Chereads / Beautiful mind / Chapter 9 - How can I resist you

Chapter 9 - How can I resist you

Finn's POV

I thought, "How this girl is so good in everything. How can I resist you Miss. Sharon. You are a cyclone for me no one can tell when you come and go what more surprise you bring with you. I know how you are but although I am falling in love with you." while rubbing my forehead.

She constantly looks at me to see my reaction about her performance. Finally, I bring myself to talk to her for but other three participants block my way and I am unable to see her. When I look for her, she already left. I felt a little sad.

Sharon's POV

I felt so heartbreak after doing all things, he didn't even look at me. Other participants are surrounded by him but he didn't react so there is nothing I can do it's better I return my own country.

I told Jessie, "We are leaving tomorrow. Inform everyone and book flight." She nodded and left.

Next day we board the flight in early morning.

I reached my home after 1 month. I am so excited to meet my mom and dad. I miss them so badly. Jack came to picked me. When I entered home I run toward my mom and hugged her so tightly, how much I miss them can't be expressed more than this. Then I turned to my dad who's so happy to see his daughter. Then I left for my room and slept because of tiredness.

Finn's POV

I thought, "Yesterday I wanted to tell you that I am already fell in love with you Sharon. However, I failed to tell you. Today I wanted to tease you for a while them I am going to tell about my feelings. I never scared of you because of your work but I am only scared for maybe something happened to you."

I am ready for office, Sharon wait for me.

I entered in main entrance and thought that maybe Sharon is late today. I saw director entering Sharon's office so I also follow him and ask why she is late today. He said, "She already returned to her own country in early morning. Her assistant Jessie informed me yesterday late night." I just become a statue after listening Sharon left in early morning.

You just left like that. You didn't give me chance to explain myself, you don't believe how I felt when I wanted to tell you that I LOVE YOU.

I have no other choice. I entered director's office and told, "I wanted to resign." He asks me why so sudden. Therefore, I explained that Sharon and I am classmate from childhood, also I wanted to return my own country and Sharon gave me that opportunities and told me, "If I made my decision then whenever I want to join her company she can create a position for me."