MoQiu's father, Fa Jian Feng began talking after his mother.
"What your mother has said, it is but one part of the story. Her ancestors were wise, they were quick and decisive. They were brave, far braver than any of the warrior clans. What she did not know is that a binding rule can only be applied once in the life of a Taoist. It is extremely important the intent of the Taoist be clear, and in harmony with his words. At this point, I must tell you more about Taoists.
Here, in our country, we call them Taoist. However, in other countries, there are different words for the same occupation. Wizard, Mahou, Jadoogar and Towenaar are but few of them. They are not offering worship. They are men who were given energy of the deities themselves. Some say, Angels are immortal, some longed for death, thus raised one of the twelve blessed to be their successor, inheriting all their magic, granting an angel eternal rest. I digress.