The next morning, Adeline was under scrutinizing watch. She was seated at the dining table for breakfast. His eyes intensely watched her, taking in every action, the smallest and biggest. As long as she moved, his attention was on her.
Adeline felt like a lab rat under a magnifying glass. What was so interesting about her eating? She had touched her face on many occasions, wondering if there was a piece of food or sauce stuck somewhere.
Finally, five minutes into the staredown, she dropped her utensils. "What is it?" she asked.
"Would you like a bite of my food?" Adeline scooped the soup, ready to feed him if he said yes.
"I'd rather you take a bite of it," Elias said. He heard from Easton that Adeline had eaten well under his watch. But speaking to the maids revealed her plate was messy and it seemed the food was played with.