"Dumbass, what did you do to her?" Jiah threw some bunch of paper she got from in her hands.
"Huh?" He asked confused. He still was not out of his sleep. "Arrhh " he made a sound when he got the paper cut on his cheek.
She did not care about anything. "Tell me now where did you take her exactly? What did you do to her? Enough for her to leave? Even her business?" She screamed. "That little girl knows nothing,"
"Maaaa," he said and blocked his mother when she tired to hit him with the broom. "I did not do anything," he cleared.
"Then why would she leave?" Jiah asked for explanation again.
"I don't know," he said. "Wait did she say that am the reason?" He asked and took the piece of paper Jiah had in her hand.