Just when he thought he would be able to rest well, a certain voice broke his peace. The cat didn't care if he knocked the phone off of his owner's hands. He was busier growling at Artie as if she was making a horrible decision. The cat was growling, but it wasn't laced with any words from Larkin—only his unadulterated anger.
The phone actually landed on Artie's chest, which made her scream in both pain and shock. She didn't understand why the cat was making a fuss. Could it be that it hated men? No, it was very civil with her father. Besides, he hadn't seen the person on the video call after all.
"What's wrong with you, Larkin?!" Artie growled back, her thin brows furrowing deeply. However, the cat only stopped growling. He still had the same angry stance as if challenging her. She then ignored the cat and attended to the phone that hit her sternum. "Sorry… ouw… your voice must have startled my cat."