"DISHHHHHHH….." A big blast, big …. very big…. like a bomb-blast.
I fell on ground , I get on my knees , my left hand was on my left leg and my right hand was in the midway ...exactly…..exactly Infront of my chest.
" no….Jesus no…please say no …no…" I mumbled.
When I rushed towards her and just pushed her…. I think I had save her….. but….. at the next moment I saw that from her right side an car with high speed was coming and soon…..it stroked her…..
My heart was pumping, without touching my chest I could hear it , my eyes were wide open no chances of blinking , and an harsh breathing with scattered fear.
I still move my face , unhurriedly .
Infront of me .... I saw that girl...
That same girl.... , that top , that twisted hairs ,that blue top the same girl ...
She was lying on the ground , completely surrounded by b….blood.
"...…" my hear stop , I blinked , I blinked again to see the clear image , the hand was still in the midway but was shaking , eyes were still open but were raining .
On her left I saw an car , that same car , the car with dark blue in color and with snake design , that car had got partially into an bank , and some part of car had got stuck to one spot , steel lamp.
The front glass was now totally shattered, and I saw two men's ,
Unknown two men's ...
A glass blade had gone through once mouth and some steel gears had entered into another's forehead , they were looking like…..like they were already ....gone.
I moved my face backwards , I see that bus ….that bus had also gone partially into that big grocery shop through that windows .
"what happens ….
" no....was that an accident
" the buss's.... Pick out the peoples"
The only thing I could hear was now the dreadful response of publics.
FLASHBACK: "where am I "
"my body is totally fine "
"am I in another world or in dream or in heaven"
" why I am on my knees "
" who's that girl "
PRESENT: " I remember this …."
" I TOTALLY REMEMBER THIS " I shouted as I grew up on my legs .
I had seen that crowd….that car…..that girl....in my dream...…
So many peoples had gathered, someone had already call ambulance as well as police .
Soon the whole area get sealed, some distinct officers had came and had picked out that bus and that car .
That girl and that men's were taken by the ambulance , her face was totally covered by her cold sore blood , it was dripping through her mouth , from her nose , and even from her brown eyes .
Her blue top was now totally covered by bloodshot.
Because I had also chop down on the ground , I had slightly hurt my knees , so the doctors also take me into the ambulance .
I think that no one had noticed me pushing that girl , because if someone had , then now I might be on the police car, with handcuffs.
I was on the same ambulance as that of girl.
I was sitting in one of the corner while one nurse was checking my knee, while some nurse were washing that blood away from that girl.
My mind was still in daze, everything happened so fast .
I was silent , for the very first time I was silent , I wasn't feeling to talk, and for the first time I was not getting the feeling to hear an song too , just silence .
"could you please call her parents or someone related to her " one nurse said while giving me that girl purse which was still dripping blood.
I grab it and picked out her mobile , I opened it quickly as it was not having any password , I go to the call log and to recent call.
On the very top I saw an call name "SISO", I guess she might be her sister .
I was just going to press green button when suddenly one assumption came in my mind .
"why she get that call? , if she hadn't then this accident might not have happen"
And I push it down.
"..." for the first three seconds no one picked.
" .....-HELLO!" someone talk , it was a girl vocal sound.
" HELLO! , Nikki" OH! , this girl name was Niki , may be her nick name , because on her driving license , it was written 'Nikolas"
I cleared my throat my nervousness .
" I...…I am sorry ….the girl who had this phone had get involved in an accident , we are now in ambulance and are heading towards "DARBY" hospital , can you please bring her parents...." I don't know what else to say , because firstly I was afraid and secondly Infront of me that girl was still fainted , whenever I looked at her , my mouth breaks.
"...…" from another side no one talk , I had get it , her sister might be in tremor , it was obvious.
"HELLO! Can you hear me?" I asked .
"WHA…..HOW….WHE...." she shouted , I could hear the loud noises from other side of phone , she might be hurrying to come here . Then she hang up.
Her sister's voice was kind of similar to some-one, I think I had heard it before.