Narrator narrates
One week after the UN meeting but still they had to return to another meeting of the same, everyone was already entering the meeting room, the UN was already there, he is always the first to arrive to have everything ready and as always Mexico and use fighting like
Mexico: ay gordis ya vasta
Usa: Mexico stop firm fat I'm not Mexico: yes aha
Vene: mm it seems like you think this ecu or the kids?
Colombia: I don't really lose
Chile: hehe hey arge, how do you think the children of Ecuador are? Arge: I do not know
Brazil: are you ready to start betting? // Are you ready to start the bet? //
China: Míngquè // clear //
Germany: klar // clear //
Russia: da // yes //
Canada / usa: Yes
Arge / Chile: Obvious
Peru / Bolivia: we were born ready
Mexico: you are talking to the winner panita
Brazil: hehe let's see bem wait // hehe we'll see it well to wait //
Not much happened and the meeting began, everyone thought that little Ecuador would not come again but
UN: so Ecuador does not ventral denu I did not finish speaking since Ecuador was still disorderly at the entrance that when entering they could see the small Ecuador well
Colombia / vene / Panama: BROTHER WHO HAPPENED TO YOU * they said surprised * In the meantime, the countries that had made the bet were redder than a tomato Everybody:...
UN: What are you wearing Ecuador?
Ecu: I can explain
Un: i hear you
Ecu: well let's say that my buses and I started to play and one thing led to another, I was late and they put this on me hehe * said nervous *
Un: well just sit down Ecuador
Spain: no, Ecuador will not stay with that, come little one, I'll give you other clothes * he said as he stood up and took Ecuador by the shoulders * UN: but Spain
Spain: see hell, don't you see that my poor child is being bullied * he said looking at the 11 countries that looked at Ecuador with their mouths open *
UN: estabien * he said putting a hand on his forehead * you can go to Ecuador to change
Spain: good let's go ecu let's go * he said taking little Ecuador *
UN: well let's continue An hour was what the meeting lasted .... Who was deceiving they were only at rest and everyone was talking about the little Ecuador
Vene: it seems what happened because they put that on you Colombia: yes, why were you wearing that? You had no other cap
Panama: because if you didn't have one, you could tell us
Ecu: it's not that sticks, it's just that my buses made me a little joke, just that hehe (which you'll see when these guambras come home) And that I got lost in the other meeting
Vene / Colombia / Panama: Emm then
?? : honey
Tie here haha who thinks it's goodbye I hope and you like it