Two years later when Pinox was all done with the magical powder he was really happy and ready to blow off the powder. It was the night of the 10th of the June when Pinox was standing on the top of the highest building of the castle . "This powder shall erase everyone's knowledge about the royal family and then I shall conquer over the royals…..Hahaha!!.....And that poor Seniore shall leave the kingdom just after the next sunrise…Muahhhhaha!"wickedly mumbled Pinox. And in no time the powder was interflowed into the air . The air that was inhaled by every person in the kingdom . Pinox after performing this black-hearted deed , went for a sound sleep as the following day had a lot and lot waiting for Pinox . The other day when the royal family cudn't recall anything about their positions Pinox tried to fit the fact that he is the present – day king in everyone's mind and also that the Cire family was an invader in Legianda and needed to be thrown out of Legianda at that very moment . And so did happen as everyone believed Pinox as he showed him some "Pinox made" proofs that the people took to be real and took him as their king and not so later the Cire family was expelled from Legianda and were made to settle in a village namely – Ktrosin with a silent "K" which was in a distance of about 30 km from Legianda . Not later the crowning ceremony of Pinox took place . People saw him as thye lord , as their savior and bowed to him laying all their trusts in him . The river of proudness was flowing into Pinox's mind as he was standing with his head held high . Like this the time passed everyone obeyed Pinox as he was the lawfull king of Legianda . Though he had his unpleasant thoughts still flowing in his mind, to the people he proved out to be a very nice nd thoughtful king . He thought that he has erased everyone's memory about the past royal family and so did he , but there was one person about whom he didn't know anything . Yes he was of King Seniore Cire's advisor namely – Delmenck . Delmenck was gifted with the power of livng for 2 years . And also no spell works could work on him instead of those which come from a special place.And because of this reason Pinox's powder also didn't affect Delmenck and so he very firmly remembered the King Seniore Cire , Queen Melda and Princess Delliana . Though he remembered everything that happened before the crowning of Pinox he didn't tell it to anyone as he had no powers of his own and Pinox in not time could vanish his existence so he rather chose to be quite and disclose this ones he has some power to defend Pinox . One day he had a dream of an unknown village which was about 30km from Legianda . He also saw a face of a tree who calling him . At once Delmeck woke up out of fear . He found him self half wet in sweat and he was also shivering because of this uncertain dream . He took it all as a night mare and went back to catch some more z's . Following that day , everyday he used to have the same dream or the nightmare as he called . The 5th day he sat and thought that there might be some reason about the dream which is following him for about 5 days now. When he did some research about where the royal family had been expelled to he found out that they were living in a village which was also about 30km far from Legianda . "I will go and visit the royal famil now and very now . Who knows I get to know something and I am sure they will remember me . "muttered Delmenck . "You're majesty ! Someone has brought to my knowledge that there is a palce at a little distance from here where we can find good tools that can be used in wars and which will assure our chances of winning . "said Delmenck to Pinox . Pinox at once allowed Delmeck to go and collect some more information about the tools . Dlemenck was very happy on the agreement of Pinox and left for Ktrocin at that very moment . He was told that he will have to pass through the a magical forest where the spirits of magic lived . Without any thought of fear in his mind Delmeck left for his journey towards the Ktrocin . He had left Legianda at 2 in the noon and he had been walking since 4 hours . It was almost dark when he was standing at the entrance of the magical forest which was known as – The Zylon forest . At first he thought that it might be wrong on hi part to enter the forest during the sunset but then he felt some air force pushing him from the opposite side as if someone calling him from the forest . He got scared but then he felt that it might be good enough to folloe the path inside the forest and may be he finds a good place to rest during the night . And so with firm determination and after finishing his short but much needed meal he said to himself " For the betterment of Legianda and the bright future of the citizens of the same I must follow the the path into The Zylon forest and hope only the good happens over the evil as it should be . " he said so while pinning his thoughts for only the good . He knew a lot could happen with him inside the firest may be good may be bad but firmly he went in . Now begins the first half of the good over evil….