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Between Summer and Winter

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Candice Lang, the perfect girl, smart, sassy, savvy. She falls in love at first sight with the shy freshmen Autumn Jones, who want's nothing to do with the flamboyant Candice. Autumn prefers the company of Candice's best friend, the enigmatic Michaela Le Blanc, who only ever shows emotion around Candice. How will this love story unfold with all the magic and mayhem surrounding the city of mages?

Chapter 1 - I Candice

It was the 4th day of the Avalon Institute's annual Summer Festival. The infective festive spirit has spread throughout the university grounds like wildfire. Cheers of students and staff alike could be heard echoing from every venue, every nook and cranny where games are being held.

Victorious cheers and sorrowful sighs are heard every time a match ends. Candice plans to bring the bacon home for the House of Day, there is no room for upsets, Its time to bring old goldie back where it belongs, for her, victory is the only option. She paced the arena back and forth, calming herself down, "Relax Candice, you are the protagonist of this drama, you are the shining sun, you are a star, the world revolves around you, you are the center of the universe, and this is your show, so show them what you've got! Don't you ever let anyone steal your spotlight FIGHTING!" Proclaimed the ever confident Candice, ending her pep talk with sonorous laughter. With her skill set, these words might just be true, with all these guilds trying to scout her, and being the ace of the House of Day's hunters, and of course being the darling muse of the Memoria Theatrics Club, and soon, will be its director, it would be safe to assume that her ego is well fed. She repeated the words again, like a mantra, until her best friend, Micah, pat her on the shoulder. "You okay?" she asked, her thick dark brows furrowed in concern. "You've been pacing around the track for ten minutes now." Candice let out a clangorous laugh, "Me? The great Candice Lang? Nervous? Ha! Maybe in another life my dear Micah, but not in this one, for I am the BEST!" Micah heaved a sigh, this is how Candice was whenever she was nervous, she masked it through inflating her already inflated ego to the maximum levels. "Dude, you've been repeating the same words twelve times and counting, just calm down okay? We're going to win our battles, we got this." said Micah, with a dimpled grin. Candice bit her lip, she was nervous, yes, but that won't stop her, she is THE Candice Lang after all. The girl took deep breath, once again determined to win. She went on with her mantra. "Of course we'll win, I am the great Candice Lang! The shining sun! I am a star! The world revo-" "CANDICE" cut in the embarassed Micah, "Please stop that, people are starting to look at us weirdly." True enough, the students gathered on the stadium looked their way, stiffling their laughters. Candice smirked, she raised her hands as if to surrender, "Alright, alright, no need to to get mad mom, I'll shut up, after all, the great Candice Lang is humble." Micah could only roll her eyes at her best friend, her soft laughter filled the morning air. "Seriously dude, sometimes, you really are a handfull, I really don't know how I can tolerate you, but anyways, the professor wants everyone ready to fight by ten, so lets get stretching, okay." Candice suddenly stopped laughing, the goofy grin was gone, her face was completely blank. She placed her hands on the girl's shoulders. "Micah, I've got something to tell you, Its really important, It cant wait for later, Micah I…." Candice paused, gathering her breath, she looked the girl dead in the eye as she pulled her in closer into a tight hug. Micah rolled her eyes, this was a common occurence in their friendship, the girl would often tease her by nonchalantly telling her she loves her, sometimes, she creates tension in the atmosphere, pinning her into a wall, the kind where your mind goes weak, and your body goes numb, where nothing makes sense, and the only thing you can think of is her, Candice, and her gorgeous lips, and when you're bound by her charms, she'll drop-kick you back to reality, telling you her true agenda. "What is it this time Candice? We really have no time for this, just say it and be done with it." The girl pouted, it was her signature move, according to herself, her lips are her most attractive feature. "Micah… I… am hungry! Lets grab some breakfast first huh, please, pleeeaaase!" said Candice, resting her neck on Micah's shoulders, batting her eyelashes. Micah let out a long hard sigh, she knew it would end like this, it always ended like this. "Wait for me here, I have a boxed lunch in my bag, you can have some of it if you want." Candice's eyes lit up, Micah's lunches are made by in house chefs that work for her mother. It was bound to be delicious. She