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Chapter 1 - Prologue: A Demon's Song Of Sorrow

Each person holds a chance

A chance to receive and give

A chance to apologize and forgive

And a chance to remain or change

No matter what, we all create mistakes

We are the one responsible for the path

No one's born evil

We have our own decisions

We have our own justifications

And we all have our own intentions

So this book, I will tell you a story

About a princess started being a pity

Holds a big responsibility for a key

To a huge change of what is meant to be

Their so called prosperity


"Let's all end our practice for now"

"How dare you bit**! The king completely ordered you to train us for a whole day!!"

"Seriously? Look at each of you. You're not in a good state unless you want to die of exhaustion? Anyway, have you seen your eye bags? It looks like an actual bag with rocks in them. So no need to brag about how determined you were, when you can't even manage to stand up anymore. Go take a nap" I instantly replied without any second thoughts. See how they threatened me? They were just mere servants yet look how they talk? As if I was a maid with a lower rank than them. The only daughter of the demon king! Me! Jassmine Hirtazya! Being stepped on by amateurs! Once again I'll have to teach them who's boss.. Tiring and boring but required, if I wanted them to kneel in front of me.

"As if you can defeat us! You don't have any magic! HA! Even with the battle skills. You still lack a lot especially in the MAGIC DEPARTRMENT! Oh look the only heir to the throne doesn't have a hint of magic at all! OOOOH I'M SCARED! HAHAHAHA! You're ruining the king's reputation SISSY!!" I swear I wanted to find a heavy frying pan and slam it into her face! These newly hired servants really have the courage to mock me, specifically with their silly hand gestures, turtle like agility and ugly bragging faces. Bringing up the topic about my weakness.

Well I can't blame it. Even I hate the way I'm powerless against magic. Believing that I might defeat anyone with my combat skills, or dodge their elemental magic with my determination or should I say my Agility, physical ability, endurance, speed, whatever it is, let's just say all except magic.

"How about we start a battle. The two of us. You with your fire magic against my Combat skills. I won't choose any weapon. You can also ask for their help" I forced a smile while pointing at all 10 of the ghouls behind her, even if the whole place is awkward as hell. OH RIGHT I forgot we are in hell and in one of the Hell Kingdoms. I don't even need to imagine what Hell looks like cause looking at their faces reminds me of it already.

"I accept! And if you lose! I shall be the new Princess!!" As usual those are the conditions I hear every single day. It's not new to me. Every demons wanted my position. A useless position, I might say. All you have to do is to stay pretty all day and wear pink outfit which I don't usually do since I hate pink. But obviously demons here doesn't suit the term Princess, they look identical to ogres.

"If you say so" I shrugged it off as we began.

After a few minutes of fighting~


"What do you call me again?"


"Call me a bit** again and you'll see your disembodied parts everywhere. Like what happened to your lovely friends but I'll put your head in front of your boyfriend's house for a change"

You see even if they have all the magic in the world, they still lack a lot of things, especially in the TACTICS DEPARTMENT. Hear how I used her words against her? This is my everyday life.To be honest they were right about one thing though. Father really is ashamed of me. In fact, he despises me more than he hates the disrespectful servants. Why do I know? Well simply because he ordered me to train random demons, preparing them for battle against the new appointed angels yet father never let me join the war since he always mention how useless a demon is, without its ability to control magic. And I am one of them.I was hoping to hear kind words from father but he is a demon king! What do I expect?! A couple of kind words such as "Have you eat for breakfast? Are you okay? You're the best daughter I have? YOU'RE NOT COMPLETELY USELESS, DAUGHTER?" Geez, those cheezy words are the complete opposite. So instead of asking for his attention. I'm trying to get used being independent myself. Like who needs that kind of father? Maybe the ghouls do, they probably love his outer appearance, he does look like one of the most handsome father in the world, including the human world.

"Hey Jass wanna grab some coffee to calm you down? Ehem cause you know, it looks dead here. Like uh those pile of dead demons again. Should we hire a new batch of servants for you?" Let me introduce you to my best friend which supposed to be a prince of the south hell kingdom. Prince Cole Croseus. He is the only demon who remained by my side. He doesn't look like a demon at all though, in fact humans might drool after seeing his dazzling features.

"Look how handsome his face is. Those dark black hair, and blue dazzling eyes. He is indeed a perfect Prince.... Wait a minute.. Did I just?!"

