Chereads / My Life As Kakashi In MHA / Chapter 13 - Meeting The Younger Big Three 13

Chapter 13 - Meeting The Younger Big Three 13



First things first. Sorry for sudden disappearance and for this chapter being shorter than usual. I have lot of things going on with school lately this month so I can't really write much so don't have high hopes as for now.





Original Character - 3 votes


Nejire Hado - 2 votes


Yaoyorozu Momo - 2 votes


Itsuka Kendo - 1 votes





Kodai Yui - 1 votes


![Keep in mind that voting isn't over yet and you can still vote, unless all of you want OC which I don't mind making it.]!



*A Few Possible OC Looks*(in this paragraph comments)

*Disclaimer her background and how they will meet will change with how she looks.



Oh and also if you see ( "dialog" - characters name) it just means that the specific character is talking or multiple characters depending on the situation.


[SUNDAY EVENING IN TG(Training Grounds)]

"Uuaarrgh!... ugh... ugh... ugh..."

"Not bad but try not to stiffen your body too much or else you'll lose your agility and for a Ninja or a hero, agility is really important if you want to do things quickly or quietly."

"Ugh... Understood. Ugh... By the way dad what time is it? I can't tell by all these trees here."

"It's about 20:24 now. Let's do a quick review about today's training and let's head home afterwards. But I have to congratulate you on getting your second quirk I believe you called it sharingan or something like that."

"ugh... ugh... Thanks... dad... ugh..."


"Urgh... So tired. Why do I even have to school again? Oh right because of that envelope. Urgh... can't life be easier for once?"

(A/N No it can't for the sake of the plot. Hmm unless... Nope it can't.)

As per usual the morning classes being the most boring here until they ask others to answer which wakes me up a bit from my half-sleeping state of mind.

A couple weeks passed and I still haven't met that blonde kid again yet. Maybe he forgot about me for the best or not but I definitely don't want to have the same awkward chat everytime I am with him.

*JP school bell sfx

And once again I'm in the courtyard eating melon bread this time. I wonder if you can make lightning Jutsus that can create thunder bolts and launch them like a wave hmm... only time will tell.

(IDK if there was a Jutsu like this so I created a name for it: "Kaminarito n' kaminaripūruno jutsu" "eng. Lightning style: Thunder pool Jutsu" I though it would be useful in the future so yeah.)

As I was deep in my thoughts someone called me out.

"Oh! It's you again. How have you been? What are you eating? Is it delicious." The blonde said. Come to think of it he resembles someone but I can't put my finger on it.

"umm… Hello again I guess umm… What's your name again? I don't remember hearing your name last time that I saw you." I greeted him and asked.

"Sorry for that I was short on time that moment so I must've forgotten. Oh well I'm Togata Mirio. It's nice to meet you again uh umm…"

"The name's Hatake Kakashi" I told him lazily.

"Y-yeah. /he started to lightly scratch the back of his head out of the amount of embarrassment he felt at that moment but it aldo quickly ended\ So what are you doing Hatake-san?" Mirio asked.

(I will sometimes add -san/-sama/-kun/ and so on. To not sound boring of if I feel writing it)

"What else? Eating. It's not like it can eat itself or anything like that. 'Or could they i don't know what I'm saying anymore.' " I answered.

"So that's where you went Mirio. Don't leave us again without telling that you're going. Aaannnnnd who's he?" A voice behind Mirio said.

"Sorry Nejire-chan. So this is the that I was talking about his name is..." As he was saying Nejire interrupts him.

"Ohh so that's who he is. \Walks towards me/ Why do you wear a mask? Are you cold or are you one of those guys that think they look cool wearing it?"

"I'm wearing it cause personally it's comfy."

"Ahhh... Why is there a scar on your face? Did something happen?" 'Well you can say that. I guess?'

"Alright alright Nejire I that's going a little too far. Anyways sorry. She's kind of like airhead type of person. Not in a bad way or anything."

'Geez who could have thought?' I said sarcastically in my mind.

"Hey Tamaki-kun stop hiding behind the tree and come meet him. You won't make any new friends if you keep being there." - Nejire

"D-do I-i really have to? I-i mean I even can't r-really talk with you guys without b-being nervous."

"It'll be fine just go and introduce yourself no biggie." - Nejire

"F-fine I guess I'll try but I don't think it'll go well." Tamaki Nervous answered and started to slowly approach me like I was some sort of venomous plant.

"H-hi my name is A-Amajiki T-Tamaki. It's nice to meet you."

I put down my food and stand up to face him and tried to make carefree face but I don't know how much it would help him relax regarding that I am wearing a mask right now.

"Well Amajiki-kun I'm Hatake Kakashi. It's nice to meet you."

After greeting him back I see him relax a bit but not much.

"See Tamaki-kun. There's nothing to worry about you just have to be more confident about yourself." - Mirio

"I-i guess you're right."

"Ohh... I'm Hado Nejire by the way if I haven't already told you. Do you want to go to the arcade after school? I heard they got a new game that every is talking about."

"If nothing comes up sure. I will go with you guys. It's not like I have anything better to do today." I answered.

"That's great. There's one more person joining us. Maybe we'll be able to play those 2v2 games finally." Mirio added. "Anyways the break is ending so goodbye for now. Oh before I forget here's my number text me after school just in case anything comes up bye."

"Bye Kakashi-san see you after school!" - Nejire

"S-see you later Hatake-san." - Tamaki

"Yeah see you later guys."

*Typical japanese school bell sfx

"...and now I have to rush to class before all the class is full again. Ugh such a drag"



Well guys sorry again for a short chapter after such a long disappearance.

I wanted to make Tamaki as close as his canon one at least until Class-1A meet them. I also tried my best to make Nejire as canon accurate as I can. These three shouldn't impact the early part of this story in term of changes for Canon MHA only after the moment they meet again in Class-1A.

Also the fact that I don't know how to branch out the story much before the canon starts sense I'm trying my hardest to make the personalities as close to the canon and not to make some weird kind of cringe fest.

I really like to read all your suggestions even if some won't be added it still helps to inspire to create something.

I'm planning to change the name of this novel to a little shorter one for convenience.

(My Life as Kakashi in MHA)

So if you guys don't want that better voice your complaints now.

On a side note we officially passed 15k words in this novel.