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The Enchanted Forrest

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Chapter 1 - The Counts Forbidden Desire

Count Dracol Mastov stared at his reflection in the grand mirror placed in his room. The short pitch black hair, fair white skin, purest of red eyes, the dark attire of the Count of Night, the blood red cloak dawning his families crest. Hehated it. All of it.

Dracol would trade any and everything just to die. He already knew there was no way to denounce himself without destroying the country so he prayed every night that he would not wake up the next morning, but every time his wishes are ignored. Dracol would gladly destroy the country if it meant freedom but alas if he were to do that he would destroy something even more precious to him than anything in the universe.

His personal servant, Julian Debrent. The Debrent family has served the Mastov's for over seven centuries. Julian was the only thing Dracol cared about. The only oneDracol cared about. He was always shy yet cheerful, Dracol felt more alive when he was around. He almost wanted to stay alive when Julian was around. Almost.

A soft, hesitant knock sounded at the door.

Knowing exactly who it was he turned to walk to his black velvet couch,"Enter."

The door opened slightly and through the opening slipped in his servant. He turned to Dracol with a beautiful smile, "Good morning, Count Dracol, sir! How are you feeling?"


Julian giggled a bit. That was usually his answer.

Dracol took in his servants appearance. His heart always raced with him around. Julian's baby blue hair was much softer than his own, his fair peach skin smooth and supple, and beautiful bright caramel brown eyes, as he dawned the white servant robes and red tie that only the Debrent servants were allowed to wear.

Every time he looked at Julian he has this odd overwhelming fantasy of hurting him, to see his face in pain and tears rather than smiling. He knew that was his much darker half speaking which was why he usually truly is miserable when Julian is around.

"Julian, come here."

Confusion clouding his eyes, Julian came forward until he was standing beside his master. Then his arm was pulled until he landed on Dracol.

"Master? Is something wrong?"

Dracol wanted to feel his skin. To sink himself into this young man, but it was forbidden to touch a servant without permission. Even if you were the one in charge.


"No, I just wanted the comfort." He lied

"Oh! Okay." and with that Julian snuggled a bit more to give the comfort his master sought.

Dracol sucked his breath in softly when Julian unknowingly brush his hip against his already throbbing cock. What a stupid fucking lie that was.

Julian laid there in silence, he could feel Dracol's cock pressed against him but dared not say anything. He already knew of the Counts attraction to him, but knowing his status, Julian just didn't know how to bring it up.

So Julian just went over the schedule. "Um, Count Dracol, sir. I have the daily schedule for you."

Dracol sighed, not what he wanted to hear. Nonetheless another day of torture.

"Go on."

"Well, your morning is free up until noon which will be a meeting with Count Severa Maschotiv. The you have the afternoon to get ready for the Courts Ball which will be held Within this castle this year."

Dracol had forgotten of that. Just what he wanted. To force himself to smile and socialize with young maidens and entertain court officials.

"Thank you, now then, Julian you may go. I wish to be in peace."

Julian rose from his Master and bowed deeply, "Yes, your lord ship."

---------That Evening---------

Dracol sat on his dais as the Court frolicked and mingled. The Meeting had already ended so now the ball was in full swing. Dracol sighed as he drummed his fingers against the arm of the dais. Dracol wore the official garments of his heritage. A blood red undershirt with a frilled neck scarf held together with a Garnet, a black overcoat adorned with silver chains and large garnets, rubies, and fire opals, black dress pants and noble dress boots. He felt like a fucking dress up doll.

The patrons had been drinking and it was starting to show. Dracol actually found it rather amusing. However, he missed his forbidden fruit. The Debrents were sent to serve food and drinks among the party so Julian was out in the crowd while Dracol was forced to stay and show off his power for the entire Court to see.

Dracol skimmed the large ballroom in search of Julian, and then he spotted him and his heart thumped wildly in his chest. Julian's head had the silver chain adornment of the head servant family, a white cotton shirt frilled at the sleeves and collar with white flowing pants that seemed to fit Julian figure perfectly. Dracol's cock turned to stone as it bit into his pants wanting to seek relief with Julian's moist body. However, Countess Melia beckoned his attention so he had no choice but to engage in conversation.

Julian was serving the red wine when he was hailed over by Count Severa. Smiling he headed to him tray in hand, "Beverage, sir?"

Severa smirked as he wrapped his arm around Julian, "You are a sweet young one aren't you? I would love to have your company."

