"RING RING RING" my alarm is going off like crazy I hit the button and groaned my bed had felt so comfortable I actually wanted to stay in my bed but life calls so I got up and started getting ready I realized it was getting late so I hurried out my mansion and got into my Gtr it only took me five minutes before getting to school but before I got to school I realized I had zoomed past and Alisson as he zoomed past Alisson his phone started ringing so he picked up and to his surprise his mom had started to shout at him for spending so much money in the span of one day she then said she was on her way to beacon high and she just wanted him to know he then told his mon his address and said there were key in the garage and he hung up he got to school just before school started he saw scoot on walking in and stiles with him
(scoot) I got bit by a wolf last night
(stiles) no, u didn't
(scoot) how would you know what I got bit by I know what I heard
stiles) dude because California doesn't have wolf not for like 60 years
(scoot) if you don't believe me about the wolf you are noting going to believe me when I tell you I found the body but let go, bro
I waited until Alisson came and to get out of my car and went up to her and said nice to meet you and said my name is "Meliodas Mikaelson" but can call me Meliodas Alisson said my name is Alisson argent but you can call me Alisson while we were guided by someone who seemed to be the vice-principal and we got to our class the teacher said we have to new students
Hi my name is Alisson nice to meet you all and she sits behind scoot
Hi my name is Meliodas nice to meet yall and I sit behind stiles I started talking to scoot and stiles and stiles said he loved the book *Real Life* I said I wrote that book and stiles started laughing but he realized I was being serious and started asking questions like why I killed of darkness and I said my editor mand me do it and I said that I can give him the real manual script and he said yes as stiles fanboy mode bloomed to the point I thought I say stars in his eyes Alisson turned around and said I want to come and stiles scoot and I said sure because why not we went for tryouts as scoot was put in as the goalie scoot caught every ball my shoot got in the net and when it came to Jackson turn in had felt as if the air had tense up when Jackson takes off he had run full speed then shoot his best shot scoot caught the ball with EZ because of his werewolf reflexes after that scoot stiles and I went into the woods to look for scoot inhaler as scoot was talking stiles said heard heard of this disease and i said lycanthropy and stlies said bro you stole my thunder i luagh at how he said it then we saw derek standing there and he said this is private property and when derek throw scoot the inhaler he said under his breath something only scoot and me could of course he not know I'm a hybrid with highten sense stronger than scoots said not that you need that inhaler scoot looked back and saw derke gone
time skip a few days later at lunch
stiles were drooling over the manual script that I gave him and Lydia came talking about if they heard what happen to the bus driver everybody was hooked except stiles whose head was buried in the book manual script Lydia said ill bite what are you doing Stlies said reading the manual script for 'Real Life' Lydia snapped and said for real where did you get it I wanted one for some time now stiles said Meliodas gave it to me Lydia asked where he got it from then stiles said Meliodas wrote the book and Lydia was in shook but quickly started looking back at the manual script she yearned for
To be contiued