Chereads / The Fated Omega One / Chapter 161 - 101st Pureblood Inheritor Philip - Pureblood Domination - Restoration - Pureblood Catalyst - Pureblood Angel - Ancient Blood Giant

Chapter 161 - 101st Pureblood Inheritor Philip - Pureblood Domination - Restoration - Pureblood Catalyst - Pureblood Angel - Ancient Blood Giant


Time till catastrophe:

>_ 0:10:00

>_ 0:09:59

>_ 0:09:58


After the red abyss shattered and Philip's vision turning black, he felt that he was transferred to another place

He felt that thick line passed on his left and skewed to the left. A part of the line went straight but it felt heavy. The sky was light but it was trembling and the horizon was limiting his imagination

Philip slowly opened his eyes and he found himself in the crumbling Fate Timeline. Intense music was playing, as if he's in a climax on a doomsday or catastrophe. He doesn't know where the music is coming from but he didn't mind it

He saw the Golden Timeline to his left and as it goes, it skewed to the left, the Doomed Timeline was the one straightened and led to E-1's Doomed Fate. Mark, Sheena, and Elaine's Doomed Fates are still revolving around E-1's Doomed Fate, along with an orbit of golden light

He looked above and saw the timer of the catastrophe just passed the 10 minute mark. The space around the Fate Timeline then began to shatter and large and long cracks of green and blue were formed. Glitch in the matrix could also be seen here and there

Seeing these anomalies did not faze Philip, well, the current Philip. He was expressionless. His gold-red eyes are looming on the Fate Timeline. He then began to activate all of the Pureblood abilities

The space around the Fate Timeline became red, Blood Wings grew from his back, small black horn protruded from the right side of his forehead and a small white horn protruded on the left side, the Blood Crown also manifested above his head. Parts of his body formed Blood Armor and Blood Shield, an altar was erected and Blood Writings, Blood Runes, and Blood Sigil were created

At this point, the Fate Timeline kicked Philip out and he returned to Earth. He felt a presence of a black hole, after seeing the black hole that formed in Saykrandae, and he immediately activated the 100th Pureblood ability


"Blood Singularity"

Zxhsk was surprised after hearing Philip's voice echo around the area. His voice managed to irritate Zxhst

"Ah! You chose to use one of your hidden powers after your colleagues has been dealt with? What is that anyways? Blood? A sacred concept indeed. So, you plan to use your source of fuel for you human body to fight me? I respect it!"

Zxhst doesn't know the existence of Pureblood and thought that it was a simple manipulation of blood. Blood Wings has already grown from Philip's back, along with the black and white horns, the Blood Crown, Blood Altar, Blood Writings, Blood Runes, Blood Sigils, Blood Domain, Blood Field, and Blood Storm. The Blood Moon and Blood That Wrapped The World were already activated the moment he entered the red abyss. The 7th set of Pureblood abilities of the Despair category has also been invoked


Zxhst exclaimed in confusion as the feeling of dread started to creep on him. Philip was looking at him with expressionless gold-red eyes while the wind is blowing strongly around him and on the small black-red orb on his palm accompanied by Blood Lightning

Zxhst's black hole became stronger, as well as Philip's Blood Singularity. Both singularities started to suck in each other and the space around and between them started to warp

Philip then threw the Blood Singularity at Zxhst without any sign. He followed the Blood Singularity while he extended his right arm to the left and a Blood Sword was conjured

Zxhst was alarmed and he also threw the black hole at the Blood Singularity rather than dropping it on the Earth

The Blood Singularity and the black hole collided, causing the black hole to eat the Blood Singularity. The black hole stopped in place and the gravity well weakened

A few seconds later, beams of red light and red lightning shot out from the surface of the black hole and exploded in radiation, particles, and energy. The gravity was also shifted and pushed everyone away from the black hole and a small crack in space was created

Zxhst was slightly pushed back, Justine stayed in place because she was stuck in time, Celine was blown away to a safer ground, Sheena was blown away along with the Heaven's Truck and she made sure that the truck wasn't destroyed, and Mark hid behind a ledge which didn't help him too much as he fell forwards. Of course, he protected Elaine. Only E-1 was unfazed by the change in gravity and kept watching with empty eyes

The ground right under the exploding black hole was melting and formed a lava pool due to the radiation. Chains of small explosions and spark also occured that is caused by the reaction of subatomic particles to the atoms in the atmosphere, including Mana

However, Philip didn't stop and he darted through the origin of the explosion and went towards Zxhst. His Blood Armor and Blood Wings were torn but the Blood Sword retained its form