Julian tried to worm out of his grasp, "Sir, please, stop!"

Dracol tried to find Julian in the crowd now that he was alone again and when he found him his rage started to boil. Count Severa was in the middle of kissing Julian as Julian seemed to have his arms on his chest.

Not realizing he was moving he walked to their location, with a calm yet powerful presence in every step. As it was rare for Dracol to enter the ballroom floor the crowd parted.

When he reached the Count he pulled him from his servant and back handed him hard with nothing but cold emptiness expressed on his face, "Drunk or not, you are never to touch my servants. Leave my Manor at once, your welcome has been worn out."

The guards heaved Count Severa over their shoulders and escorted him out. Then Dracol turned his empty glare on Julian. Julian shivered with fear, he never has seen his master like this before.

"Sir, I-"

He was cut off when Dracol backhanded him even harder the the Count Severa that it split his lip. Stunned he could only look at Dracol.

"I want to see you in my chambers when the ball is over. We need to discuss something. Do not speak to me until then. As for now, I demand you take your leave to the kitchen. Am I understood?"

Julian was terrified, beyond terrified. He could only bow.

"Good. Now go."

Julian ran off past the kitchen doors.

"Please forgive this spectacle, Ladies and Gentlemen. I encourage you to return to enjoying the ball." With that Dracol returned to the dais, the inner darkness finally succeeding in taking him over.

Julian knew he shouldn't but he ran passed the kitchen and to the Debrent wing until he reached his mothers and father room. Without knocking he burst in and flung himself into his mothers arms.

"Dear child, what's wrong?! What happen to your lip?"

He explained what just happened and his father looked disappointed.

"You'll have to go to his room to receive a punishment."


His mother smoothed his hair, "We know, baby, stay here until tonight."

"Mollia, he should be in the kitchen."

"I'm his mother I'll take the repercussion if there is to be any."

His father did not argue as he continued to iron the linen cloth.

-----------That Night-----------

Dracol entered the kitchen however Julian was not there. The patrons had all left and he planned to get an explanation out of him. When he asked the cook where Julian left to he was told to his mothers chambers.

Dracol glowered, "I told him to stay put."

The cook flinched, "I warned him sir but he would not have any of it. The kid was in tears when he took off."

Dracol felt regret, but only for a split second. He was still to angry to care.

"Very well, I'll be in my chambers. If he does not show... well, I'll handle that."

The cook knowing of these temper moments rushed to the Debrent wing as soon as Count Dracol left.

He knocked then open the door, "Julian, boy, you must hurry to the Counts Chambers, I don't think he's kidding. It sounds serious."

Julian looked to his mother who nodded, "We'll be here when you return."

With a look of bravery he didn't really feel he headed for his masters chambers.

----------Dracol's Chambers----------

That soft hesitant knock sounded at the door and Dracol put down the book he was reading to pass the time. His temper was still not quelled from earlier this evening.


Julian gulped, it was one word but it sounded much colder than it ever has before.

He slipped through the door as usual but kept his gaze on the floor, "I-I-I've arrived, your l-l-l-l-lord sh-ship." He was so frightened he was shaking.

That darker part that Dracol always tried to desperately suppress was pleased with his fear. Tonight it would be impossible to reign in his dark half. Rising from his king sized mattress he approached his only forbidden fruit.

Julian tensed as he heard Count Dracol come closer. He kept his eyes on the floor, he didn't dare look his master in the eyes. Finally, Dracol came to a stop just in front of him. Julian felt his head being lifted to gaze into the ominous red eyes of his Count.

His heart beat frantically out of fear, the eyes that looked back at him were not bored, or soft as usual. They were cold, dark, angry but what terrified him more is that with those hateful eyes he wore a satisfied and purely evil smile.

"Sir, I can explain what had happened. The Count Severa had-"

He was cut off yet again by a vicious slap which stung the cut on his lip and then his hair was wrenched back so he was forced to look straight up at him. Julian winced in pain.

"Never speak his name. Not in front of me. Understand?"

Julian nodded with tears stinging his eyes.

Dracol smiled, he adored his forbidden fruit, but he also loved it when he was in pain. His cock hardened in sadistic pleasure. Rules or no rules. He will have his forbidden fruit writhing to his touch.

Julian gasped as he was being dragged to the mattress, "Sir,what are you doing?!"

He received no response. Then he was thrown onto the bed and held down by his throat.