grinned at the girl, "Okay! Hurry, hurry! Im starving!" Micah raised an eyebrow, and shook her head in defeat, "Geez, you're such a brat, and I'm the younger one, wow, just wow, wait here okay? And please for the love of god don't embarass yourself, you have this girlcrush reputation you know? At least try to act like it." Candice made a face as she motioned for the her to leave, shooing the girl away. Micah returned the favor by sticking out her tongue at Candice, making his way towards the locker rooms. Candice sat on the track oval, thinking of her goals and how close she is to achieving them, first of course, she has to win the competition for her department. She sat there wondering about what the future holds, she has always been a prodigy, ever since she was little, but she never considered herself above others, she isn't prideful, she just loves herself a lot, her father had always told her to be proud of herself, and to always strive for greatness, and to do so without having to step on others, and  to one day find the person she will love more than herself, the person she would be willing to give the universe for. Love yourself and love everyone around you. That has been her creed. She lied down, thinking about how she's been doing all this, except one, finding someone she could love more than herself, cause honestly speaking, she was just way too perfect. She sat there imagining the moment she'd meet the person she'd give the whole damn universe to, she couldn't care less if that person was a boy or a girl, she'd love that person all the same. Lulled by the morning breeze, her conciousness drifted into the land of dreams. She dreamt of the cool spring breeze, rustling against the branches of the cherry blossom trees, making the tiny cherry blossoms fall like soft pink rain, she felt the cold spring air brush against her skin, passing through her pale golden hair. She heard a sound, no, a voice, a voice so ethereally beautiful it may as well belong to the angel of song herself. The angelic voice said "Miss Ca.. Candice… please wake up.." Why was the angelic voice stuttering? Not even the great Candice Lang knows. "Are you my soulmate?" Replied the awestruck Candice, "Um… No.. I'm a first year liberal arts major.. the professor sent me to fetch you." Said the angelic voice, she became more intrigued, why was a freshmen speaking in her dreams, and why did her voice have to sound so damn hot? Unless…. It wasn't a dream, she was speaking to a real person with her eyes closed! "Oh shit!" Exclaimed the startled Candice, her eyes still closed, "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, I didn't know I was talking to a real, living breathing person." She opened her eyes. The freshmen girl was staring down directly at her, she probably tried to shake Candice awake earlier, she tried to look at the freshmen's face but her eyes were still blurry from the nap she just had. The freshmen girl started rising up, warm sunlight touching her face, "Its o.. o.. okay, you have to go now, the coach is waiting." Candice's vision started to clear, she was stupefied by the view that was right in front of her eyes, the freshmen girl did not just have the voice of an angel, she had the face of one too. She had a small face, her eyes were the color of pine bark, golden sunlight reflected on her coffee colored hair, making her pale face radiate even more. The sight of her made Candice giddy, it was as if her heart was doing a pep squad routine. If she was to name a word that would describe the junior girl, it would be 'perfect', a word she has only ever used to describe herself. Candice stood up, this girl was the one, the one whom she would share the rest of her fabulous life with, the one she will cherish more than her perfect self, she would kill for her, die for her. She held freshmen's hand, making the girl's pale cheeks flush pink. "My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite." said Candice, quoting a line from one of her favourite plays, Romeo and Juliet. The freshmen's small hands were warm and soft, the spaces between her fingers fit Candice's perfectly, she knelt, still holding the poor freshmen's hand. "Marry me." said the lovestruck senior. The flustered freshmen yanked her hands away from her awstruck admirer, "I... I really should be leaving now, I have other matters to attend to... you should get going too... go... good bye." said the junior, hiding her blushing face with her hands, walking as fast as her tiny legs can take her, as far away from Candice as possible, leaving the senior's heart sinking. She just stood there, dumbfounded, the beautiful visage of the junior has been burned into her heart, mind, and soul. Candice placed her hands on her hips and laughed, she laughed like a madman, she had finally found the moon to her sun, the perfect to her Candice, and she'll make her hers, no matter what, after all, she is the great Candice Lang.