"I don't want to feel brave when I go out, I want to feel free. "...

"You are not alone, report it, we are free!" ...

"If they hold you, insult you, attack, hit or threaten, make no mistake.

"We want each other alive." ...

"Not one less". ...

"Love is not the Ostia."

"My body doesn't want your opinion."

"The amount of clothing I wear does not determine the amount of respect I deserve."

"Silence is lethal in the mistreatment of women. Dare, be brave and denounce the aggressor."

"This body is mine, it is not touched, it is not violated, it is not killed"

"No means no"

"Break the silence. When you witness violence against women, do not stand idly by. Take action." Ban Ki-moon, former UN Secretary-General, invites us to react when we see an attack on a woman.

"The fear of the woman to the violence of the man is the mirror of the fear of the man to the woman without fear". Eduardo Galeano, a prominent Uruguayan journalist, and writer makes us reflect on this sentence.

"Violence creates more social problems than it solves." Although Martin Luther King is well known for his racial struggle, his phrase can be applied to the fight against gender violence and, by extension, to any type of violence.

"Our men believe that making money and giving orders is the basis of power. They do not believe that power is in the hands of a woman who takes care of everyone during the day and gives birth." Pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai has had to emigrate under threat for leading the fight for women's rights in her country, Pakistan.

"Violence is not only reflected with a blow, also with a word"

"Violence is a sign of weakness"

"If it hurts, it does not love"

"You look harasses me"

"In love, not everything goes"

"On the way home, I want to be free. Not brave "

"If you love someone, the greatest demonstration is freedom" Mónica Molina.

"If they hold you, insult you, attack, hit or threaten, make no mistake." That does not love"

"We want each other alive"

"Not one less"

"Violence against women continues to grow during the quarantine. Wasn't it because we were alone at night? For hanging out with strangers? Assaults, robberies, murders, clashes, and kidnappings fell, but women continue to be killed, and it is increasing. Now, what is the motive? "

"If I quit, he kills me"

"Do not invade my space"

"Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women fear that men will kill them "


Norma García has been married to Juan Pablo Escandón for fifteen years and in those years, Juan Pablo Escandón has not stopped raping her; far from hitting her, leaving her unconscious, weak, and without courage, or strength to get up.

Every time that happened, Juan Pablo left immensely happy; be it to work, to see how his favorite soccer team plays, or to visit his friends, and he would leave home immensely happy and relaxed, after having done that to his wife.

In turn, Norma calculated the time when she left and was far enough away from the house, to try to get up herself, begin to inspect her wounds and heal the wounds herself, paint her face and body, to that his bruises are not seen; so that no one suspects that her husband rapes and beats her, every time he feels the need to do so.

If the two of them had an invitation and Norma was bruised and had blood all over her body, due to mistreatment, beatings, and rapes, by her husband, Norma would put on an exaggerated amount of foundation and makeup and put on her clothes to cover her entire body, so that no one suspects that Norma suffers and suffers from domestic violence.

As the years passed, both the mistreatment, the beatings, the insults, the humiliations, and the rapes, committed by Juan Pablo Escandón, were increasing; especially, in quarantine, where he became more violent than before and there was no makeup to cover all his bruises and wounds.

So wild, brutal, and violent was domestic violence that it was heard throughout the neighborhood and the neighbors had no choice but to call the police to report Juan Pablo Escandón for domestic violence.

Every time the police went to the Escandón family's house, it was in vain, because they had already reconciled and as a result of the reconciliation, Norma did not sue her husband and the police had to return to the police station.

But this time, it was the opposite, because domestic violence was exaggeratedly savage, brutal, fierce, and animal that, they managed to hear what was happening inside that house.

It did not matter how many times they knocked on the door or rang for someone to attend to them because no one came out to attend to them.

The police felt useless, realizing that, and instead of surrendering, they decided to use force, to enter the house anyway, to find out what was happening inside it.

When they managed to enter the house, they were shocked by the worst-case scenario. The first thing they saw were all the ornaments shattered, the mirrors totally destroyed, blood on the floor and also on the walls, the women's clothes in shreds, bullets everywhere, all the knives on the walls, the television broken by half and water on the floor.

They did not have time to remain paralyzed, because the shouts and insults could still be heard, coming from one of the rooms that were on the first floor; so, they decided to go up, to see exactly what was going on.

As they were climbing, they saw blood on every step of the huge but wide staircase. When the police reached the first floor, they saw all the pictures on the floor, more blood on the floor and on the walls and I peed on the floor.

With the police being on the first floor, domestic violence was on the rise, to a point that they never thought would come, because you could hear how they were yelling at each other while insulting each other and throwing things at each other.

On the other side, shots were heard, the door being slammed and the sound of various things crashing to the floor.

Worst of all was the sound they heard next and that sound made them start because it was a sound like someone had been thrown strongly against the window.

Immediately, the police went to the main room. When they managed to arrive, the picture of domestic violence was worse than what they had seen until that moment.

It took two hours to separate them and when they managed to separate them, the police noticed that the two were completely naked and both had blood, bruises, and bites, all over their respective bodies.

Before long, the two began to collapse and within minutes, both of them died. The police did not know what to do, think, or act about it because everything happened so quickly that they did not give them time for anything.

Within half an hour, several forensics, the ambulance, and the reporters arrived at the Escandón family home, and they were all horrified when they saw the crime scene.

They took all day to put everything in order and try to find out what had happened so that Norma and Juan Pablo reached that point of no return.

At night, the relatives of Norma and Juan Pablo arrived and when the police told them what had happened, they couldn't stop crying; far from screaming from the pain, they were feeling.

Both families went to trial. At the trial, the two families did not stop insulting each other; far from attacking each other throughout the trial.

After several weeks of trial, both had to pay compensation for what happened and the children of Norma and Juan Pablo were left in the care of Norma's family.