Chereads / The Next King! / Chapter 106 - Desert - D

Chapter 106 - Desert - D

SWOOOOOOSH! Adam turned his body towards his left side and bends his knees while holding his bright pair of daggers tightly to his sides. He took a deep breath and instantly dashed out from Bull's shield while staring towards the wall that was just a couple of meters ahead of him.

BOOM! SWOOOOOOOOOOSH! The snake instantly looked towards Adam and stared towards Adam, who jumped up to the wall of the cave and ran on it as fast as he can while staring towards the snake "Do you think your attack will work the second time?"

SWOOOOSH! BOOM! BOOOOM! The snake smiled widely and instantly swung its tail towards Adam who was just a couple of steps away from the snake's neck. Adam quickly jumped off the wall and tried his best to dodge the snake's tail but his stomach was caught by the tail once again.

"ROO NOW!" Adam shouted as he was in the middle of the air while looking towards Roo who was on the other side of the snake with both of his knees bend downwards. The snake instantly turned its left eye downwards and looked towards Roo who was smiling wide.

BOOOM! SWOOOSH! Roo instantly launched himself upwards with his right hand on the side of his head while looking towards the snake. It instantly stopped its fire cone and turned its head towards Roo who was under its head.

BOOOOM! BOOOOOM! Adam landed on his feet a couple of steps away from Bull's shield that was radiating a large amount of heat and quickly looked upwards, towards the snake who smiled widely while slowly standing up straight.

"That was good, I like that attack." The snake smiled towards Adam who quickly turned his head around and saw Roo who was stuck on the ground. Roo coughed a couple of times and quickly pulled himself out from the ground.

"Argh! That hurts a lot! Your head is really tough!" Roo shouted while looking towards the snake who smiled widely.

"Thank you, you have a pretty good amount of power in your punch. Now let's continue with you, shield man. Let's see how long you can hold your shield, I will release more of my power." The snake turned its head towards Bull and instantly opened its mouth widely.

VWOOOOOSH! A gigantic fireball suddenly appeared on the back of the snake's mouth while the snake stared towards Bull's shield which was slightly smoking.

BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! SWOOSH! SWOOOSH! Crow took a deep breath while standing a couple of steps behind Bull and suddenly spin around in her place. She instantly spun at a high speed and threw all of her weapons around her, she shot all of her weapons and quickly aimed all of the bullets and arrows towards the snake.

The gigantic fireball suddenly disappeared from the snake's mouth and the snake flinched while Crow's projectiles hit it all over. The snake opened its eyes and quickly looked towards where all of the projectiles were flying out from "This is a very good attack but your bullets can't penetrate my scales."

"Now let's continue! I almost forgot about you two!" The snake smiled and suddenly opened its mouth widely, a gigantic fireball instantly appeared on the back of the snake's mouth while it stared towards Adam.

VWOOOOOOOOOOSH! The gigantic fireball instantly turned into a wide fire cone while it looked towards Adam. He instantly turned around and ran towards Bull's shield as fast as he can while the fire cone was right behind him.

VWOOOOOOOOSH! The snake turned its left eye towards Roo and quickly turned its head towards Roo. He saw the fire cone was moving towards him and quickly reached into the pouch of his jacket, he looked towards the quail-sized egg that was in his hand and pushed the top part of it "Time to use this!"

BOOM! POOOF! "TACTICAL RETREAT!" Roo shouted as he threw the quail-sized egg towards the ground with a wide smile on his face. A large greyish cloud of smoke suddenly burst out from the egg and covered a large parameter around Roo which shooked the snake.

VWOOOOOSH! SWOOOOSH! The snake pointed its fire cone into the large cloud of smoke for a couple of seconds and suddenly saw Roo who ran out from the side of the smoke. He took a peek backward and saw the snake slowly moved its fire cone while he ran towards his teammates.

VWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH! The snake stopped its head as it connected with Bull's shield and instantly pushed its head forwards. The fire suddenly turned dark red and the amount of the fire slowly increased engulfing Bull's shield.

"OH WOW! THIS IS REALLY, REALLY HOT GUYS!" Bull shouted while a large amount of swear drips down his face.

"Roo we need to make a longer opening for Crow and Bunny." Adam looked towards Roo who was nodding right beside him. Crow kneeled right beside Bunny while tightening the strap of her sniper rifle, Bunny looked towards Crow and suddenly smiled while staring at Crow's sniper rifle.

"Bunny I can't really read your thoughts right now because of how weak I am, but I'm sure I know what you're thinking when you saw Crow's sniper rifle. Don't use it, we just learned that." Jacob explained inside Bunny's head.

