Chereads / The 26 and friends / Chapter 455 - Nemesia

Chapter 455 - Nemesia


I know she's in there.


"What's going on?"

"The Majority got here a little sooner than expected."


"Good thing we got those Eggs out of there before the Majority could."


Castle of fire thinks they're ready, but I know they are not.

Follow me."


"Actually............…..You're wasting ours."

"Ruby, hi......

Why are you out of your cell?"

"Nice to meet you to, Mr. Grumpy pants."

"What's going on? What's going..."


She's over there."

"Crap. We're too late."

"Ruby, we can handle everything here without your need...… just go home."

"I'm trying.......but you're on it."

"You don't want to start this, Ruby."

"Oh, Tai has already started this.

I just ended it.

No need for you to pursue it."

"What.....did you end?

You saying we're not ready to handle ourselves?"

"You said it...not me.

Now, if you'd please leave; I'd love to go lay down in my bed. It's been a long one."


Don't you dare take another step."

"Relax, I have no Seed; remember?

Besides, you sheep are not on my menu."


How dare you talk about us like...…"

"Ruby, what's going on?

Is this the Majority, you were referring to?

I thought they would be bigger?"


Me too."

"Changed your mind?"


"Hey. I said stay back. What do you think you're doing?"

"You told her to stand back...not me.

And you never want me to stand back."

"Sir, I am warning you. If you take another…."



"Ruby, what did you just do? Where'd you send them?"

"I don't know.

They were getting annoying anyway."

"So does that mean you're going to stay?"

"Someone needs to teach you how to fight back.

A bully's a bully who's a bully.

No matter how they look.

Come on.

Aren't there other rooms you want to.......Wooooo!!!!!"

"You like it?

She's not finished yet but...."

"Well, I got my nose wrong, and my eyes are too squished together, but other than that; I like it.

Looks like I am determined on something; but what?"

"Just follow the finger."

"The outhouse?"

"The.....oh…oh..oh.......What about now?"


Ruby, you know you just made an enemy. No. A nemesis."

"Girl, an enemy is only an enemy if you look at them that way.

You show that you're not fazed and they will leave you alone."

"I sure hope you're right."

"Now.....if they continue to be annoying, then I have some friends who could use a bite."


"Kidding........I was Kidding, girl.

I'd never sacrifice someone...…without good cause."