Fox strapped Scarlett onto the front seat, and she kept yelling. "I want to rip that bitch's face apart! Let me go now!"
"Senior, I would have to do something that I'll regret if you don't fucking stop now!" Fox yelled and Scarlett got teary-eyed.
He made his way to the driver's seat without sparing another glance at her. He was about to sit when he noticed the rest hadn't gotten in the car.
"Why aren't you three getting inside? Do you want me to strap you three as well?!"
"Ummm, Fox?"
"What now, Bee?"
"Our senior looks like she's going to cry."
"What?" he peeked at the front seat and his eyes widened. Scarlett looked like a child who didn't get what she wanted. Big fat tears were rolling down her cheeks and her nose was getting even redder by the minute.
The last thread snapped when he looked at her, and Scarlett started wailing. Oh shit, everyone panicked and tried to pacify, but it didn't work.
"Why couldn't you let me rip her face off?! Fox, you're mean! You're a meanie!" she wailed while pointing at him, and Fox suddenly felt bad for pulling her away from the fight. He should've let her rip that other girl's face.
"I'm sorry, senior! Next time we see her, you can rip her face apart!"
"No, you wouldn't let me!" she covered her face and cried even more. They tried to pacify her by bribing her, but she kept crying like a child.
After what felt like an eternity for Scarlett's team, the crying stopped and her head started bobbing up and down.
She was about to fall on where the airbags were, but bam, Fox immediately placed his hands there and her head fell on them. It hurt for a second and he pushed back her head to the headrest.
Everyone sighed in relief when Scarlett was sleeping peacefully. "Damn senior is like a kid when she gets drunk," Levi muttered under his breath.
"Yeah, and if Fox didn't pull her away, she would've ripped that girl's face long ago. Probably she must've provoked our senior, and then our senior started kicking her in the face." Luz said.
"But our senior's got some really good skills while fighting! Like damn, our senior just punched that girl in the face and she looked like she could pass out any minute!" Bee said as if Scarlett was her idol.
Actually, Anastasia has been training Scarlett personally. She was the one who asked Scarlett if she wants to know a few moves to beat up people for defense.
Scarlett agreed, it was hard for her to follow it but later she got used to it and could even push off Anastasia with a few blows.
The car stopped at the building where Scarlett lived. Fox was about to get off, but Bee stopped him. "Wait, how are we going to drop Scarlett home? We don't even know her house number."
"Check if her phone is still in her pocket," Levi suggested. "If it has fallen off, or we forgot it in the club because of her fight, then one of us can take her home."
"Okay then," Fox rolled his eyes and unbuckled Scarlett's seatbelt. "I have to do everything now," he mumbled under his breath while checking her pockets.
He took out her phone from her right front pocket and checked it to see if it was working. Even if she had a world war, her phone still didn't drop from her pocket.
And her pants had pockets. Wait, that's illegal. How the fuck does her phone have pockets?!
"Check if she has her address in her maps app!" Luz urged.
"Maybe we can just put our entire life on our phone, then proceed to tell it to everyone!" Fox sarcastically said. "I'll just check if she has any stared contacts or not."
Thankfully, her phone didn't have a screen lock, nor did the rest of the apps, and he opened her contacts.
Under stared contacts, funny names were given;
Tall, blonde and perfection- XXXXX XXXXX
Weird ass mama panda who gets angry- XXXXX XXXXX
Weird ass mama panda's husband- XXXXX XXXXX
My duden't- XXXXX XXXXX
Sucker #1- XXXXX XXXXX
Sucker #2- XXXXX XXXXX
My grandma and money provider <33- XXXXX XXXXX
My minion #1- XXXXX XXXXX
My minion #2- XXXXX XXXXX
My assistant for rearranging and taking out people's brains- XXXXX XXXXX
My devil spawn- XXXXX XXXXX
All of them were weird names. He guessed that his contact was either one of the minions or devil spawn. Wait, why does she have contact names 'grandma'? Wasn't she an orphan, though?
He then remembered that Scarlett had got acknowledged as a famous person and was under the care of a CEO's aunt six months ago.
Shit, he forgot she was famous!
Back to the story, Fox didn't think about it more and clicked on the contact that said 'Tall, blonde and perfection', sending a call to them.