For the first punishment, Yuan would spend ten years in confinement, but his ten-year time limit to become an Inner Court disciple would be halted, so he could come out of the confinement and still have plenty of time to become an Inner Court disciple. However, the other participants would be far ahead of him.
For his second option, instead of ten years, he would only need to spend two years in confinement, but that ten-year time limit would not pause even while he is in confinement, giving him less time to reach his goal. Moreover, all of his earned points would be halved, slowing down his progress even further.
No matter which option he chose, it would hurt his progress in the trial.
'Ten years is too long. I don't care even if I only have a year left to become an Inner Court disciple since I am already near the goal. The second option is definitely much better for me, even if I have to work twice as hard for the next five years…'