While walking in the woods, using the knowledge of my new body I collected some plants, herbs and other useful things I would need in my journey and some that I can sell to the system .on the 3rd day at midday after I got attacked by those assassins .
I finally saw the silhouette of the town called Green hills. As it is located near a number of green hills grouped together, it is a pretty unassuming and ordinary town on the outside but on the inside, it's said that its full of criminal activities.
This seems to be a good place to hide as it is what you call a black-market town. Anything and everything can happen here, and that's what need right now. I need gather enough resources to start again and live the rest of my life the way I way I wanted, find out who sent those assassins and somehow get back at them.
That's right I'm not going back to that mansion and be treated like dirt. No more people to please, no more looks of pity and disgust.. Besides, the only people I treated like family had already sacrificed themselves to let me escape. So there's nothing for me to go back to and as for my financial situation…. I have the system.
I just need to sell these wonderful and extra ordinary items to the rich on a marked-up price and I'm going to profit tremendously.
But I have to make sure I won't get tracked down. I need to forge me a new identity. Since my body at first glance can pass as a well of commoner or merchant the only thing glaring is my silver hair.
"system let me buy some instant black hair color and a cool mask"
For the price of 60 points worth of gold I got myself a simple golden token with exquisite design ,a special ops black face mask, a red and black wind breaker ,a magical spray that turns my hair permanently black and some red contact lenses.
The metal face mask is not that heavy as its mostly Kevlar and looks like the one used by Jason Vorhees only more hardcore, the windbreaker and contact lenses is for style only and the spray witch took most of the points is really awesome , I only needed to spray one part of my body and every hair changed colors(yes even the hidden ones), it's like I'm borne with natural black hair and I would need another item if I want to revert it back.
As I try to enter the town full of confidence with my new disguise I walked to the guards and I was reminded that not everything goes according to plan...
Ben" hey buddy take a look at that guy coming in"
Kai " which one? O that one. Wow he's too blatant"
It was another day on the job guarding the gates when we saw a very peculiar man walking to us. It's no surprise that people like him would enter and leave our town but most of them try to hide it.
And then occasionally there are these kinds of people that don't really care and blatantly show off. Its not that were complaining. But most of the time it means trouble.
Immediately we got on our stance ready for anything
Kai: "HALT" the man stopped for a moment and pulled something out…
It was… shiny and just handed it to us and just started walking straight uninterested with us. While my partner and I just stared dumbfounded at what just happened. While somebody sneaked up on us and said
"let the man go" we realize it was the captain but we had our duty so.
Ben " but captain he just.."
Captain" listen it's not like we don't get bribes and favors, right? Didn't you see his eyes and the way he just gave you this thing"
We all looked at the item and it seems to be a circular coin made with gold but twice the size of an actual golden coin . it also has very intricate carvings that we don't understand. But just judging by its weight and artistic design it might be worth 10 gold coins maybe even more.
Kai "Did we hit the jackpot just now?"
Usually guards like them only receive a few silvers at most. Which usually means a night of drinking in their favorite bar. The only time they received a gold coin was from nobles but not jewelry. Since one gold coin is 100 silver coins or 1000 copper. This means they can go for weeks drinking.
But the captain reminded them.
"don't get on his way though, people that can give away things like these are always rich or have huge backing. And judging by his cold eyes I don't think he sees value in human life"
fear dawned on them, they take money from these people but they don't want to associate with any of them.
"hey cheer up! Its not like hes gonna go on a rampage or sumtin and start killing people, beside I'm the one keepin this thing. For your safety of course. Gonna keep my subordinates safe after all"(wink)
he pats us on the back and simply pockets the thing
'well there goes our booze money'
And just like that the captain left and we were left on our duty.
Little did we know this isn't the last time we encountered that man.
'holy sheet that was nerve wracking!'
After I passed the guards I turned to a corner, entered the alley way, and had a small breakdown. As I remembered I have almost zero to no social skill at all, I don't really know how to interact with people outside my family.
So when they suddenly confronted me and made a stance I got scared for a moment. I just stared straight because I'm too afraid to look them in the eye.
My mouth couldn't move so I just never said anything the whole time. I just want to escape the awkwardness, so I just walked straight without looking back.
'oh god that was awful'
I need to calm down as I need a lot of things to be done. My destination should be the merchant's guild or adventurers guild if I hope to sell any of my wares. And then it hit me.
'I forgot to ask for directions!!'
I can't go back, that's too embarrassing. I don't want to face them. Lets just ask someone else, as I went out the alley way looking for someone who looks knowledgeable. people seem to be wary of me when I try to look at them they look away or walk faster as if I'm some kind of plague. I tried to approach one.
"no I don't know anything!" he said and then scrammed. While everyone stared. Even the burly men with tattoos is trying to evade me.
' have you no shame!!, and you call yourself a man. I just wanted directions god damn it!"
I really don't like being stared at. My face is starting to heat up. It's a good thing I have a full-face mask. No one is going to know I'm really embarrassed right now.
I tried to shake it off and move to another location. Well this is really awkward; I missed my chance to ask and now everyone is avoiding me.
As I stand there and pondered my other options, I felt a tug on my windbreaker beside me.