Before the fight...
Eli had took hold of the girl's hand and brought her near the arena. He knew that the elders didn't like him therefore they picked one of the most powerful prisoners for Emma's first fight. He had warned her that the prisoner would not be an easy opponent but she looked like she was thinking of something else. He told her where he would be sitting in case she got nervous she could look at him but he did not dare say that last part to her.
He went to his seat to find that she was already out taking in her surroundings. At first she looked terrified but then confident. He saw that she was almost too confident. Isabell, the woman who was a friend of his mom was out standing in between them speaking the rules. He suddenly asked one of his servants for a water who was standing by. He then heard the bell go off for the fight. All of his attention was turned to the fight. The prisoner suddenly turned into a huge wolf right before his eyes. The prisoner looked like an ant compared to Eli and he could kill him anytime he wanted to. But up to Emma he looked like a giant and his whole form towers over her.
He then turned his head to Emma waiting for her to transform into her wolf form. As he watched her he was in total shock when he saw her white fur. Her beautiful blue eyes intensified in their beauty. He watched her in amazement as she gracefully walked a little closer towards her opponent. No one in the world had made his heart flutter other than her at that moment. He was suddenly interrupted in his thoughts when the prisoner lunged at her with his teeth bared. Eli tensed immediately. He watched as the prisoner took out his claws and slashed her in the thigh. He clenched his fist. He was suddenly very mad.
He watched as the prisoner went for her neck. He was about to interfere when Emma kicked him in the nuts and leaped in the air. She had jumped pretty high and landed gracefully on all fours. She then went at him with her claws and slashed him on both of his shoulders. It was a secret fighting technique that only royals knew. He was wandering how she knew how to do that when he saw her go for his throat. He watched as she bit down hard until blood came running down the body of the prisoner. She only lifted her head after the body stopped shaking. Everyone had put their hands over their kids eyes or even shut their own. Eli was amazed by her fighting skills.
Isabell suddenly came out and congratulated Emma and then told her to transform into human form. Emma done as she was told and she kept her eyes low. Eli watched as they let out the other prisoner from his cell. He had sparks flying all around him and was even bigger than the last prisoner. Everyone suddenly gasped when realization hit them and even Eli was shocked. The prisoner was known as the ghost wolf. He had slaughtered innocent wolves and their families. He was supposed to be executed but apparently he elders kept him alive for this. Eli suddenly wanted to rip the elders apart for making Emma fight him. Eli was the one that had sent him to the castle dungeon and had tortured him until he admitted what he did. He then heard Isabell tell them both the rules. "Any power that you posses may be used in this fight. The last one breathing wins. Are there any questions? Then round two begins."
I was taking in my surroundings as the lady from the first round was telling the rules. There was a river a few miles away. The ground was still wet from the rain that came through the night before. If I had to I could pull the water from the ground and use it as an advantage. I then heard the bell go off and the prisoner lighted a flame in the palm of his hand. He was bigger than the prisoner from the first round. He looked wiser than the other one and he wore a smirk on his face. I then saw something that made my blood boil. He was totally checking me out! What the hell!!!
He moved his eyes from my feet to my thighs and then to my breast. After a few minutes of checking me out he then turned towards the crowd. No towards the alpha.
" I see you have good taste alpha." He spoke with a deep voice. The alpha looked as if he was about to rip the prisoners head off. The prisoner suddenly walked towards me and put out the fire in his hand. He had dark brown hair with black eyes. He was not that bad looking. He was suddenly very close to me. I went to back away afraid that he was going to attack me when I suddenly felt his hand on my butt.
I immediately brought my hand up to slap him but he suddenly twisted it. I screamed in pain as he wore a smirk on his face. I knew that was just a matter of time before he went for something more painful than a twist so I conjured water out of the ground and used like a whip. I slashed him across the face making him bleed. He looked shocked at first but then enraged. He suddenly made a ring of fire appear around me threatening to burn me if I went to attack him. He then made the ring grow taller as a dome of fire made me prisoner to its cage. It became sweltering hot and I could feel my lungs become deprived of oxygen. " I call upon the great river of Tigers to come fourth and kill thy who dare stand before me." I recited one of the many spells I knew hoping it would work. Then as quick as lightning water came rushing my way. I manipulated it and turned it to where it extinguished the ring of fire before me.
I watched as his face turned from confident to terrified in an instant. The whole crowd was in shock and they were all on the edge of their seats. I made the water into tiny daggers pointed at the prisoner and then froze them and shot them at him. They were so fast I could hear them zip through the wind to their one true target. I watched as he yelled in pain when the ice slashed his flesh. I then made a ball of water consume him then froze it. His blood covered the ice almost blocking his face. Almost. I could still see the horrified expression of death on his face. Everyone did not have time to shut their kids eyes when it happened. I might have went a little to far. I then looked up to see that the alpha was no longer sitting in his chair. He was no where to be seen. I then felt very dizzy and disoriented. This happens every time I used my powers a lot. My power feeds on my energy causing me to be weak after I am done using it. I suddenly stumbled backwards and felt hands grab my waste and pull me to a chest. I immediately recognized the scent. It was the alpha. I suddenly felt my body relax in his arms and then my eyes shut and everything was dark.