I grab my phone from the dresser and sit down onto my bed while cutting my phone on. I open instagram and see all my friends asking me was i okay. Honestly i was..
lisa220: heyy are you okay?
yeah thanks..
lisa220: no problem, tell me if you need anything!
i actually just went through a breakup with my boyfriend because of course he had to cheat on me. He really thought i wouldnt find out. Wow. I sit back against my pillow as i sighed. Once i put my phone down i got a notification so i had picked it back up.
Yg001 has added you!
"who is this?" i mutter as i accept their friend request. i view their profile and they don't really have any pictures. But their profile picture was a boy with long hair and a black mask. Then a new notification pops up. He direct messaged me.
Yg001: hey :)
hi lmao..who are you?
Yg001: you don't remember me?
I sigh as he doesn't message me back. He just leaves me on read. I felt bad.. i don't even know if i actually know that person?
I open my direct messages again. He sent a picture and when i open it. I really regret doing it. He had sent me a picture of my bedroom window. The light was on and it was slightly open just like mine.
I stood up faster than ever. Praying that this was a joke.
I check my phone again.
Yg001: do you like it?