The words Sect Leader Thunderzen said to John echoed in his mind as he looked at the base of the cliff. The spies for the Heavenly Lightning Sect had indicated that the Bloodfiend Sect was up to something, and Thunderzen's intuition made him believe it was nothing good for the Yuan Continent.
John's face became serious as he thought of these words, and looked at the scene before him.
'I'm not sure if what I just witnessed is in relation to these 'movements' Sect Leader Thunderzen mentioned, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were. I need to investigate further.'
His entire purpose for being in the Bloodfiend Sect was to figure out what the sect was up to, and potentially help put a stop to whatever plans the Sect was hoping to carry out.
John's head swiveled in every direction, inspecting to see if the coast was clear. After many minutes of careful inspection, he started to move forward slowly, making sure to stay low to the ground.