Sia called for an urgent meeting with Sergeant Dust, Daz, and the whole production team. Her fingers curled in her fists. Gold nails stabbed her palms. High heels over her knees. "We must ensure points are given fair and square. Ròs and Todd will not be given points for the robots taken down by the monkey." She expected them to nod, so when a dozen horse faces turn to Sergeant Dust, she was screaming inside. Biting her lip, she turned to him. "You have something to say?"
"I do!" Sergeant Dust stood up.
"Say it then," Sia hissed.
He spoke loud and clear. "We think Rós and Todd should be awarded the full points from the monkeys."
Sia raised her voice. Her head heated up. "Define we?"
"Me, my men, everyone on this table, and our followers on social media."
Sia jolted in her chair. "They won't notice. I say they shouldn't have the points, so that's what's gonna happen."
Sergeant Dust slammed his hands on the table, alarming everyone in the room. He never looked at Sia in such disgust before. The deepening of his voice brought goosebumps. "I know you have your favourites."
Sia interrupted, rising to her feet. "Well everyone has their favourites here. And by the way...I know there's a fucking spy around here. As soon as I get proof on who that spy is I'm gonna kill him." She never kept her eyes of Sergeant Dust. A show as big as this was bound to have spies somewhere, and she was sure it was Dust, but there was no proof.
"We're not here to talk about spies," Sergeant Dust said, sitting down. "We've come to talk about the monkeys."
"Yes, those adorable PESKY LITTLE SHITS!"
"The monkeys were their weapon," Sergeant Dust explained. "Remember season 22 when we had that big rainfall? We gave the contestants nearby the points."
Sia clapped in his face. "That was season 22. This is season 30. Get with the times!"
"Rós had a perfect plan," Sergeant Dust explained. The tone of his voice became smooth and friendly. "She could have left the baby monkey to die and eat it. But she chose to heal it and in return, all the monkeys came to help her. It even gave her and Todd enough time for a quick fuck."
"The Icelandic whore couldn't keep her legs shut."
"She's only trying to catch with the lesbians."
Sia folded her arms. "My decision is final!"
Sergeant Dust whistled. "I guess I'll have to pack my bags and pledge allegiance to Professor Denki and the Robots Have Feelings Corporation." No one dared to speak. Sia's fingers tangled into her afro with her expanding eyes directed at him. He chuckled as Sia approaching him like she was ready to attack.
Sia screamed, rolling on the floor, throwing a tantrum. "FINE!" Her heals snapped when she kicked the floor. "THEY CAN HAVE THE POINTS!" Shaking off her broken heels, she jumped onto her feet and stormed off. "YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO ME SERGEANT DUST!"
As soon as Sia left, the soldiers ran up to Sergeant Dust panting for breath. "Are you all right, Sir?"
He lit up a cigarette. "Works everything!" Sergeant Dust winked. "I guess that's the meeting over."
Daz nodded. "Yeah, I guess it is." He stood up and told them all, "I'm gonna buy some booze and fags."
"Get some for me while you're at it," Sergeant Dust requested.
He nodded. "Sure."
Daz took a detour to the toilets. Hiding in the cubicle, Daz got his phone out and made a call. "Hello, is it possible to speak to the Professor. It's regarding his granddaughter."
"I see. One moment please."
"Hello." Professor Denki's voice seemed to have aged overnight.
Daz whispered, despite being alone. "Hello, Professor!" Sighing, he covered his mouth. "Look, Sia knows you've got a spy here."
"Do she know it's you?"
"No. She's convinced it's Dust."
"That doesn't matter. Did you find out who nominated Yuzuko?"
"Sort of."
"I don't understand."
"I wasn't sure if my eyes were tricking me when I saw it."
"Just tell me the name."
"The name is... it's someone you know well."
"Whoever they are, they shall feel my wrath."
"Mate, it was Harumi who nominated her..."
Professor Denki hung up. Daz brought the phone into his lap and tapped the Netflix app. On the edge of his seat, goosebumps spiked the hair on his arms. Smiling as he kept his eyes on Lavender's cleavage as she slew robots with Christian's whip. Lavender was another one of his favourites for her perky breasts and feisty personality to go with it.
Christian & Lavender - 325 points
Rós & Aron - 450 points
Bobby & Todd - 400 points
762 robots remaining