"Aurora is very weak right now. She can't even open her eyes and I'm getting weaker every second as well. If you use that the three of us could lose our consciousness," Jacob warned Bunny while she took a deep breath.

"This is the only way Jacob we have to do it, I will take the consequences later. Get ready with your hands I'm going to use it too." Bunny said out loud and everyone instantly looked towards her.

"Well I can't say no to you right now, I'll use my last strength to summon them. Just tell me when you need my hands." Jacob sighed.

"Lion, Roo make an opening for us one more time, I have a plan." Bunny looked towards Adam and Roo who instantly nodded.

"Okay let's go Roo." Adam looked towards Roo.

"Yeah, let's go but let me go out first. I think we will buy a lot more time if you go second, remember to dodge the snake's tail." Roo smiled as he puts both of his hands right in front of him.

SWOOOSH! Adam nodded and Roo instantly turned to his right. He ran out from Bull's shield through the thin sheet of flame that was around Bull's shield, and quickly looked towards the snake who turned its left eyes towards him "Do you want to test your strength again Kangaroo kid?"

PRANG! PRANG! PRANG! "Sure! Let's go! I'll give you my strongest punch!" Roo smiled while punching his fists together right in front of him. His hands slowly radiate a large amount of heat and turned dark red while Roo ran towards the snake.

SWOOOSH! "HERE I COME!" Roo shouted as he jumped towards the snake. It looked towards Roo and stopped its fire while smiling wide.

SWOOOOOOOOOSH! "Good luck with your plan, I'll buy as much time as I could." Adam looked towards Bunny who nodded while he puts his daggers to his sides. Adam dashed out from Bull's shield and quickly ran towards the wall while tightening his grip on his daggers.

BOOM! SWOOOOOOOOSH! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Adam's watch suddenly rang loudly while flashing bright red as he ran along the wall with "One thousand two hundred and fifty times." written on it. He ducked his head and ran towards the snake's head while it swung its head towards Roo.

BOOOOM! BOOOOOOOM! Roo punched the snake's head with his right fist that was covered in smoke as hard as he can. The snake answered Roo's fist with its forehead and threw Roo towards the ground at lightning speed.

The snake looked towards Roo and slightly opened its mouth while staring towards Roo who landed on the ground with his fist right in front of him which was covered in smoke. Roo smiled and stands up while punching his fists that slowly glows bright red "Not bad kid!"

SWOOOOOOOOOOSH! The snake suddenly turned its head around and looked towards Adam who was just a couple of meters away from its head. The snake quickly moved its tail towards Adam.

BOOM! SWOOOOOOOSH! Adam suddenly jumped from the wall and avoided the snake's tail that was about to hit him. The snake was shocked and instantly moved its tail the other way towards Adam. He swung his right hand to his side and landed it on the snake's tail, he pushed his hand up and turned his body around avoiding the snake's tail.

Puff! SWOOOOOOOOSH! Adam kicked his leg around and landed on top of the snake's tail that was moving at a high speed. He quickly looked towards the snake and ran as fast as he can towards the snake while the tail slowly moved towards the wall.

SWOOOOOOOOOOSH! BOOM! SWIIIISH! SWIIIISH! Adam ran as fast as he can on the snake's tail and quickly jumped off it towards the snake's head as the tail was about to hit the wall. Adam instantly swung his daggers right in front of him while staring towards the snake's neck.

BOOOOM! "Crow come here get closer to me and show me your sniper rifle." Bunny looked towards Crow who quickly gets closer while a large explosion came from their right side. Crow grabbed her sniper rifle and holds it with both of her hands while looking towards Bunny.

"The fire is out one more time! I finally can take a breath, my shield is very very hot! I hope we can get that snake this time. I don't think I can stand anymore." Bull sighed while sweat drops down his neck into his shirt which was soaked in sweat.

Blob! Blob! Blob! Bunny hovered her right hand in front of Crow's sniper rifle muzzle and a thick purple liquid suddenly appeared on the tip of the muzzle. It slowly grew down and covered around three centimeters of the muzzle "Crow when the time is right I want you to go out there and shoot the eyes of the snake okay?"

Crow nodded while holding her sniper rifle tightly. Bunny nodded and quickly turned her head around towards Bull while still hovering her hand on top of Crow's sniper rifle.

"Bull there's something that I need you to do too." Bull turned his head around and looked towards Bunny who was looking towards him with a serious face. Bull instantly nodded while looking towards Bunny.