"Another man touched you. I have to cleanse the filth he left behind. This is your punishment for allowing yourself to be held by another." Dracol said it so calmly but he was definitely not calm.

Julian was in a panic, surely Count Dracol would not rape him? That thought was proved false when his garments were torn from his very body. The reality of what was happening had finally set in and Julian struggled against Dracol's grasp.

He was flung onto his stomach and he felt a sharp sting on his back. He screamed out from the unexpected pain.

"Stay still, whore, or receive worse pain." Dracol commanded while licking the blood from the whip.

Julian flinched at the degradation his master had just used on him. This was not the Dracol he knew.

He heard Dracol unzipping what must be his own pants. The trauma of what was happening was too much. His tears finally leaked over in full force and at the moment he felt Dracol's cock shoved into his ass. It was so large and he didn't use any lubricant so it felt as if he was being ripped from the inside. He screamed through his tears as Dracol continued to pound relentlessly into him.

Dracol fisted his hand in Julian's hair and yanked him back against his body as he tied leather bindings on Julian's cock. "You will not be cumming until I allow it."

Julian just continued to cry as he was being violated. Dracol held him by the throat choking him until he almost blacked out when air suddenly filled his lungs again and he was thrown face first into the pillow with his head being held down.

"Such a sweet scream. You'd make a beautiful banshee." The sick satisfaction of those words caused his gut to churn. How could Dracol be okay with this? What has happened?

Julian was flipped so his back was on the mattress as his legs were grabbed from underneath and forced up and that's when he saw it. Dracol's eyes were not red, or white, there was no color but a black void. The mastov's were rumored to be demons. Maybe it wasn't entirely untrue.

Dracol dragged his sharpened nails down Julian's front causing bloody welts to form. He loved this, he wanted to see Julian like this forever. No! No, I don't want him to cry! Silence, worthless weakling.No, stop! Now!

Julian screamed out when Dracol bit deeply into his leg.


Dracol suddenly stopped. He ripped his teeth out of the soft flesh of Julian's calf and grabbed his head. It hurt. It ached. He wanted to die. Death. He wanted Death. He looked at Julian to see the damage that was done. Julian was bleeding and bruised and tears stained his beautiful cheeks. Looking at the leather bonds, he released them and Julian cried out as he felt the orgasm release itself.

Julian noticed Dracol's eyes returned to red, and they were hurt. He seemed in pain, as if he were the one who was just raped.


Dracol barked that with such urgency that Julian couldn't help but run from the room. He ran straight for his own room while stumbling and falling to his weakened knees multiple times. He didn't know why but he didn't want his parents to know what just happened so he decided not to go to their room first. Just his room and his room only. He ran a bath and cleaned what he could, put his pajamas on then climbed into his bed and cried himself silently to sleep.

---------The Next Day-----------

Julian dressed in his servant robes and with a deep breath headed for the Master's chambers. He was shaking like a leaf when he got there.

He knocked but there was no response. So he knocked again, still nothing.

Just then one of the female servants ran to him, "Julian-san! Please, hurry! Count Dracol Mastov! In the Grand Hall! Please!"

Julian had no idea what had happened but he ran after the servant to see some of the guard and other servants trying to hold Dracol back. He wielded the royal sword and was fighting against his restraints. "Unhand me, it is my life to throw away not yours!"

"Sir, please think! You're just stressed!" One of the maids screamed.

"NO!! I've wanted to die since I was young! I don't want this life. I NEVER wanted this life!! I stayed to keep only one safe and now he was harmed by me! So let go!" Dracol swung the sword in rage a the guard on his left.

"Sir, please, no one has been injured! What are you talking about... Julian-san, no! What are you doing?!"

Julian had dashed passed the blockade of guards and ran to Dracol to restrain him from the front.

"I said release me!" He blindly broughtthe sword down and it lodge into Julian's shoulder. He cried out but did not release his hold.

The cry reached through the haze that clouded Master Dracol's head. He glanced down and gasped in horror. Pulling out the sword and throwing it across the room with heavy metal clangs, he grabbed Julian before he hit the floor.

"Are you stupid?! What are you thinking! You've be harmed enough! Damn you!"

Dracol shouted angrily but held Julian with gentle care.

"Count Dracol, don't throw away your life. Please..." Julian smiled softly but his eyes fluttered shut as he fell limp in his Counts arms.