He pulled the sword to his side and forcefully thrusted it at Zxhst the moment he became in range against him

"Sword Concept: Sword Thrust: Railgun"


Zxhst panicked and he reacted in time, albeit slightly. He moved to the left and the blade of the Blood Sword touched his waist. Thatcwas enough to deal enough damage to Zxhst

Since Philip hasn't yet fully comprehended the meaning of Sword Concept, the Blood Sword shattered and exploded on his hand. It affected Zxhst and a semicircular hole was created on his right waist


This is also an opportunity to Philip. He used two of the most destructive Pureblood abilities

"Just One Touch And Blood Will Cease. Ruination of Blood Is Upon Them"


Even if Zxhst was just touched by the blood, it dealt unseen damage to his existence. Though, he is a Mana Avatar and he has no blood for his body to cease, Philip used it just in case. Besides, the ruination of blood is affecting him too much

Philip then raised both of hia hand to his back and a Blood Scythe was conjured. The blade of the scythe is twice his heigh and the handle is four times is height


Philip spoke and the Soulblood Energy affected Zxhst, rendering him unable to respond. Philip then forcefully swung the scythe at Zxhst and he was hit to the ground in an instant

Philip expected Zxhst to be cut in half but he managed to see it in a fraction of a second. Mana Shield was erect on the spot where the scythe was striking and protected Zxhst

This doesn't worry Philip though. He looked towards Justine, who is frozen in time, Celine, who is unconscious on the ground, and Tenshi, who was getting swarmed by Mana

He first focused on Justine and lifted his hand and pointed his two finger

"Blood Enchantment: Effectivity. Blood Sigil: Restoration (đ“‚€). Blood Inscription: Chronos. Blood Writings: Resume. Time. Flow. Present. Equilibrium. Continuum..."

Philip wrote tens and hundreds of writings in the air in a fraction of a second. The writings are written in blood but it glows in golden color due to the enchantment. A Blood Sigil with the Eye of Horus symbol behind him

"Arraying The Blood Gives Power"

The hundreds of Blood Writings then fused together and formed a slab of writings. There are writings within the writings and writings that serve as the shape of the slab

"Chronostasis Neutralization"

Philip lifted his pointing hand and pushed the slab of writings on to the sphere that's trapping Justine. The slab collided with the stopped time and exploded in golden sparks. The sphere was then cancelled and Justine could move again

"Huh? Wha?!"

Justine was confused and she looked around in alarm and worry. She then saw Philip with the transformation similar to Alucard, but different

Philip then turned around and looked down on Celine. He put his index finger on his mouth and bit off a tiny portion of his skin to make it bleed. A tiny drop of blood oozed out and his skin was immediately healed

"The Only Blood That Can Cure And Heal"

Philip flicked his index finger towards Celine and the drop of blood flung towards her body. The blood landed on her chest

A moment later, her body glowed with green light and then she abruptly opened her eyes. He immediately sat up and looked around in panic and worry. She then saw Philip adn Justine flying in the sky. She was slightly afraid because Philip looked like a death, but she shool her head because she knows that Philip is on their side

Philip then turned to Tenshi and he decided to use her for this battle. Without her, he might not have a chance and it's all or nothing before the catastrophe arrives

"Blood Transcendence"

All of the blood around him became pure, glossy, rich, and glowing. Blood also unleashed all it's latent potential and power within its concept

"Blood Seraphim"

The sky lightened up in red light and a bloody angel descended and stood behind Philip's back. The angel had four pairs of Blood Wings and holds blood orbs and weapons. The seraphim's head and face is being covered by the red hood. The seraphim emitted Divine Energy

Philip then pointed his finger towards Tenshi, signaling the Blood Seraphim to incorporate itself to Tenshi. Under the red hood, a sinister curved smile of red color appeared and the Blood Wings flapped. The seraphim then flew down to Tenshi and collided with Tenshi. The Mana swarm was dispersed and scattered after the Blood Seraphim showed up

"Blood God Manifestation"

Philip temporarily became the Blood God and he emitted Divine Energy and he gained Divinity. He then extended his hand towards Tenshi and his Divine Blood Energy blasted towards Tenshi. At this point, Philip's right eye twitched without him noticing

"Tenshi! Do not deny the blood!"

