"Mama! I'm off for college! See you later!" I say with great enthusiasm. I don't know what happened to me or what has gotten into me but I just feel happy and I like this feeling, whatever this feeling is. I'm working fine with it. I reach college, whistling all the way from home.
"Good morning Narita." I greet her and she greets me back. I continue skipping, jumping and whistling through my way.
"Morning Sasha!"
"Morning Nate!"
"Morning Vaniya!"
"Morning Susana!"
"Morning brat-" I stop on my tracks, the shiny and sparkly aura leaving me. My breathing stops, it's getting dark in front of my eyes. I think I am going to die today...
"Someone's a lot chirpier today. Did something happen?" He asks, arching an eyebrow at me and I laugh. I laugh. And I not just laugh. I laugh a lot. Like literally, a lot.
He's giving me an awkward look but I'm still laughing rather confusedly this time.
'Hell! Stop it, you immature woman! Act normal!'