Connor wakes up on a plane with Kim giving him a pedicure clipping his toe nails and filing them adding some light nail polish in the mix. He sits up and Kim turns around smiling.
"We're off to Musha Cay that's where the first stone is, can you tell me what they are? The stones."
Connor pinches himself to learn that a handful of travelers took down an army and got away with him when all he wanted was to finally get a chance to lay low and stay hidden.
He sighs before looking up at everyone else, "I read in a book that they are used to seal away supernatural entities and hold great power that can be channeled and manipulated by witches meaning that they are located in places we'll find witches."
Ake holds up his hand and smiles, "Think they can get rid of these for us? I hate knowing that I can't just bail when I want too."
Kim laughs at him while Connor is very intrigued.
"Will the witch kill you if you don't return with the stones?"