SWOOOOSH! Blooob... Bull created a small knife using his right hand while holding his shield in front of him and threw it towards the fox. The fox smiled and touched the tip of the knife that Bull threw with its right index finger, the knife was instantly wrapped with the black bubblegum-like material and slowly fell to the ground.
BANG! Blooob... Blooob... The fox landed on top of Bull's shield and instantly wrapped him with its black bubblegum-like material, freezing Bull in his place while looking towards Bunny and Crow who were behind Bull.
SWOOOOSH! Bunny slowly grew Jacob's right hand on her back while Crow grabbed two of her handguns from her sides. The fox smiled widely and instantly leaped towards Bunny and Crow at an incredible speed.
Blooob... Blooob... The fox landed right between Bunny and Crow and instantly grabbed their faces and wrapped them using its black bubblegum-like matter. Adam stands back up to his feet and his gem slowly lights up while he stared towards the fox that was just a couple of feet in front of him.
SWOOOSH! SWOOOOOOOSH! Adam bends his knees and ran forwards while large strands of lightning came out from his gem and the fox instantly dashed towards him. The fox grabbed both of Adam's hands and smiled towards him while pushing him down to the ground.
Blooob... Blooob... Blooob... SWOOOOOSH! SWOOOOOSH! SWOOOOOSH! SWOOOOSH! A small purple tail that was made out of purple bubblegum-like liquid suddenly grew out from the fox's back and instantly grew outwards. The tail stands over two meters tall and quickly split into four pieces that flew downwards towards Adam's limbs.
The fox lets go of Adam's hands as its tail wrapped Adam's limbs and sat down on top of Adam's chest while smiling widely "Hel-lo I'm a b-ig fa-n! Sor-ry f-or m-my stut-ter-ing. I'm stu-tte-ring be-ca-use I'm do-ing th-i-s fr-om a v-ery f-ar di-st-anc-e."
"WHO ARE YOU?! ARE YOU ONE OF THE BANGARANG WARLORDS?!" Adam shouted while holding the pain of his limbs that was slowly suffocating.
The fox's head slowly nodded while it puts its hands on the top part of Adam's chest "Y-es I am. B-ut we don-n't li-ke be-i-ng ca-ll-ed wa-r lo-rds, ca-ll us pi-ll-ars fr-om n-ow o-n it-s a ni-cer na-me."
"N-ow le-ts h-ave a li-ttl-e ch-at to-get-her, th-is wi-ll be-"
SWOOOOSH! BLOOB! SWOOOOOOSH! Bloob... A small light blue bubble suddenly flew towards the fox's face and burst on its nose. The bubble suddenly grew around the fox's body instantly wrapping it with it, the fox instantly raised a couple of meters above Adam and turned into a large light blue bubble.
"That's enough." Adam turned his head around and saw Turme slowly walking towards him while holding a long wooden smoke pipe in his right hand. Turme walked over towards Adam and helped him stand up while smiling.
"Long time no see old friend, how are they treating you?" Turme asked while looking towards the light blue bubble that slowly flew towards him. Turme clenched his left fist and suddenly, sharp spikes came out from the walls that were inside of the bubble and instantly stabbed the fox repeatedly in various places.
SWOOOOSH! SWOOOOSH! SWOOOSH! Falde flew around at a very high speed and grabbed Adam's teammates and puts them behind Turme. Falde flew around up high and dashed in lighting speed instantly cuts all of the black bubblegum-like material releasing Bull, Bunny, Roo, and Crow.
"Hel-lo ol-d ma-n. I li-ke th-e w-ay yo-u gre-et me th-is t-ime, th-ey'-re tre-a-ti-ng me ve-ry we-ll by gi-vin-g me eve-ry-th-ing th-at I ne-ed." The fox grinned widely while a large amount of blood spewed out from holes that were all over its body.
"First a traitor and now an invader. How low can you stoop?" Falde asked as he stood beside Turme and put his talon-like blades into the scabbards on his back.
"Ow-h com-me on, I to-ld a-ll of yo-u th-at I wa-nted to b-e str-ong-er a-nd the Bang-ara-ng ga-ve me an ama-zi-ng off-er wh-ich I ca-n't re-fu-se. Th-ey g-ave me a-ll th-e po-wer t-hat I ne-ed." The fox explained and smiled widely while the light blue bubble was filled quarter way with blood.
"Sure, sure Bubbles. Congratulations on getting everything that you wanted, now we will be taking what we wanted. Say goodbye to your puppet." Falde said while walking forwards towards the light blue bubble.
"Do-n't ca-ll me b-y th-at na-me, I th-rew th-at n-ame a-way th-e la-st ti-me we me-t. C-all me Un-tre-at-able f-rom no-w on, a-n-d y-ou wi-ll n-ot ge-t th-is pu-pp-et." The fox smiled while its body grew and slowly emits bright blue fire-like lights all over its body.
"I ha-ve gr-own a-lot th-is pas-t yea-rs, do-n't un-der-es-ti-mat-e me. Th-is w-as a go-od ch-at I h-op-e we c-an do th-is so-me ot-her t-im-e se-e ya!" BOOM! The fox's body suddenly blew up and painted the light blue bubble in dark red.
"We will never understand her." Turme turned around and looked towards Adam, Bull, Bunny, Roo, and Crow while the dark red bubble turned into a black bubble right behind him.
"Sorry for the inconvenience contestants. My name is Turme and here standing beside me is Falde, and we are the King's guardians." Turme introduced himself while slightly bowed his head and pointed towards Falde who folded his hands in front of his chest.
"Please continue the game and once again we're very sorry for what has happened. The Kingdom will compensate all of you handsomely for what has happened here and good luck on your game." Turme explained and smiled while Falde nodded.
"Please excuse us." Turme smiled warmly and slowly bowed while Falde nodded. Both of them turned around and walked away from the Beasts who were standing beside each other and tried their best to figure out what had just happened.
CREEEESH! "Who are the Bangarang?! They already attacked me twice now and I need some explanation!" Adam suddenly took a step forwards and shouted towards Turme and Falde who instantly stopped and turned their heads.
"Hey kid, that is something that you don't need to-" Falde suddenly stopped while looking towards Turme who swung his right hand to Falde's chest while shaking his head.
"Contestant Lion, the Bangarang is a group of very very bad people that wanted to end the world and as long as you are here. You are safe because we will protect you with all of our might. Please return to your game now and once again, good luck." Turme explained while a cloud of snow suddenly came from their back and covered them. The snow settled down and Turme and Falde suddenly disappeared leaving the Beasts alone.
"DAMMIT! WHY THEY WON'T TELL ME ANYTHING ABOUT THEM!" Adam shouted and kicked a pile of snow that was right in front of him. He clenched both of his fists and took a deep breath while staring towards the snow underneath him.
He turned around and looked towards his teammates that were looking towards him "Sorry, are all of you okay?"
Bull, Bunny, Roo, and Crow nodded and gave Adam a thumbs up "Everyone is fine Lion. let's continue the game."
"Yeah let's go." Adam walked ahead with Roo right beside him and Bull, Bunny, and Crow behind them. Adam looked towards his watch and the objective of the game showed with 7/20 contestants behind it.