Chereads / Reincarnated as leviathan / Chapter 63 - Starting A Kingdom

Chapter 63 - Starting A Kingdom

At the spring after Sapphire left, a figure of a blond woman clad in white.

Alein: "so this is where it happened"

Alein came running the moment she sensed her fragment made contact with the Demon Lord. She collected all her other fragments and rushed to the scene.

Alein: "the magic circle seems to activated properly, then the Demon Lord without a doubt is dead"

Alein was confident that her magic circle was without a flaw, as long as the Demon Lord didn't get any outside help from someone else that can shape souls, it would be impossible to survive, unless he was with another Demon Lord and on a friendly terms, but she knows the only other Demon Lord won't spare an effort to help, and her fragment wouldn't make such a mistake to attack two Demon Lords at once, it seems she can put her search to a hault....

She should be happy, except the fact the she didn't like to sacrifice her fragments, even if it was a small part that she can regenerate back, she still hated that a part of her had to die.

She shook her head.

Alein: " No, this is a good thing, the Demon Lord was defeated with minimum sacrifice, my split part should have known that as well, otherwise she wouldn't sacrifice herself."

The figure of the goddess disappeared.


Tey: " okay would explain to me everything now? "

After me and Tey reached a safe place, and made a camp, I made us some snacks, then she started questioning me.

Sapphire: "well after you went to sleep, I decided to go and take another bath"


Sapphire: "not the point, anyway while I was enjoying myself I was jumped by a fragment of the goddess of life"

Tey: " a fragment?"

Sapphire: "yes apparently she scattered herself all over the continent in order to find me, well she attacked me but I managed to seal her fragment in me, so now I have what I need to break our curses"


She yelled excitedly.

Sapphire: "not yet, before that I want to start a kingdom"

Tey: "why?"

Sapphire: "because you were right, even if I kept running from them I can't run away from that goddess, she would probably think I'm dead now, but if I broke my seal, she will Learn that I'm still alive sooner or later, so I need my own turf to fight her on if she came."

Tey:" I'm glad you decided to follow my advice, so which kingdom would you conquer first"

Sapphire: "Non, I'll start a new one"

Tey: "...."

Sapphire: "what?"

Tey:"you do realize that you need people in a kingdom, who would willingly join a kingdom ruled by a Demon Lord"

Sapphire: "I can make demons so we can manage"

Tey: "won't that be taxing?"

(what do you think Ruby)

Ruby: "creating Demons have a lot of restrictions:

1. You can't make something as strong or stronger than your self.

2. The more magic, materials and time you put into making the demon, the stronger it will be.

Thus if you tried to make a huge army of power demons it will take centuries and alot of resources, and making weak demon can help you get citizens but is huge waste of time if you intend to make a large number"

Sapphire: "mmm..."

Tey: " also there are alot of other requirements to making a kingdom than people"

Sapphire: "like what?"

Tey: " a place the kingdom can be on, I don't know if you realized it, but every piece of land on this continent is already claimed by some kingdom, so if you started your kingdom anywhere you will be invading by default"

Sapphire: "...."

Tey: "you'll also need capital..."

Sapphire: "...."

Tey: "ranks and a system of administration"

Sapphire: "..."

Tey: " A library and research center"

Sapphire: "..."

Tey: " ands many other requirements, like food, a united currency, a fully equipped army.."

Sapphire: "OK I GET IT!!"

man creating a kingdom is much harder than I thought, I can take the capital from the treasure of the Dungeon that I conquered, and I already copied both the royal library of the elf and Honey's collection so that should be more Than enough.

But the land and the rest of these things looks like a headache...

Ruby: "Suggestion"


Ruby: "Start a kingdom in the Demon continent"

(the demon continent?)

Ruby: "although many claim ownership to the land, there is no official kingdom or ownership.

As for the citizens problem, demons like to follow the strong, although some push back might occur from the current lords who rule it, with your strength their should be no problem to silence them."


Sapphire:" Tey I will start the kingdom at the demon continent "

Tey: " that might work, I also know where we can get some books for a library "


Chapter End