Raiden hated school. With a passion.
He had never really noticed it before but he hated sitting still. He had spent the last few years of his life flying around and fighting random people he found in the woods so he never really noticed before. But now that he had to sit down and listen to a teacher ramble on about calculus, it was becoming apparent.
"Raiden pay attention," Bulma whispered next to him. Digging one of her elbows into his side.
"But it's so boring," he groaned as he forced his crumpled form of his desk and sat up straight in his chair.
"Well, it's not fun for me either when I have to tutor you at home just so you don't fail half the classes," Bulma said. "And it's for easy classes too, how are you failing Japanese? You speak Japanese!"
"Well speaking it isn't the same as having to analyze all those stupid texts," Raiden grumbled as he turned his attention back to the teacher.
Bulma just rolled her eyes and also turned her focus back to the teacher. The two had also been in enough detentions together for talking in class, and she'd rather avoid that today.
The day passed slowly and agonizingly as Raiden struggled to get through the classes. Months had passed since he had started school and summer vacation was right around the corner. That meant he had 2 whole months of training to just himself in preparation for the World Martial Arts tournament.
He wondered how Goku and Krillin's training with Master Roshi was going. Something he had noticed as time passed the last few months was that he could recall less and less of the details that happened in the dbz universe. It was perfectly natural of course, he didn't expect to remember the whole manga after a whole 16 years had passed since his death.
But it did worry him. He pretty much knew how everything progressed until the tournament of power, but after that, it was a mystery. Hell, he didn't even know how the tournament ended, his reckless driving had stopped him from finding out.
But after months of brainstorming, he did think of a way to keep up in power to all the aliens and incoming Saiyans. Ultra-instinct.
When he was initially thinking of ways to get stronger ultra-instinct didn't even cross his mind. Goku always used super Saiyan blue when he went into ultra-instinct so he subconsciously linked the state of thoughtless reaction to the Saiyan transformation. But that wasn't how it worked.
"C'mon Raiden let's go class is over," Bulma said snapping him out of his thoughts. Raiden nodded and they both made their way out of the school after saying goodbye to their friends. Well, Bulma's friends really.
Raiden hadn't really tried to get close to anyone else while he was at school, he knew people well enough that he could say hi and ask for homework but that was as far as the acquaintance went.
"Wanna grab some food before we go home? I've been hungry ever since 5th period." Bulma said as she left her group of friends behind.
"Yeah sure, but I'm picking the place this time. I swear if I have to deal with reporters at those high-end restaurant's one more time I'm gonna lose my mind."
"Well unfortunately that comes with having the world's richest and most beautiful teenager as your best friend," Bulma said cockily.
"Tch. You don't really have much competition do you, seeing as your my ONLY friend."
"Well, what about Goku? You can't say you're not his friend. We spent like a whole month traveling together."
"Goku's not exactly a friend. He's more like a little brother. Anyway, we're going to that ramen place by the corner. It's too small for any reporters to be hiding out there." Raiden said as he led Bulma through the busy streets of west city to a quieter part of town.
At the corner of one of the streets, there was a small ramen shop dwarfed by the surrounding stores. Raiden and Bulma walked in and were greeted by the tantalizing smell of freshly cooked ramen that they were familiar with.
They quickly sat down at one of the booths and waited for someone to take their order.
After they both got their orders Raiden brought up something he had been waiting all day for.
"Hey Bulma in a few day's I'm probably going to be leaving," Raiden started.
"WHAT! I thought you were going to finish high school. You can't just leave now, we still have a whole year left," Bulma said in shock.
"Wait, wait let me finish at least," Raiden said trying to calm her down. "I'm leaving just for the summer. With the world martial arts tournament coming up I can't stay in the city. It's just way too hard to focus on my training here."
Bulma raised an eyebrow. "What, are you saying I'm a distraction?"
"Uhh, Kinda. I mean it's not you, just that in the city I don't have the space and calm I need to be able to train all out."
"But for what? What do you even need to train for? You are already the strongest, aren't you? Why put in so much time and effort for something you've already perfected."
The question threw Raiden for a loop. Why was he training so hard? He was already the strongest on Earth. And even in the future when the threats that the Earth faced got stronger the other members of Earth guardian's would step up to fight them.
He already knew the future. Goku, Gohan, and eventually Vegeta would be on Earth to protect it from future threats. So what was the point of his training? The Dbz would keep on going without him interfering, he was free to just live a peaceful life on the side.
No, he couldn't think like that. It wasn't just the Dragon Ball Universe anymore. It was his home. He wouldn't let himself become a side note that just watched as his friends and family fought off dangers.
Anyway, he had already changed the present by just existing. Who was to say the future was also set in stone, just his presence might have caused a butterfly effect that would significantly impact the future.
"Thanks, Bulma, I needed that talk," Raiden said as he got his mindset to training for the upcoming dangers. " I'll meet you back home, I've got to pack my things for when I leave," he said as he ran out of the shop.
"Huh, what talk?" Bulma said as she watched Raiden run out of the ramen shop. "Wait don't leave me here you idiot," she yelled as she quickly paid for their food and ran after him.