Today is honestly not my day. Everything was rosy until Thursday, when I spoke to my sister to congratulate her and she told me how her egg was. Sonia was pure joy and she wanted me to come see her but we were about to enter a meeting with the new organizing committee for fairy fights in Abu Dhabi.
This was the busiest month I have ever had, so many trips and meetings are going to drive me crazy.
Since we arrived, it was a bummer dealing with all those people who all they did was choose a name, venue, put together a rulebook, sponsors and teams by countries as if it were a damn soccer tournament in the middle of a nonsensical complaint .
Ross was furious and he didn't send them to hell for the simple fact that they gave us everything we asked for and for free, so today was another busy day on our schedule. When I went to sleep, Ross started acting weird and for a moment I thought he was someone else when he said something about how we should get ready to take care of twins.
I must have been hallucinating because he then acted like his usual me, so I thought it was for sure stress playing against it, or so I wanted to believe. Yesterday two Arab princesses, our fans, asked to escort us around the city to walk and go shopping. Ross went to the window of a baby store and ended up proclaiming to the princesses that we would have twins. They were very polite, they bought us luxury double trousseau and congratulated us.
From that moment on I could not react because of it. I had to say yes to everything and accept the gifts they offered us, but I'm going to punish him sooner or later for this stupidity. Then they invited us along with Helix and Bernice to a dinner with their relatives who turned out to be the organizers of the event.
It was almost midnight, when in the middle of dinner, Helix got a call from Pryor and whatever she said made her anger and fury come to the fore. We went back to the resort to rest but to no avail.
She woke up the same as yesterday, with her nerves on edge and a desire to murder someone. Bernice and Ross pacified her as quickly as they could since we had another meeting and here we are.
Threats come and go with the organizers and other heads of state but they look like they are used to dealing with Helix's anger and they even let it go, but for me this is too much. If this is always going to be like this, I'd rather go home and curl up in bed but damn my luck, I have to wait until the end of October.
At night we will leave for Argentina for the annual Comic-Con in Tecnópolis, as we were warned that it will be bigger and more crowded than previous years due to the presentation of Serge Noiret and the launch of the weapons of the Moonspell version. I hope that there I can relax from all this hell, that's all I want.
At the end of this stupid meeting I will call Sonia to ask her how it is next and how Brad did in the trial because Helix asked for the same thing, and with that I can get the bad taste out of my mouth
Poor my sister, she has a lot ahead of her because of all this shit that fell on her. She couldn't even come to see me because of how congested her schedule is. To make matters worse, her messages are of wanting to kill my brother-in-law for saying that he is expecting twins in front of influential people.
That insurance was Antares, being funny to annoy her.
But even with all this, I am very happy that she will be happier in no time. Raising two children will be challenging for both of them between their jobs, tournaments, and upcoming trips scheduled without their consent, I just pray that Eda doesn't explode from stress or anger.
For my part, I think I can cope with Bethel if I have Rigel and Brad taking care of her.
I know Brad became as responsible as his alter ego so it's good to know that he is going to take care of the baby like he takes care of me. It took him a long time to get ahead but thanks to Ross now he can make breakfast and cook a potato omelette, that is enough for me to be calm and satisfied.
I miss that lizard but Rigel said he is going to come back next weekend, as he he will put everything in his place to ease our load and instruct me about Bethel so Brad knows when she needs something from us.
It only remains to settle today's matter with the Trudys, Arthur's entry as a relative and Brad's rise as patriarch of the Foxes so that tranquility reigns for a while.
But as much as I want to think about other things, there is a feeling that has been disturbing me since yesterday, it is as if an accident or something worse is going to happen at the trial. Rigel said that whatever that feeling was, he will work it out to prevent it from tampering with the baby's safety or mine. We'll see how it ends today and I hope I'm wrong about everything.