words happened to be exchanged then the doctor left for the night, once again xiaojin had woken to see jumin sitting next to her