"Julian? Julian?? JULIAN?! Open your eyes! That's an order!! JULIAN!!!" Count Dracol shook Julian trying to rouse him and for the first time in his whole life, he buried his head into the crook of Julian's neck... and cried.

------------ 4 days ---------------------

Julian awoke in a black mattress that he was very familiar with. When he turned to the couch he saw Dracol passed out. He looked dreadfully thin and very tired... and very naked.

Removing the velvet covers from himself, he noted that his wounds were completely healed and his clothing were completely removed. Odd. He walked over to Dracol and the soft patter of his bare feet on wood was the only thing to be heard in the room until he reached Dracol. Then he laid down on him as he did so only days ago and snuggled into him completely ignoring the fact they were both nude.

Dracol came awake the moment Julian's soft lithe body was on top of his. His eyes flew open to see a caramel brown gaze bore into him.

"Julian, are you alright?" He asked with genuine concern as he cupped Julian's face in his hands.

"Mmm-hmm." He confirmed as he nuzzled into Dracol's loving touch.

"My god, Julian, my forbidden fruit, I'm dreadfully sorry. I raped you! And then stabbed you! You are a servant you can claim mistreatment. I'll gladly die for it. Damn me for this fucking existence. I'm so sorry please tell me what you want to do!" Dracol whispered frantically into Julian's hair.

Julian wrapped his arms around Dracol and kissed his throat, which caused Dracol to suck in his breath.

Dracol looked at Julian.

"Master, it was Count Severa who had kissed me. I tried to shove him off but he was much too strong for me. Then you saved me from him."

"Yes but then I harmed you on a much more severe level."

Julian merely reached down to fondle Dracol and slowly pump his hand along his masters length causing Dracol to crane his head in pleasure.

"Make love to me, Count Dracol Mastov."

Dracol pulled back to stare at him incredulously. "What?"

"I want you to make love to me."

"Julian, I raped you not even five days ago!"

"No you didn't. The demon did."

"How do you know about that?" Dracol asked with a look of suspicion in his eyes.

Julian slightly rubbed his palm against Dracol's hardening member, "When I was flipped over I saw your eyes before and after you had control of yourself."

"That was not a demon... I'm the Vampire Lord... one of the Forest Creatures. I could hurt you even worse if we go through with this." Dracol said while making sure Julian heard every word by forcing his gaze to lock with Julian's.

Dracol was trying to keep his head straight so he could talk Julian out of it but the way Julian kept rubbing him he was quickly losing the fight.

"Julian please, I don't want to harm you again."

Julian merely smiled and moved down. Dracol followed his movements until Julian's dainty hands gently took hold of his cock as he kissed the tip while keeping his gaze on Dracol.

Dracol sucked in his breath sharply.

"Please, Count Dracol? I can't wait any longer." His expression was pleading as his eyes glazed over.

Oh, you dirty little... that's just not fair.

Dracol cupped his head gently and guided Julian back to his cock, "Very well, my pet. I will ease your ache."

Julian smiled devilishly as he pressed his thumb on Dracol's sac and licked his cock from base to tip before taking him into his mouth. Swirling his tongue around the tip of Dracol's shaft and sucking the length of him. Dracol moaned as one hand buried itself into Julian's hair to stroke his scalp and the other grabbed the arm of the couch behind him. His left leg bent and raised itself to the top the couch while the other bent and braced itself on the edge of the seat of the couch to allow complete access to his beautiful forbidden fruit.

"J-Julian..." It was a mere whisper as desire slowly overcame him.

Julian moaned against his cock as he gently fondled his master's sac. The reverberation of it was to much and Dracol released his seed down Julian's warm throat.

Julian pulled up and licked the cum from his own lips then kissed Dracol, "You taste yummy, Master."

"Mmm, I bet you taste better." And with that Dracol cupped Julian's butt and brought him closer until Julian's cock was right against his mouth. He kissed the tip once, twice, three times before he started placing soft butterfly kisses along the length of him. While he gently massaged Julian's inner thighs.

"Mm-aa! N-no! Master don't tease meeeee...." Julian moaned as he bit his knuckles on one hand and braced the other on Dracol's hair as he continued to toy with him down below.

Julian just realized it was broad daylight. If someone were to come in they'd be treated to the view of Julian seated up right as the Count sucked him from underneath. It would be truly scandalous. Intending to voice his concern, he gasped as his voice was lodged in his throat for Dracol had just slicked two large fingers into his ass.

