"Alexia!" Malia screamed.
Alexia was lying on the cold hard ground. She was still dressed in her white gown which they had dressed her for the last rites ceremony. Malia raced to her.
When she reached her, she knelt before her. Alexia was still alive but she was wheezing. Her intake of breath was very painfully.
Darkness still reigned around them. The darkness at the beginning of the circle kept shrilling and hissing as they burnt away but more darkness replaced it over and over again. The darkness didn't want Alexia to be freed from them. It wanted to keep consume and feeding off of what was left of Alexia. It couldn't have her leave for if she did, then she was going to put an end to the darkness.
Malia realised that she had gone so cold to the touch. Her pulse was very faint. She wasn't speaking either. She didn't seem to be conscious.