Chapter 16: For the Love of cake.
How long had i been here? it was dark and i was freezing, i wrapped my arm's around myself to keep warm, my head hurt a little, but i was more concerned about the little one inside me. I was waiting to tell Tom on Christmas Day whether he had been able to get home or not, But shouting to him the word's 'Baby daddy' i just prayed he got the message.
As i tried to stand i felt the pain shoot through my left side again, i was sure that i might have a broken rib or two as i also struggled to breath, i stood and felt my way along the black wet wall, it was not long before i came to a door, i tried to open it but it was locked. On the other side i could hear a radio or TV playing, i heard my name mentioned and that the police were searching for both Rogers and i but at this time had no leads, i then heard Tom's voice.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, i would just like to say that i love Karen very much and will never give up looking..., I um, sorry i will never give up looking for her, If she can hear me, Karen i love you just hold on please, hold on for ALL of us and to Phillip Rogers i say, you are a coward sir and believe me when i say that when i get my hands on you, you will not know what has hit you..."
I laughed at the thought of Tom hitting Rogers, suddenly the door unlocked and swung open Rogers grabbed me by my hair pulling me out into the dimly lit room.
"Bitch, do you think that was funny what your poncy boyfriend said? he will never find us and believe me when i say this, YOU WILL LOVE ME!".
I tried to wriggle to get out of his hold, but he had hold of my hair and the more i moved the tighter he pulled so when he was really close i spat in his face, Rogers threw me to the ground and started to kick my left side, i cried in pain and did my best to protect my little one without letting Rogers know i'm pregnant. After a minute or so he stopped and crossed the room to grab another drink, i knew this was my chance but as i tried to stand and grab an empty bottle to smash over his head, Rogers turned in time and charged at me slamming me into the wall behind, i fell to the floor landing on the empty bottle, as it smashed below me pieces cut into my skin and cut my wrist, blood started to pour out, i knew i had to stop the bleeding. Rogers pulled me back into the wet dark cupboard and re-locked the door.
I wrapped a piece of my torn shirt around my wrist and managed to stem the bleeding, something inside of me deep within my soul told me not to give up to fight for this little one and for Tom, this man had already taken one family from me and now i wasn't going to let him take this one. Tom's word's played over and over in my head.
I guessed it had been quite a few hours since the last beating, but now was waiting for Rogers to fall asleep, there had been no noise for quite some time, so i decided to use a piece of the glass i pulled out of my wrist, i jammed it into the lock of the door again cutting my hands as i did so, the key fell out and dropped by the crack at the base of the door, i managed to fit my hand half way under the door and grab the key, i heard Rogers move about so scrambled back from the door, i waited a few minutes before putting the key in the door and slowly turning the lock. As i opened the door i could see Rogers laid on a make shift bed opposite fast asleep or passed out drunk, this was the moment, this was my chance.
I made my way slowly and quietly across the room, feeling dizzy i placed my hand on the door in front of me as i opened it an alarm rang out, my eyes widened as i saw Rogers look up and my whole body was racked with fear but i ran not knowing which way to go, i could hear Rogers shouting angrily behind me but i just kept going. I soon hit a lit tunnel and ran left, looking behind i could see Rogers stumble and fall into the tunnel. I just kept running, my heart was racing and i could hardly see because of crying, soon i hit another door opening it i stepped out into an empty lot full of snow, the snow was falling fast but i could make out buildings opposite and could hear kids in the distance.
"Your mine bitch come back here!" i heard Rogers yell after me.
I took off running as fast as i could, i'm not a runner but when it's to save your life you'd be surprised what you can do. I reached the edge of the lot and could see the kids, i screamed for help as i ran through the broken gate, just getting through as Rogers grabbed the back of my jeans, i screamed again, this time not only did the kids notice but other people too. As Rogers pulled me back through the gate i swung my hand round and cut the side of his face with the piece of glass i had been carrying, he hit me hard as he grabbed the side of his face then started to kick me again, on the third kick i saw him disappear from view as people had rushed to help, two men had knocked Roger to the ground while a man and woman helped me, i tried to move but the pain was too much.
I cried for Tom and before i knew it he was at my side along with the police and ambulance people.
"Tom!, i heard you, i heard you" i said through sobs.
