Jon and Daenerys: A Game of Thrones Romance

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Chapter 1 - I Fly With You

Twas the ending of the war between the white Walker army and every other army known to the realms. The Night King had just been defeated. Jon, covered in blood from the scars, bruises, and swords. He had almost been burnt alive by one of Daenerys' Dragons who had previously been killed by the night king himself with a spear only to be rescued from arya, his little sister killing the night king. Jon's heart beating fast and consistently, had snapped out of his long gaze and quickly looked for daeneryus. for he had fallen quite deeply in love with her. As mad as it seemed given the situation he too, was a targaryen, but there was something different about her, to jon. She was a woman like no other, quite literally since she was the only woman with a dragon in the realms. also given he was also a stark, a true stark, he used that as an excuse for falling in love with his aunt.

Jon swepped through mounds of bodies, a lot of them whom jon had grown to be fond of, dead from the walkers, who had risked their lives to save all of mankind. he had not found Daenerys. he almost began to panick when he saw Drogon flying just east of the walls. jon stopped panicking and ran quickly towards the direction of drogon, for he knew she would be there, his queen.

Sure enough she was. She wasn't riding drogon however, she was on the ground, holding someone in her lap as she too lay with them. It was jorah. he was wounded badly, but not to the point of death. Daenerys had been crying, not knowing his wounds weren't deadly. Because she hadn't been in battles.

"hey, hey, look at me" jon kneeled before his queen as she gazed up as their eyes fixed on eachother. Her purple eyes looked as beautiful as ever, even as tears dropped from them.

"he is going to be ok, these wounds.." jon pointed to jonah's arms and torso "are merely severe, but enough to save him...we just need to find help" he said as he wiped Daenerys tears away from her purple luxurious eyes.

"forgive me, i haven't been in many battles, to know what is and isnt save-able, jorah has been by my side since my rise in power, even when I banished him" She stopped crying subtly. looking back at jon. She smiled.

"Thank you, my love, for everything. for believing in me, for standing by your queen and trusting me with the north. I dont know how to pay you back-" Daenerys began to say as jon interrupted.

"be with me, that's all I ask" jon smirked and Daenerys kissed jon tightly. jon wanted that moment , that specific moment to last for eternity, but he knew they had to get jorah help.

"save this for another time, let's get jorah the help he needs, he is a warrior" jon helped daneryus lift jonah's unconscious body off the ground and looked for healers.

Eventually they did. And the healers immediately brought jorah into their tent and began tending to them. Jon and Daenerys both covered in blood, sought to find new clothing in the meantime. Both went to the tents where new clothing had been placed on stands. they looked at eachother and nudged

"better than being naked eh.." jon winked at Daenerys. She blushed and giggled.

"My lord, my Queen, here is your new clothing, let me take the ones you have on and bath them in clean water" one of the helpers had said.

"thank you, you're too kind" jon had replied.

Daenerys had acknowledged Jon's kindness with people. How he had always paid people back with his amazing charisma and smile and great energetic behavior.

"I love that about you...the way you treat others, something we have in common" daeneryus had said. Jon smiled and turned around, to find daeneryus naked. as she took off her bloody robes. Jon couldn't help but stare, at her amazing body, every inch of her was perfectly proportion, just right. right down to the bones. Daenerys had no need to turn around to know jon stared at her.

"well are you gonna join me or not?" she had teased. jon wasted no time in stripping his clothes off as well, his 8 pack abs, toned muscles from the fighting in his years on earth, the scars from fighting the wildlings...daenerys always found them attractive.

Both hopped in the bath together. Jon first, then daenerys as she laid her smooth, silky body on top of jon. Now this, was what jon had imagined of her, both of them naked , in a bath, bathing together with blood being cleansed from their body.

They had made love for quite some time. She pressed her chest onto Jons, lifted her bottom part onto Jons bottom half and jon had closed his eyes and his jaw dropped from the sensation. jon heard Daenerys moan as well. they both lived for this moment. coming out of a what seemed like the last battle they would ever fight before dying, they defeated those small odds and survived.

"" Daenerys moaned as her eyes kept closed, as she hit every moment just right onto Jon's cock.

Eventually, they had stopped bathing, got out of the bath, and jon looked one more time at her glorious nude body. She was truly art in Jon's eyes. they had gotten their regular clothes back on, blood no longer present. and both of them left their tent on their way to check up on jorah.

they arrived at the tent where they had laid jonah's unconscious body to be tended to.

"how is he, is he going to be ok" daenaryus had asked quite anxiously. Jon touched her shoulder as if telling her to relax. she read his mind and nodded.

The Healer got up from their knees as they had been next to jorah, she threw down a bloody towel, assuming it had been from jonah's wounds. the healer had smiled.

"he's going to do just fine, he won't be awake for days though, I am afraid my lady, my king" she had replied. That had immediately alleviated both their worry for jorah's fate.

daneryus had hugged the healer even with her clean clothes, and thanked them and promised a place in our kingdom. Jon had looked at daenaryus confused.

"excuse me, my lady, but did you say OUR Kingdon" jon asked as she turned to him.

"yes, my king, OUR kingdom, we will be the better King and Queen than our predecessors, we will give the people of all seven realms more freedom" she smiled as she rested her arms on Jon's muscular neck.

jon had thought about his family, dead and alive, Robb, Catelyn, Nedd, Rickon, to Sansa and Arya. and how Sansa had become the Queen of the north. he smiled knowing his Sansa, his little sister, had finally been safe, ridden of lord baelish and realized, the iron throne was his destiny, as Daenerys being his queen was hers.

"That sounds like a plan" jon said in his typical ruffled voice and he took daneryus by the hand. she smiled, kissed him and took him in an eastern direction.

"what about jorah" jon had turned to look back at his tent.

"knowing him, he will send me letters, I'll visit him again, we both will" Daenerys had said finally coming back to a relaxed phase. Just hours before, they had defeated the true threat of the second kingdom. the Night King.

Jon had suddenly felt a fast, cool breeze of air hit his head. and a loud flap. he looked up and saw Drogon appear, flying above their stone sized heads compared to Drogon. he landed just in front of them. sniffing the air of the blood and the bodies he had hungered for.

"hey, drogon" jon and Daenerys walked toward him and Drogon breathed through its nose, in and out, in and out. Jon looked at daenaryus and daneryus looked at jon.

"let's go my king" she said as she quickly climbed onto dragons back hanging on. jon hesitated at first, he barely knew how to ride a dragon, but he eventually talked himself into getting on. Both daneryus and jon feeling content with the outcome of the battle, jon whispered into her ear.

"I fly with with you" jon kissed her neck and they both took off in the dark air shrouded by smoke. they were heading in a random direction, just Daenerys, jon and Drogon. Nothing could stop that trio.