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For the past 16 years, Rose has been searching for answers about her true identity after knowing from the mother that she knew that she was adopted, and her real parents were dead.  That was until on her 29th birthday, that one Halloween night when she came across someone in her dreams, a woman wearing a black cloak, and a crest similar to Rose's eyes— a Phoenix. Who showed her the truth about her past. Rose's powers awoke and turned her into the woman she was meant to be— The descendant of the Regina Ordinis. Ever since then everything seemed like a dream for Rose. Everything started changing about her, she discovered a lot in her journey and that's when she found— Leviathan. Leviathan, the son of Lilith, the prince of Hell barged into Rose's life. Rose found herself falling to the Prince and so did the Prince of Hell, but he knows too well, that he was to kill her eventually, yet Leviathan joined her in her journey. Rose travelled different lands to find the seven teachers that will make her capable of harnessing the Ordania's force. An inborn capability of Regina Ordinis'descendants. With the help of Rose's teachers, she eventually gained passage on harnessing the Ordania's force which took quite a turn when her magic turned against her. A brutal awakening happened to her magic and unleashed a dark force within her which led on setting the demons her mother locked away thousands of years ago, and it's her turn to take them back to their rightful places though doubt devoured Rose, but she— has no other choice. The time came when the hordes of Hell came to Earth to kill the last of Regina Ordinis' descendants. Her heart shattered into pieces after finding out Leviathan is her enemy... that she fell in love with her own enemy. Confused after the hordes of Hell locked away Leviathan, Rose called upon the Ordania's force. Her body floated from the ground, blue aura scattered around her. She needed to fight for her life and for— Leviathan. Before the moon disappeared on her battle, a woman wearing a black cloak came back. The very same woman in her dreams. Shocked fueled inside Rose when she saw how the woman in black harnessed Ordania's force. Everything settled to dust when Rose found the truth about her power, which led her on creating the Academy for Ordan arts. A tribute to her mother— Ordania. Rose, and Leviathan; The Founders.

Chapter 1 - The Beginning of The Multiverse

Have you ever wondered what it feels like, being unwanted by your own parents?

If you are reading this, and you aren't left in the doorstep of an orphanage, then lucky you.

It was an unusual day in summertime for the clouds were black, it was raining so hard which is — uncanny.

Sister Riona went out of bed to have her morning coffee. On her way to the kitchen she heard knocks coming from the front door.

She took a deep breath and walked to the front door. She twisted the doorknob,"Good morn—" she didn't had the chance to finish her statement for no one was there, except for a basket — in the basket lies a beautiful baby girl, sister Riona took the basket from the floor and was about to take the baby inside with her when another nun suddenly showed up.

Sister Riona was fogged with confusion when she saw the other nun. She haven't seen her before

'Is she new?'

She asked herself.

"I'll take the baby inside," the nun spoke and took the basket from her hands.

"I'm sorry but, are you new here sister?" Sister Riona asked the nun whose now smiling at her.

"I am, Odia. I'm a stavrophore, you?"

"Oh I'm a Rassophore."

Odia smiled as a repsond and spoke, "I'll take care of the baby, go along and have your breakfast."

Riona nodded and oblige, still confused about how did a random nun appeared on Saint Louis' orphanage.

Sister Riona watched Sister Odia walk to the hall. Her attention was caught when a man's voice, he whispered, "look at me."

"look at me Riona."

Unknowingly she turned her gaze to the trees meters away, beside the tree is a man wearing a black cloak.

Curious who that man is she stared at him from a far, a loud noise banged at her eardrums.

Her attention was caught up by the noise that when she turned back to the man in black. He is — gone.

Sister Riona took a deep breath and told herself that maybe, just maybe she is hallucinating.

After that, she had her breakfast still the man in black lingers in her mind along with the new nun.

"Sisters!!" Reina screamed loud to wake up the other nuns for she found something — something that is completely extraordinary.

Her eyes are watering as she waits for the nuns to arrive.

Her hands are cold and are shaking.

'How is this even possible?'

She asked herself.

Reina is a 12 year old girl, left in the orphanage, her parents died because of an earthquake.

Two nuns arrived and they as well got shocked.

Sister Riona committed — suicide.

What a terrible sin.

Sister Riona's face is covered by a black cloak.

Her body is hanging and her neck is entangled with a rope.

Tears came streaming from the nuns, the other orphans awoke because of the screams and the sobs they've heard.

"What's happening?" Reagan asked Raine.

"A nun committed suicide," she whispered to Reagan's ear.

Years have passed and the room was never occupied. It was left there — empty.

As for the baby, that the late sister Riona have found outside the doorsteps grew up to be a beauty young girl named — Rose.

"Reagan, how old are you?" Rose asked Reagan whose eating her midnight snack.

"I'm 10 little lady, how 'bout you?"

Rose played with her dress upon answering.

"I'm five."

Reagan smiled as a response and said,

"Would you like to go somewhere fun?" Reagan asked the little girl who seems to be unable of falling asleep.

"Where are we going?" Rose asked.

"To Sister Riona's room," Reagan answered and went out bed.

"So, are you ready?" Reagan added and offered her hand to Rose.

A smile painted on Rose's lips when she knew that they are going out.

They walked out the room and Reagan mouthed, 'Don't make a noise'

Rose nodded as a response and the two tip toed to the room.

"Are we there yet?" the young Rose asked in a low voice.

Reagan shook her head and gave Rose a sign to stay quiet.

They arrived on Sister Riona's room and the light of tonight's moon gave light on the room.

"What the fuck," Reagan said for what she saw gave her chills.

Sister Riona's body — hanging.

"What is wrong Reagan?" Rose asked, she who doesn't see the body of the late nun.

Reagan fell into a sort of trance, the man — the man in black was in the room.

"Rose close your eyes, close them."

Rose followed what Reagan said, she closed her eyes as she embrace herself.

"Don't open them unless I told you so,okay?"

Rose nod as a response, it was a long silence, she can't take it anymore, she opened her eyes and, she is infront of her bed.

She looked around her and, no one, no one was there,she can't find her other siblings, so as she can't find — Reagan.

Scared she went back to bed and covered herself with a blanket and she fell asleep.

Morning then came, there are still no signs of Reagan, she is gone. she is nowhere to be found.

"Where is Reagan?" one of the nuns asked us.

We all answered with 'we don't know.'

Rose, doesn't know where is she. Doesn't have a clue either.

Though there is one thing she is certain.

The man in black is behind the disappearance of Reagan.

"You killed me!" Reagan screamed.

Rose awoke because of another nightmare.

She is bathing with her own sweat again.

Rose went out of bed to fetch a towel and clean herself and went to the kitchen to drink a glass of water.

Before she goes back to bed,she took the notebook above her study table.

She opened it,and wrote on an empty page.

"Reagan disappeared, her body— was never found."