I am so tired of living with my mom and my big sister, don't get me wrong I love them, but they are too much for me. That's why I am moving with my best friend Alice in three days, I am so excited to move with Alice. My phone started ringing, speaking of the devil it's Alice, I chuckled. " Hey, how are you? I am so excited!" She answered back saying "Hello there stranger, yes I've been fine and also so excited! Anyway, how have you've been, Eve?" I laugh saying "Oh I am feeling Great nowadays, but my mother and my sister are, well you can guess how they are feeling right now." My sister interrupted me, screaming, "Hey sis, can you please come out of your room to eat breakfast." I responded back screaming I'll be in a minute I am talking to Alice !" I got closed the door, so I can keep talking to Alice, so I won't be interrupted again. Trying to open my window, so I can get some fresh air, Alice asked Hey, are you there? I heard your sister screaming, what happened now? " I inhaled and exhaled while trying to answer back, saying "Yes, everything is fine, my sister just asked me if I could get out of my room to eat some breakfast." She said, Oh, okay. So you have to go eat breakfast otherwise your sugar will go down. I know right, you don't want to see your sister, but you have to eat something, okay." I inhale and exhale again and answered back "Okay you are right, then talk to you later." She said her goodbye. I went to the dining area to get some eggs and bacon with some coffee. I saw my mom, was setting the table, my sister was helping her. Started to eat my breakfast while using my phone, my mom screamed at me saying "Stop using your phone wile eating, does aren't good manners!" I rolled my eyes at her and answered back, "I know what the rules are Mom, but I am just texting Molly my coworker. You know I love singing, but I am also nervous with crowds, that is why I want Alice and Brenda to come tomorrow with us, we are going to celebrate my moving day, we are going to do some karaoke!" It's finally the next day when we are going to have some fun today after we finished packing my stuff so can Alice and I move tomorrow.