(Present Day)

ORIONS's break was almost over, time flew by swiftly, I was so caught up with all the work load that I didn't even realize when the days passed by.

It's a glorious evening, warm but not too close, the sun starting it's lazy descent, shadows lengthening and the light just beginning to burnish the trees with gold.

Beautiful sunshine, cloudless skies, no one to play with or go out with, nothing to do. Living like this, the way I'm living at the moment is harder in summer when there is so much daylight, so little cover of darkness, when everyone is out and about, being flagrantly, aggressively happy. It's exhausting,and it makes me feel bad if I'm not joining in.

The weekend stretches out ahead of me, forty-eight empty hours to fill with nothing but cleaning and cooking.

I sighed as I thought of what could've been and what actually is happening. The wide difference between my creative imagination of spending a good, much superior day than the one I'm living and the reality of me just lazily waiting for the days to pass by is far-fetched.

Taehyung notices me almost day-dreaming, as I succumbed to ennui and despair.

"Lacking enthusiasm, are we?" he speaks gently while slightly tilting his posture such that his face is at a level equal to that of mine.

"Oh! didn't see you there. Sorry I'll just get going" I replied hesitantly and was about to get up when he extended his hand and looked at me with a gleaming box-like smile of his and his eyes sparkling with a youthful sense of exuberance.

"Let's spend the day wisely. I have an idea or a more appropriate word would be a plan." he talked with all the fervor of a new adventure.

"Go get changed into something better. We're going out. And don't worry I won't make the same mistake as Kenma " he winked as he finished saying. I was struck by his vivacity, humour and charm.

I interlocked my small, fragile hands with his larger, masculine ones and he tightened the grip and pulled me up, not just from my sofa but from my gloomy and indolent self.

I right away dashed through the halls reaching my room in a brisk.

Hurriedly looking for the best outfit to go for the evening.

I stand in front of my closet, scrutinizing for a hundredth time at least all the outfits, dresses, shirts, shorts hanging there blissfully anticipating for me to pick them.

This one? Nah. How about this?Not really. This.That. I carelessly throw off clothes, ignoring the fact that I'm the one who has to clean them eventually.

hmmmm, I thoughtfully swipe through the dresses in the closet.

"Oh!" I let out a little gasp as I finally found the most exquisite dress of all.

"There you are!" I jumped out of joy, I quickly grabbed the dress and rushed to the bathroom to get changed.

Not long enough I hear a Knock on the door.

"Are you done?" I could hear his peppy voice from across the door.

"Yes I am!" I replied back with the same enthusiasm he had.

I could hear the click of the door knob, followed by the opening of the door. I quickly checked myself one last time in the mirror.

The dress I am wearing is not a standout as i wouldn't want that anyways, it's rather a simple one,classy, it's perfectly ironed not a single wrinkle in sight. It hugs my form hunting at the generous curves I have acquired after twenty years of living.

I have a pair of red stilettos on my feet, the pop color going with the dress impeccably.

My makeup is rather plain,quite simple going with the fact that makeup shouldn't hide your true, original self. All I have on is some black eyeliner on my bottom lash line to make my unique deep blue eyes pop, mascara and some dark shade of a red lipstick.

This time going out really mattered unlike the other times when I had to go out to either get someone or....kill someone, i could see through the darkness in my mind, I could see myself slumped against the wall, my head in my hands, and both head and hands smeared with blood, a gun lying at distance from me, I remember throwing it out of trepidation and fear, fear of what I was turning into. I zone out....