"Guess that means you are with me, Elwin."
"Actually, Analise wanted to show me something before we leave in the morning. Don't worry. Soon, Jacklyn said that her games will be more spaced out so that we can have longer times in Cities, but for now something about getting everyone on a Roster?"
"I see."
"You're not mad are you?"
"Why would I be mad? We have literally been at each other's side for the past four plus weeks. It's okay to take a week break."
"Or longer?"
"Now you're pushing me out of the friendzone."
"Thanks, Ruby. You are the best."
"But I....."
"Hate to live with them, hate to live without them."
"Hi, Rain."
"So, what do you do?"
"You keep them close, and your enemy closer."
"Sage, I know the President is just the face, and just like my Kingdom; the House, or the Natysh always wins. Turns out your House is made up all of my Backers who left, and let me tell you; they want big demands to help us."
"Like what?"
"Flowers. Lots, and lots, and lots of flowers.
They want to feel needed, but lack the will to take charge; so they rather relinquish is telling people they can't be in charge.
And one of those people happens to be Natysh. Remove her head, and then they'll consider helping build the bridge."
"You know I can't do that. Natysh could have killed me, but she didn't. I am not just going to turn around and say fool me twice; you're out. They know that."
"Actually, they don't. And you're not going to tell them."
"Do you know what happens when the President and the Courts have a standoff?"
"Yeah. The Bill gets void, or sent back down for retrial."
"That's if the President says no, but what if the President says yes, and the Courts say no?"
"That makes for a very sticky situation."
"Indeed. At least his demands were reasonable. Pegasus and nothing else. I thought I….I mean He.....was selfish, but it's clear your Kingdoms hide behind what they say and want you to crawl at their knees, begging them to come back."
"Actually, they are the ones that will be doing it for us."
"Ruby, don't play this game especially if you don't know the rules."
"They want our help, and we'll give it."
"Their are no butts. We'll help, and show them that they are no longer needed here. We'll take over. That way, they will have to walk back to my Kingdom with tails tucked."
"And how do you expect to help a million year old struggle that has plagued this side of the water?"
"I......Don't know. But I am thinking of something. Promise."
".......Mana from Heaven?"
"That's actually not a bad idea."
"I was joking, Sage. I can't produce Mana from Heaven. That's impossible. I don't know where the Dragons live, and even they don't know where Heaven is."
"Ruby, I wasn't talking specifics. I was talking you know...…gift baskets. Fly overhead with...with..."
"And deliver carepackages of food and such."
"Who would deliver? We are all busy."
"The Kids would deliver, Ruby. The Kids."
"I don't know. Using the Kids like that, for ulterior motives. Doing something good is usually because you want to. Not because you're trying to trick someone."
"Then don't."
"Then don't?"
"Do good, raise the bridge, and then say there's more where that came from."
"Simple. Concise...…Intriguing.
Their is only one problem."
"What's that?"
"Natysh still thinks I am reckless."
"Then make her think you're unreckless."
"She's closed off all the ports with her Dragons. No way in, no way out. Lolli can't communicate with me, nor I to her. Everything we do has to be done from this side of the Lake." No help this time."
"I mean, you're all Elementals. You don't need them anyways."
"What was that?"
"We're all young. Inexperienced. You see. We are disconnected, go our own ways; try our own things."
"Ruby, let me be straight with you. One of your hands is better than four of ours."
"I thought you had toes."
"I thought we did too."
"......I'll get the girls together tomorrow. Maybe we can think of something."
"Having you all Princesses and Quenns running around doing manual jobs and dirty streets is a nightmare in and of itself."
"You think we get pampered?"
"I was just thinking of your safety."
"You don't think we could. Never care about the little guy."
"Ruby, I was just voicing my thoughts. It's not like…."
"Not like what? Go on…..say it. Better yet, you sit there and fumble with your words while we stay busy doing.
I'll show you. I'll show you all. No more crying Wolf for any of you."