"Hahahahaha! Oh damn that's hilarious! You blurted out whatever is in your mind again!" he started laughing cutely before sending me a handsome smirk, sadly his charms never affected me since we will forever be like a family. Sister and a brother.

"I mean I was talking about ehem the character I was reading in a book called Frost" I crossed my arms looking away

"Oh. Well you really need to practice hiding your thoughts. But Princess Jass you have so many great qualities. You're a fighting expert, for example. Plus you are beautiful from your pure white color long hair, white skin, slim figure and your blue dazzling eyes. Anyone with a normal mindset would think you're indeed gorgeous. Unless they're demons who have a bad taste in woman."

"Heh did you just copy the way I describe features?" Even if his words were not serious enough, I still feel the most happiness after hearing them.

"No I'm just stating the obvious. Now shall we head to the balcony princess? It smells like spoiled demon blood in here. I don't want you to catch a disease called UGLINESS"

"Good idea Prince." I said giggling before reverting my eye sight towards the annoying servant, sending her dagger like glare before leaving the room with Prince Cole.

We often stay here at the balcony where no one can judge us. Cole and me have a thing in common. We are in fact outsiders in our own kingdom and we both have invaluable history. Me being the FIRST EVER DEMON without Magic

And him, the son of a demon. His mother died falling for an angel. Must be really hard for him since this world doesn't accept demons with a good relationship towards angels. Falling for one comes at a price and it is definitely and surely, DEATH.

So Cole's mother died after years of leaving her own son with his demon father. Years without the queen, Cole's kingdom received news that she died under an angel's custody. Meaning to say, she fell in love with an angel, leaving her demon husband behind.

After Cole grew up into a nice kid, identical to his demon yet kind mother. Cole's father left his son in our doorstep. Cutting ties with his own son, removing the royal title from Cole, like a jackass heartbroken demon father he is. My father was about to kill Cole on sight, knowing Cole is not a prince anymore but a nuisance towards our kingdom, luckily I grabbed him first. For short, I saved Cole from my own dad by accepting my father's condition, such as training the servants for battle. Me, a twelve years old kid at that time! Yet dad is not impressed so he ordered Cole, a 13 years old prince, to become my butler in exchange for his life. Isn't that brutal? But thanks to that, Cole became my one and only companion.

Ok enough of these introductions.

"Wow Princess Jass you're spacing out again" Just noticed how Cole kept poking my nose non-stop.

"What are you doing? Prince Cole. Do I look like a phone?"

"No. You look like a button"I gave him a slight glare before he stopped poking my nose while we're both sitting in front of a cold scenery through the balcony. All you can see is frost, snow and thousands of ice. That's what hell looks like, the opposite of what humans believe. Hell in the North kingdom looks like an Ice Wonderland and we are not being affected by it.

"You know everyone is ugly here" Cole suddenly brought up a silly topic.

"Yes definitely."

"Ehem well except for us and our parents of course"

"Yeah but our parent's attitude are ugly as hell" I said with a huff.

"Yeah sometimes I think we are never meant to be here in the first place" Cole presented a visible sad smile directed at me.

"This is why we're so identical. Have you seen that servant a while ago?"

"Yeah. You mean that demon girl with a huge right eye?!" He said in a funny way to the point where we laughed hysterically afterwards.

"Sorry to ruin the fun my hillarious niece and her stupid butler" I heard uncle from behind. Not sure where he came from but we got used to his sudden appearance most of the time.

"Glad to see you here uncle. I've missed you so much" Yeah right, I missed my chance killing you uncle. Believe me when I say I tried hitting him with an umbrella but I couldn't cause suddenly demons enter the training area, how lucky of him. I was giving him the fakest yet cute smile I ever had. Cole is doing the same thing except for the respectful bow. Oh how I wish uncle would do the bow instead of my friend Cole. That would be great.

"I heard the Elderly from the East kingdom died. Must be the reason why the king is summoning you for a meeting" Uncle said with a lazy reaction yet his annoyance is visible through his exposed glare.

"I see. I'll come right away"

"Make sure you do" Uncle finally left us in the balcony alone. We waited for a few minutes before we started talking to each other.


"Indeed. It's the first time your father invited you for a meeting"


"Princess Jass. Don't put your guard down. It is your father. You know anything he does , benefits him" Cole have a point but I can't help it, the excitement already built up in my system. For once father remembered me or even thought of me.