Dracol pulled back from his forbidden fruit's cock with a popsound. "I was so rough before. It must have hurt. Don't worry I'll prep you properly this time." And with that he lifted Julian until he was standing on the sofa and bent over with his hands braced on the back of the couch.

Dracol admired the sight Julian made bent over with his bare rump exposed to him, "You're so beautiful."

Spreading his cheeks apart Dracol slicked his tongue against Julian's love hole. Julian cried out in pleasure as Dracol's warm tongue ran along his crevice to moisten it. "Please, no. It's dirty, I-"

"Shush now, or I'll have to give you a special punishment."

Julian had a slight concern. Last time that happened he was raped, he glanced over his shoulder to see Dracol gazing at him with beautiful red eyes however for the first time ever he saw a playfulness to them.

So he spoke out again to test it, "But, sir, I-"

Dracol gave a slap to his ass however it wasn't painful. In fact it felt good. "Well, well, I guess I'll have to punish you after all. ♥"

Julian felt something small slide into his ass but when he heard something click he realized the Master had put a vibrator inside him. "Ahh...ahhh!! AHHH!!!!!!! Master!! SO GOOD!!! Please, no!!! AH!" The vibrator was slowly rising in tempo until it was vibrating so hard that Julian couldn't help but ejaculate on the couch.

Dracol whispered soothingly in Julian's ear, "Mm, that must feel nice, you came from the mere feeling alone and it looks like you can't stop cumming either. How sensitive." A seductive laugh left his lips.

He was right, Julian couldn't stop cumming, the vibrator was pressed right on his prostate and it was vibrating so hard that almost every other moment he came a little more.

But then he felt Dracol's large hands braced on his small hips. "Master, please..." Dracol smirked at his plea and he knew exactly what his little pet wanted. Without a second thought he slowly push his steel cock into Julian's ass.

"W-wait! The vibrator! You didn't pull- AHH!!!!!!!!!!"

His words were cut off when Dracol started a hard and fast rhythm of thrusting into Julian's tight body.

"Well, of course, I plan to make you feel, ngh, so lost to ecstasy that you'll never... gah!!... forget."

With every thrust he seemed to get deeper, Julian had cum so much that he felt as if he was going to pass out but he couldn't; he loved this. Eventually he cried for Dracol to fuck him harder.

Dracol smirked and obliged grasping Julian's waist he pounded his cock into Julian so hard that he felt himself ramming the vibrator straight into Julian's prostate.

"AH! Yes!!!!" Julian screamed in bliss as both the vibrator and Dracol's cock poked into his prostate.

However Dracol was close, so he began to ram into Julian harder than ever in order to reach that limit which only caused the vibrator to stab his prostate because it could go no further than it already was. Julian jerked back as his arms locked behind Dracol's head as he tried to find a release to his own heat. His body twitched uncontrollably as his arms quivered and ever few seconds Julian would scream his master's name.

Dracol growled deep in his throat and buried his dick deep into Julian's slick heat as he spilled his semen into him and Julian came harder than ever. Dracol grasped Julian's shaft and helped to prolong the orgasm until he finished.

After their bodies calmed down they fell forward onto the couch and Dracol turned off the vibrator and then pulled it out. However he then slipped his cock back in and spooned up behind Julian as Julian legs intertwined with Dracol's. He faced the back of the couch with his body enveloped by Dracol.

"You know you can pull out right, Count Dracol?"

Dracol nuzzled Julian's bare neck, "Yes but I like being inside you."

Julian laughed weakly, "You do feel really good there. I love you, Count Dracol. I really do."

"Julian, I love you too. Just don't ever let me hurt you again."

Julian leaned his head back to kiss Dracol who obliged, "I will try."

----------A few months later-------------

"Sir, we need to move on this matter right away! It's imperative!"

Dracol nodded wearily, "Yes. I will look them over tomorrow, first thing in the morning."

"Thank you!"

After the last wave of problems came through he leaned back into his chair. "What a day."

In the past he would love to die to get out of his wretched existence, but something kept him tied to the planet.

Julian came to the desk with a playfully evil smile, "Oh, Count Dracol you look so tired. We'll just have to take a break then." With that said Julian sensually slid off his servant robes to bare his nudity to his master.

Dracol smirked dangerously and pulled Julian into his arms. Dracol will be stuck here with his forbidden fruit for quite a while.