"Elise," she was snapped out of her thoughts by her mother.
"How are you feeling?" before Elise could answer
"It's okay, you don't have to answer. You can have breakfast downstairs or in your room," she saw how her mother was trying to compose herself
"Is anyone else in the dining room?"
"Everyone is there, it's okay if you don't want to leave your room,"
"No, it's okay. I want to eat breakfast with everyone," Rena was surprised by her response but a little happy that she was not isolating herself.
Today was a day I had only heard about. My grandfather was the first death in my family that I have witnessed. I just want to cry all the time, my mother had taken all three of us to one of my grandfather's favourite places, the garden. There was a specific tree that was brought by the "Sirrah" as a gift when my parents got engaged
"How are you feeling?" my mother asked while stroking Renner's hair
"I want grandpa back" Eon blurted out and burst into tears, she embraced him. Her tears threatening to fall
"Grandpa was at an age where his heart was not as strong as we thought it was. It couldn't beat anymore" after those words Renner wrapped his arms around my neck and cried.
Rena saw how Elise handled Renner with such compassion and strength. Both wanted to fall apart themselves but instead had to be someone others could lean on.
Everyone was wearing black, some of the guests had remained. But many of them had left, the Yagorites were still here.
Before the ceremony had started, I was sitting on the swing in the garden.
"I loved when you pushed me on the swing," Elise said out loud remembering the times. She was about to push herself when she heard footsteps and saw Kaizer before her.
He bowed "please accept my deepest condolences, Princess Elise" Kaizer saw that I was alone
"Thank you" was the response I was told to say whenever condolences were given.
"And thank you for calling my parents that night. If you weren't there, I think I may have stood there all night.....staring at him"
"I knew that was your first time seeing death. I was the same way" Kaizer said looking down at his feet. He walked around and stood behind Elise, he began to push her on the swing
"When my mother got sick, she would tell me that she would be going to a placed where she wouldn't feel any pain. So even though I would be sad, I shouldn't remain like that, because she will be watching over me. If I kept being sad, then she would be sad. So I have to be happy."
Kaizer was about to push Elise again when she suddenly stopped at his last statement.
He came back to face her and saw the tears
"Your mother is a wise woman. I hope...I hope she lives to watch you be happy." He bent to his knee and wipes away her tears, she looked into his eyes
"You will get through this"
At the Funeral
I stood there watching the tomb that his body was in. I looked up to see my father had slipped his hand in mine. He lost his father, the thought of losing any member of my family is difficult and sad. But either one of my parents, or my brothers.....I couldn't bear it
This is a tradition in Elensia where the closest living member has to grieve over the body while everyone else watches. The grieving period has to end when the bell rings three times, it also alerts everyone in the kingdom that the moment of silence has passed.
The grieving period was the final moment between the body of the deceased and the living. My grandfather would be laid to rest in an underground catacomb with his ancestors. None of us are allowed to visit this place, instead, we may have a memorial site for him.
Although I could not see my grandmother's face, I knew she was crying, it was the only sound that could be heard.
The bell had rung three times and just like that it was over
The crowd began to exit from the back. My father and Uncle Jasper went to my grandmother, I unknowingly followed them.
"Thank you for creating this family. I will always love you," she whispered. She turned around and smiled at me, my mother and the twins approached along with my aunts and uncles. I thought our family couldn't be any closer.
Is this what it takes?
For us to lose someone to be reminded of how precious we are to each other?
This is a hard lesson
Later during the day, the Yagorites were leaving
"You know you didn't have to see me off," Kaizer said to Elise as they were having a conversation of their own
"I wanted to. You were kind to me and I wish to bid you and your people a safe journey"
"That last part you spoke like a true diplomat"
"Would you rather I give you a hug to make it more friendly and less diplomatic?"
"That depends, are we friends?"
"That depends, would you like to be friends?"
"Well you would be my first friend who isn't a part of the tribe and also who is female"
"You would be my first friend ever"
"Then, shall we try?"
Elise smiled "Yes, I would like that"
Kaizer extended his hand, she placed hers in his thinking it was a handshake. However, he surprised her by kissing the top of her hand.
"Stay safe, Princess," he smiled and let go of her hand
As he walked towards the ship leaving with his father, she thought it would not be so bad to see him again
"Goodbye Kaizer" she quietly said to herself
"It was nice of you to see them off" Rena observed the two children's interaction
"He isn't so bad. Mommy, at the funeral I heard grandma thank grandpa for our family. What did she mean?"
Rena smiled "That my child is quite a story"