When you are chasing your dreams but they are not only your dreams but someone's hope.

We all have someone who believes us when we get tired and just want to give up but one hug from that person makes us stand but what if you loose that person who was your strength.

''Grandma why do god take away people and where do they go?''

Seven years old Kim Yuri used to ask so many questions from her grandma.

Her grandma used to reply,'' My cute little princess when ever we visit the garden which flower do you like to pluck first''.

''The most beautiful, red rose''. Yuri replied.

''Yes honey! Same goes for humans too, god takes the good hearted people away from the cruel world so that they can live peacefully and happily''.

Yuri was thinking about her late grandma whom she loved from her heart.

'Yuri honey!'

She heard a sweet voice calling her and she snapped back to reality.

'Yes mom!'

Her mother lifted her chin up and asked,'' what are you thinking my child?'

Tears started streaming down Yuri's face and she said,'' Mom grandma must be living happily in the heaven. Right?''

Her mother caressed her cheeks and replied,'' Yes! She's in better place. Now come on take bath and come down your father and brother are waiting for you''.

Her mother kissed her forehead and left the room closing the door behind her.

Today was Yuri's grandmas funeral and they all just arrived back home. Yuri's elder brother Kim Soo Hyuk who was a police officer, came back from Busan to Seoul along with his wife Kim Soo Hyun to attend grandmas funeral.

Kim Yuri's father Kim Sung Ho was a successful business man who along with his wife, Yuri's mother Kim Ara, lived overseas due to there business matters and her elder brother Soo Hyuk lived in Busan due to his duty as an police officer. So they all didn't get much time to spend with Yuri and it was her grandma who used to look after her and provide her with whole warmth of family, but now it was hard for Yuri to cope with her grandma's death.


After taking a warm bath Yuri felt a little relieved, she went down in living room where her family was sitting and she sat beside her sister in law.

Soo Hyun smiled and asked Yuri,'' Bear tell me what do you want to eat?'

Yuri just replied,'' Anything''. These were the only words she said.

Kim Soo Hyun loved Yuri as her own child though they both didn't spend much time together but still there was a special loving and caring bond between them.

Yuri's father was thinking something and then he spoke,'' Soo Hyuk, now you see that mother is no more here in between us. She looked after you two well but now its your turn to look after your sister''.

Soo Hyuk nodded his head and replied,'' I understand you father''.

'' So I want you and my daughter in law to shift here in Seoul so that I and your mother can return peacefully back but I am planning on coming back to my home country as soon as possible''.

'' That's great. It would be so good if we all live together here''. Soo Hyun always wanted to live with her whole family together but the jobs were parting them.

Soo Hyuk agreed with them all and said,'' Okay father I will ask the management to issue my transfer letter within one day''.

''That's great to hear''. There mother added.


One week passed and Yuri's parents went back, her brother and wife shifted here in Seoul with her and now it was time for Yuri to join her university back.

Soo Hyun came to wake Yuri up to get ready for university, ''Wake up honey or else you would be late for university''. Soo Hyun tried to wake her up but there was no response.

'' AISH! look whose sleeping like a zombie. Now wake up or else I will make you drink black coffee''. Soo Hyun warned Yuri.

Upon hearing black coffee's name Yuri jumped from the bed and went straight into the washroom.

After getting ready, Yuri went down to have breakfast.

''GOOD MORNING BROTHER!''. Her brother who was busy reading newspaper smiled and greeted her in response..

''Here eat your breakfast hurry up you are already late''. Soo Hyun was trying best to keep Yuri busy so that she could come out of the sorrow of her beloved grandma.

''Finish your breakfast and come out. I am waiting in the car for you''. Soo Hyuk was going to drop her at university.

'' Okay brother! I will take only 5 minutes''.


Yuri was studying in Korea's largest and most popular university 'THE SEOULS NATIONAL UNNIVERSITY'.

When Yuri got out of the car she stood outside the gate and said,'' Here I am my beautiful paradise''.

'' Hey darling!'' someone from behind touched her shoulder.

It was Yuri's best friend Irene who was studying with her. Both were the students of business management as they were going to extend there family businesses by helping there father's.

'' You scared me Irene''. Yuri complained.

'' Did I really scared you. How can you get scared Yuri ? You can beat a boy who would come and propose you''. Irene was in the mood to tease Yuri.

''YOU! why do you even bring this up? I have changed now''. Yuri always lost her temper when ever Irene would bring that incident up.

They both went inside and sat on the benches.

Something came in Yuri's mind,'' Yeah! Irene, you promised me before grandmas death that we will meet your boyfriend. So when are you going to introduce him to me?''

Irene looked a little sad,'' Umm! I guess you cant meet him these days. He's not in the country because of his business tours so when he will come we can meet him''.

'' Okay! No problem but don't you think that your boyfriend is a little creep''. Yuri tried to tease Irene whom in return just stared at her.

After university they both went back home.

It was 6:30pm

Yuri asked Soo Hyun about her brother so she told her that he usually came home late due to his work and these days he was working on special operation.


Meanwhile at the police station.

''Jackson!'' Soo Hyuk called his fellow officer.

'Yes sir!'

' Have you got any clue what he's planning now?' Soo Hyuk asked.

'' Yes sir. Its not clear but still according to the information we received he's planning on hijacking any educational or public place so that he can get his right hand back''. Jackson was telling him detailed information.

Soo Hyuk ordered,'' We should better be ready anything could happen. And did that captive man said something? Did you get any information from him?''

Jackson shook his head and replied,'' That man is acting like a stone. I thought he was deaf or he didn't had tongue so I checked him but he was perfectly alright so I think he doesn't have brain cells to process questions. Right?''

Soo Hyuk let out a chuckle and said,'' Sometimes I guess why did you even became an officer you should have become a comedian anyways lets try again and make that man spit out some information''.

Yuri and Soo Hyun planned on going to super market for doing some grocery shopping. Soo Hyun was busy buying things when Yuri bumped into someone...

''Aghhhh! Oh sorry I didn't see you''. Yuri instantly apologized and bowed to that man..

'' You better watch next time'' That man replied coldly and went away.

''How rude''. Yuri murmured.

' What happened?'. Soo Hyun asked her..

'' Nothing! Are you done then lets go back home''.

After coming home Yuri went inside her room and jumped into her bed and thought about that rude and mean person she bumped into, in the super market.