"I'm here love, i've got you and i'm never letting you go" he said brushing my cheek with his hand and kissing me.
"Mr Hiddleston, we have to go, you can ride along if you want?" i heard an ambulance woman say to Tom.
"Of course, thank yo...."
"You can't have her she's mine, i will always be there in the dark, i got her once i will get her again even if it means killing you!" i heard Rogers yell at Tom.
As i was being loaded into the ambulance i saw Tom lunge at Rogers and it took 4 officers and Luke to pull him off. I heard Tom yell at Rogers as he laid on the ground with a bloody nose and other injuries.
"I told you i would kill you if you hurt her, think yourself lucky mate that they pulled me off, now your the one who will never see the light of day again, i hope you rot in jail knowing you will never know her like i do". he said climbing into the ambulance and placing his hands on mine.
I found my self running down the same tunnel again, this time i didn't make the door, Rogers had grabbed me and was dragging me back to the dark cupboard, i was screaming and woke sitting up quickly, then doubling over in pain because of my ribs. Tom held me close, trying to calm me down.
"It's OK, i'm here, your safe love" he said holding my head up and wiping my tears away "I love you so much, i thought i had lost you".
I held him tight and just rested my head on his chest listening to his strong heartbeat, then i looked up at him worried.
"Tom, the baby, how's the baby?" i cried.
"The baby is fine love, he or she is a fighter just like you, thank you by the way". he said smiling down at me.
"For what?".
"For giving me the best Christmas present ever, the knowledge that i'm going to be a father, i love you so much". He held me gently in his arms as Chris, Ben, Marc and Ken entered the room.
I was very grateful that they had all helped support Tom but was now feeling tired again, before they all left i asked Ben if he was OK?
"Karen, i'm fine, i am just glad you are safe, i'm so sorry this happened". Ben said looking down towards the floor.
"It wasn't your fault, i'm just so happy you are alright" i said smiling up at him, with Tom agreeing, Ben then gave me a hug and i whispered in his ear.
"Thank you, i love you Ben".
"I love you too sweet cakes, get some rest" he said standing and giving Tom a hug "You get some rest too Tom".
"I will mate, thank's everyone, Merry Christmas". Tom said sitting back down next to me.
After everyone had left, i asked Tom a question.
"What day is it Tom? how long did he have me?".
"It's the 23rd December love, he had you for nearly a week" he said looking into my watery brown eye's "Don't torture yourself over it because you and our little one are safe now and both of you are in my arm's". he said as a tear ran down his cheek and i wiped it away.
I slept in Tom's arm's all night and for the first time in months i didn't have a nightmare.
I woke to the sound of Tom talking with the doctor.
"Is Karen able to go home?".
"Of course Mr Hiddleston, but she has to rest no excitement OK!, Ah Karen, how are you feeling this morning?".
"I feel better than yesterday and i slept better than ever, did i hear you say i can go home?" i said winking at Tom and he smiled back at me winking as well.
"Yes you can, BUT you have to rest, you have four broken rib's and lost a lot of blood, plus all the stress your body has suffered you have to rest for that little one there". he said pointing to the baby.
It was another 5 hours before i was able to leave the hospital, but we had visited Nik during that time and was told he would be able to go home in a few days, which Nik and i are both happy about. Tom pushed me in a wheelchair out of the hospital and we were greeted by a wall of press, this time i decided to make a statement.
"I am very gratefull to those people who helped me and who phoned the police, Phillip Rogers is an evil man who tried to take me away from everyone i love, i am just happy that the man who killed my family is behind bars and i hope to god he stays there, thank you".
Tom helped me into the car and slid in beside me holding me close and placing his head on mine.
We celebrated Christmas with Chris, Elsa, Ben, Marc, Ken and all of Tom's family having a wonderful day, in the evening when everyone was sat just talking, Tom stood and then said.
"I have one more gift i need to give" he said bending down taking my hand then going down on one knee "Karen, i have been in love with you since i first saw you, like you it was before we met, since meeting you i don't ever want to be parted from you or live without you, i give you my heart and sole and i hope that you will agree to become my wife forever and alway's".
I started crying happy tears and nodded "Yes, of course i will".
Tom placed the square cut diamond on my finger then stood up and we kissed. The whole room cheered and it was one more thing to be blissfully happy about.