-How the hell did they find out it was you? The piercing must have camouflaged you? - Arthur did not come out of astonishment
-The smell gave him away. Typical beginner's mistake. I am grateful that they bought the lie that his transformation was due to his attribute - Sonia was impassive devouring a sandwich with Bethel on her lap
-Hehe yeah, I was so hasty that I forgot to cover that. But I'll keep that in mind for the next one. - Rigel didn't think he would make simple mistakes
-By the way, did you talk to your grandfather? I'm going to settle your matter once and for all. My wife needs peace of mind-
-Yes, he's waiting for you today. He was scared when I told him that the black dragon wanted to discuss a business with him but he accepted the meeting- Arthur looked at them suspiciously
A malicious smile formed on Sonia and Rigel's faces. They just wanted to get rid of any factor that complicated their lives. They finished their lunch and everyone went back to work.
Around 4pm, someone knocks on the door. It was Jodie Spencer, Arthur's mother and her daughter Yolandi. Sonia called them to prepare the blow to the Spencer without saying anything to her brother.
-Jodie, Yoly! So long, how have you been? - Sonia greeted them
-Sonia! Congratulations, Arthy said you already laid your egg! - Yolandi hugged Sonia and when they sat down she gave Bethel to snuggle her for a while
For Sonia, Jodie and Yolandi were good people. They got along well despite not knowing who she really was, as she always helped and cared for Arthur at the academy when he was most in need.
Arthur suffered from chronic anxiety and depression since he was a child, his mother and his sister being his only emotional support during the long hours of psychiatric therapy.
Suicide attempts were recurrent and his family believed they should admit him, but Yolandi took the initiative to help him by being the cause of his conspiracy hobbies that encouraged him to move forward with his treatment.
When he entered the academy, the psychosis attacks became a drastic problem, between medications and visits to the hospital, Jodie came to believe that her son would die young but Sonia appeared and as if it were a miracle, Arthur began to improve.
His progress gave her hope and she was grateful that her son finally left his room to interact with the world. Arthur and Sonia considered each other siblings and Jodie started treating her like just another daughter.
When Yolandi turned 13, she was sent to the academy in Cape Town and Arthur became depressed again but Sonia came to his rescue. She took him to Peach & Lemon to befriend the hares and to her surprise, her son no longer looked the same. He acted more unusual than usual but that was the least of it, he was no longer suffering from seizures and he slowly stopped the medication.
The gratitude that Jodie had for Sonia was immeasurable. Years passed and her relationship continued as friendly as ever, even when she had to travel to stay with Yolandi, Sonia promised to take care of Arthur until she returned.
Upon returning to Johannesburg a week ago, she found out that Sonia was already married and expecting a baby, the news of her filled her with joy and even more that she fulfilled her promise to take care of her child. Yesterday she asked her to come to talk about a job for the Mcain at the request of the rishis and she accepted.
-Well, Sonia, I'm eager to hear about that job. I bet it has to do with the reconstruction of the Dagda stadium, everyone is redesigning the new functionality that they will give-
-I apologize for lying to you, but that's not why I called you. Used that excuse to speak to you in private about a certain delicate matter- Sonia's face was bleak
-Jodie, would you like my brother to get depressed again to end up in an asylum or worse ... committing suicide? -
Jodie and Yolandi opened their eyes and trembling looked at Sonia with anguish.
-Quiet, being honest I need your approval in what I want to do to prevent Arthur from ending up doing a stupid thing like Rouben and for him to be free and happy-
-What do you mean by stupidity? - Yolandi was thoughtful
-Mmm, Arthur is being threatened that if he does not marry Violet Tenembaum, he will be expelled from the Spencers with the prohibition to approach you two. With that, you already know what will happen to him if he does not accept.
-Kamer ... son of a bitch! -Jodie clenched her fists in anger
-Although that will no longer be possible since Arthur is now a Fox. We made him our relative in the ceremony on Saturday so that they do not decide for him and as for having them close, I called you to prevent that bastard from even trying-
-How did you do that? If the Spencers find out what they did ...- Yolandi had doubts
-Nothing will happen, because apart from an ex Spencer endorsing the change, I hope that two more Spencer sign the transfer.- Sonia handed them a contract and an envelope with documents
-Jodie, I ask you not to get upset with what I am going to tell you about a terrible event that occurred more than 20 years ago. Do you remember Vera Fender? -
-Yes, we were co-workers but one day she disappeared from the face of the earth with her daughter. She did not return to work. They said that she left the country with the girl's father, but what does she have to do with this? -
Sonia had a smirk at the comment.
-Well, it has a lot to do with it. She was my mother and she took me to Pretoria to prevent my father's family from sending me to a boarding school to get away from their side, because like Arthur, that bastard was threatened to marry another woman while he was already married. .that is, he committed bigamy- Sonia urged Jodie to open the envelope
As she took out the wedding books, photographs, and various documents, Jodie paled.
-Rouben ... what the fuck did you do ?! -
-My name before the legal change was Florence Spencer and to my regret, your husband is my father or so the birth certificate says and apparently they believe that because I did not appear in all this time, I no longer exist as someone dangerous-
-Sonia ...- Yolandi was about to cry
-Unfortunately I no longer have my mother but I do have the perfect weapon to prevent Arthur from ending up in a bad ending. As I promised, I will take care of him until the end because above all, he is still my little brother.
Their talk continued for a while longer and when they left Yolandi hugged Sonia tightly and thanked her for her effort to help Arthur.
-Yoly you are also my family, you are welcome home when you want to visit Bethel, little sister! -
-Thanks Sonia. I'm very sorry for everything that happened. Next I will bring a gift to my niece-
-Don't get touchy now, wait until tonight when we finish with Kamer's ego-
Jodie just hugged her and said goodbye silently. She was exhausted and angry more than ever, she was just waiting to get home to clear her head.
As they came down the stairs they saw Rigel come up and they greeted him. Without saying anything and with a smile, they understood that each one would fulfill the role of him when the moment came.
Arthur was transporting the pallets of merchandise in the warehouse when his supervisor called him. His mother and sister arrived unannounced to greet him. He was so excited that he ran to see them but he ended up tripping to fall to the ground.
He broke his nasal septum and split his lip causing everyone to get upset taking him to the infirmary.
-Sorry, I worried you again.- Arthur was tearing
-Don't worry dear, you'll be better soon- his mother wiped his face with a handkerchief
-Why you came? We were going to meet tonight for dinner. Something happened..-
-Stop making yourself nervous. We only came because the rishis are going to hire us to rebuild the new Dagda and by the way we wanted to greet you- Yolandi was happy to see Arthur
A familiar feeling ran up her spine. Something was wrong and seeing his mother and sister smile at him like when he came out of therapy, she gave him goose bumps. A single idea filled his head and he knew the real reason for the visit.
[Sonia ... what are you planning now?]