Years passed, and James was left alone. But the shady event was that every year one to three students disappeared. All the students believed that Karim kidnapped them and put them in a house he had rented before, but no one had the nerve to say so. The students imagined that they were the only hope of the kidnapped, that Every day they said that it is their liberation is coming soon but were disappointed and that they believed that one day the students would take their courage in both hands but in vain. Even the director didn't know what was going on. It was like witchcraft.
The town police were all busy, even the town mayor was working day and night to solve this riddle. The future of the city was in danger according to the predictions of the mayor and it was passing in truth. The villagers found themselves dead on the streets of the city. They believed afterwards that it was the wrath of God but in fact it was not the right reason. On the last day of 1795 the mayor was found dead and hung in the city center.