Cole arranged my long white hair, he comb it straight and fixed a few ribbons on my pure white dress, preparing me for my upcoming meeting with dad, my very first gathering since I was born.We entered the King's hall together, me holding onto my long dress, trying not to trip on it. Prince Cole is walking behind me in his butler attire, guiding my every step.

We stood in front of my father's throne where he's currently sitting recklessly and with the angered expression fixated on his face but the moment he saw me, his anger turn neautral.

"Greetings your majesty" I said with full respect towards my dad, bowing in his presence. Weird isn't it? He is my dad yet he ordered me to treat him as a superior or as a king.

"Now it's time to tell you my long living plan. Servants prepare a seat for my daughter and his butler" Did I hear that right? He called me daughter?

"Don't put your guard down Your highness" Prince Cole whispered without leaning towards me yet it is loud enough for my ear to catch.

"Don't worry. Just let me appreciate a short happiness given my dad" I whispered in return.

"You see daughter. For 20 years I've been planning to take a specific device from the Academy of angels. Not just any device. But this one protects their land from demonic intruders such as we. Ofcourse they will leave the weak angels inside the border while using them as snipers. It is a huge pain in the neck since angel's defensive system increased these days. If we snatch this device from them, it will become a flaw in their defense system and we can enter the realm unnoticed, killing the weak angel's secretly before we even start the war. No weak angels, no snipers, not much defense, our complete victory and conquering all the realms! That's our plan" Father have this huge determination written all over his expression, I should be proud yet why do I feel..

"This is where both of you comes in! Even this device have its weakness but only two exist in the world. No one can copy it's contents nor can they use it unless the one guarding it, died" Father suddenly added. Wait don't tell me the Elderly was the one possesing the items?.. Is it my father's doing? Is it a part of his plan?

"Luckily my minions finally killed the Elder guardian of these two vessels" I was right. He did kill one of the loyal Elders just for his mission. Father lift two small bottles and placed each one on top of our palms. The bottles contain a galaxy colored liquid and is making quite a peculiar glow. Me and Cole looked into each other out of confusion.

"I want both of you to do this mission for me, well since no one wanted to accept the mission. I'm expecting the two of you to prove your worth. This will be your last chance or else the kingdom, and even Hell itself would kick you out, giving both of you the worst afterlife ever." Father said with full authority. His words felt like a thousand swords, as if he's telling me that I'm nothing but a tool or something he could dispose of any time. The tears were about to form in my eyes, luckily Cole held my hand, reminding me that Prince Cole is my real family who will support me anytime. This huge event triggered something in me. A new goal I wanted to pursue, a way to prove my existence and a way to defeat dad. The only way to inherit the throne.

"As Princess Jassmine Hirtazya and the only person who can accept this mission. I'm allowed to state my conditions!" Father gritted his teeth, I can also see how he clenched his fist.

"Alright" He sighed loudly.

"If we succesfully accquired the device. We want hell and our kingdom to know the heroic things we've done, you father will announce it and I want all the demons to treat me as a Princess and him as Prince, a superior and someone with authority!" I finally said it , even Cole looks proud of me, even though we're both nervous at the outcome.

"Alright, alright. Hell will know your bravery and shall respect you as its princess."

"Thank you father, your majesty"

"Now drink those. It will allow you to turn into angels for a month. That potion will change your demonic aura but it will not change the power and abilities you posses. The border will let you in, sensing the angelic aura surrounding you. Make sure to fully use this oppurtunity properly. Don't mess it up!" He grabbed both our necks, choking us tightly. He nearly killed us, luckily he let us go since we still have our missions on hand.

"I will assign someone to lead you towards the Angelique Academy" Father pushed us out of the way without hearing a GOOD LUCK .

The demon assistant lead us towards a boat in the river where Grim Reaper is the one rowing the paddles and he left us after giving Grim a few coins.Finally, it feels like we're having a short vacation after a long time of torture and depression under my father's supervision.The Grim Reaper brought us at the other side of the world, where the Academy supposed to be in. Before we leave the boat, me and Cole drank the potion. We felt an unusual heat inside our body then it all appeared to me. The feeling of relief, as if a huge weight on my chest were lifted, like I was in a temporary peace, the complete opposite of what hell does. Is this how being an Angel feels like?