" The sky has been dark for a month now and yet life hasn't seemed to change for the children...there false cleansing seems to be going well. I'm a little concerned on how you'll get the older owns to improve Author, Tracey, Doce and Genius. Edward father's harsh methods of raising us were relevant to our survival and will help them one day".
Victor being the goofy and crazy one began to forcefully imprint himself into Erts's life, always having an inventors mind Victor would make funny little weapons to get people's attention, but only Erts saw his potential as an ally to his and the others false cleansing.
Ever since the incident at Victor's birthday party, Erts has been thinking of what the king clown's intensions wore and why he wasn't able to control not even one of the malfunctioning charms on the mask that seemed to be permanently stuck to his face, but invisible to others.
During the mid month cleansing Erts, Winx, Sent and Victor dominated there false leaving everything perfect. Erts used oily eucalyptus leave mush which is highly flammable and quickly lit it up using the sparks from scratching metal pipe on the ground. Winx had a cross bow on his low whist for quick and easy shots plus it had a rapid revolver. Sent's wheelchair was equipte with a grappling hook that's caused the razer whip to cute brunches off like a chain saw. Victor's false was carving and making simple tool...due to his love of weapons it was hard to carve out anything when you're used to joints and gears, but his new team helped him before the cleansing and he aced it.
" I'm impressed the best of you eight were the younger four. With Winx being the best of you all followed by Sent.. the rest of you adults are an embarrassment! you should be ashamed of yourself, no dinner for the four of you!", Master Edward said. All the elders kids minus Genius (the eldest), scolded the younger ones.
Bill wore his gloves and touched his ★ symbol above his left eye.