Philip shouted because if Tenshi even slightly thought of denying the blood, she would instantly die because of the Denying The Blood Will Lead To Death ability

Just then, Tenshi opened her eyes and a sinster red glow exploded from within. He eyes are also gold-red colored, just like Philip's, and her rainbow hair instantly turned black

Her body floated upwards and she hovered in the sky. Her small unattached chibi white wings became red and grew larger, it also multiplied into four pairs, resulting in eight Blood Wings and angel wings hybrid that is floating behind her unattached

The halo behind her back is a single line of red circle that waves and zigzags every so often, like a disruption of a sound wave. Nine discs then appeared around the Blood Halo

Her clothes changed and became red. An ethereal red veil with sparkling white particles appeared and wrapped around her lower body. Blood Gauntlets conjured on her arms, Blood Aegis conjured on her shoulders, small Blood Breastplate conjured on her chest and back, Blood Boots conjured on her legs, and a red shotgun manifested on her right hand

The Blood Halo then extended spikes in the four cardinal directions and wiggled violently. The Blood Halo screamed and illuminated in red light

Tenshi looked down on the crater where Zxhst crashed. He was slowly standing while holding his right waist with his left hand. Her gaze is extremely cold and her eyes is fearful looking. He black hair levitates in the air while her veil waves from the wind

"What's happening, Philip?"

Justine asked. She never saw anything when she was stopped in time. Light couldn't travel through the sphere of stopped time, so no information was being updated, much less her nerves, bloodstream, nor the decay of atoms, energy, cells, her body, and her soul

"Less than nine minutes... We have to stop him before the time reaches zero..."

"What should we do? He can control the aspects of the universe using Mana! We're basically hopeless"

"Don't be too negative, Justine... I'm trying my best. Everyone's trying their best"

"I... I just don't want the same thing that happened to me four years ago to happen now! I don't want to lose you nor the people in the mansion!"

"I understand... So, let's just try our best... I still have Sword Concept... Pureblood is my second trump card..."


Philip's voice and tone were cold, melancholic, and uncaring the entire time. All he spouted are uncertainty with a sense of loss

"Tell me, do we have a chance in winning this battle?"

"Of course we do! I'm here after all..."


A white lie, accompanied by an affirmation

"Do you promise that everything will be okay and we'll all live?"

"I promise! I plan to do that anyways..."

An empty promise, accompanied by false certainty

Justine knew all along, everything's not going to be okay, but she decided to trust Philip despite all of it. She grabbed to the shred of hope that's looming under a violent storm

Her body flickered, the red marks grew slowly and the Swirlonic State is eating away her mind. Though, she can still retain her humanity, sanity, personality, emotions, and indentity

"Do you know what to do, Justine?"

"Of course, manipulate energies and vectors, that's what I'm best at"

"Nice nice"

Philip gazed downwards and already saw Celine running across the terrain towards Zxhst

"Looks like Celine is also joining back in. She will need help"

"How about you?"

"I will end this in one go, you just need to stall for time"


Justine went ahead and flew down to support Celine. Tenshi is hovering above Celine but he flew close to Philip and knelt down before him while her head is down

"Pureblood Angel. Wreak havoc"

Philip commanded Tenshi with Divine Blood Energy and Souldblood Energy to empower her. Tenshi smiled sinisterly and a bloody smile appeared on her face. She immediately disappeared and a loud boom occured on the same crater where Zxhst crashed. Tenshi already engaged against Zxhst, followed by Celine, then followed by Justine


Philip let out a deep breath. He lifted his head and looked at the bloody solar eclipse

"A catastrophe... Will I die? Maybe, I hope so... Meh"

Philip shrugged his shoulders

"Well, like always, I won't go down without having a fight... So, witness my wrath and struggle!"

Philip flew higher into the sky while he spread his arms and wings. His veins, the armor, the wings, the horns, the writings, and the sigil all glowed. The Blood Rain also poured heavily and Blood Lightning surged from his body

"Ancient Dying Blood Will Rise Once More. Blood Wave Bay. Flash Blood Flood. Blood Tsunami. When There Is Rain, Blood Will Spill"

The ground stopped seeping the blood into the earth and a flood of blood occured. The level of the flood increase and a wave of blood occured without an external force causing it. The waves then grew bigger and bigger until in formed 1,000 feet high waves. A tsunami of blood also occured and it washed the area around the crater, the unstable Mana Hotspot, the magical forest, creating a wall of waves and tsunami of blood

No one can escape this place until they fly up into the atmosphere

It was then that a large bulge rose from the ground, coming from blood. A large hand came out and comes next an arm, until a giant made of blood stood tall in the middle of everything


The blood giant roared

"A giant? Ancient Earth had a Giant species?"

Philip exclaimed in surprise