There are many ways to tell if your man is cheating on you and many signs that most people choose to ignore. Sadly I am one of those people that chose to ignore the signs right in front of me.
Hello my name is Lincoln Park and this is the story of how the worsts thing in my life turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me.
I had known for a while that my Alpha boyfriend Ronald West was most likely cheating on me and very often at that with many different men and women. We both enjoyed doing our own things in fact the one thing we did together was we always went on a morning run. But lately he was always making up excuses and forgetting important dates but I didn't want to believe it so I suffered in silence thinking it was my fault because I wanted to wait to have sex. I knew he was never happy with my decision to wait till marriage and he was always trying to get me to change my mind. Always coming over when I was in heat to "check" up on me trying to trick me into coming over when he was in a rut. Honestly I don't know why I stayed with him if he couldn't except my want to wait. Until one day 8 months into our relationship he finally stopped. I was so happy I thought he was finally excepting the idea to wait but that should have been my first clue. He completely stopped all that and he never brought up sex with me again. Everything was great and I was blissfully living in my ignorance until that fateful day.
~Ring Ring~ It was the middle of the night when my phone woke me up "Hello?" "Hey babe it's me look we need to talk meet me at my place in 20 minutes" I was hesitant because of how late it was but something about his voice convinced me so I got up and dressed before grabbing my keys and heading out the door. Since we lived fairly close I decided not to take my car and just walk "I wonder what's so important that he needs me to come over at this time of night" I say quietly to myself as I pick up the pace. Finally I reach his place and knock on the door before putting in my key and letting myself in. I take off my shoes and jacket "Hello Ronald I'm here!" I call out as I walk in "What did you need to talk about?" Nothing not a single sound and all the lights were off ' Oh so this is how he wants us to end' I slowly start to head for his room already knowing what I would find in there. I knew before I even opened the door what was going to be behind it but still I knew I had to open it and see for myself. Just like I thought there Ronald was naked and thrusting into an equally naked blonde sun kissed boy toy. Even though I was expecting it I still could not stop the tears from silently falling I quickly covered my mouth so that they wouldn't hear my cries but I was to late and Ronald heard me. I turned around to run but slammed into another man who quickly caught hold of me and dragged me back into the room.
"Oh good you're here Lincoln I was starting to think you wouldn't show" I looked at Ronald as he pulled his p*nis out of the blonde and came to stand in front of me. "What do you think you are doing?!" I yell starting to struggle against the man holding me but his grip only get tighter. Ronald reaches for my chin and slams his lips on mine forcing his hot tongue in my mouth before pulling back and letting go of my face. "Get him undressed" he says to the man holding me "And throw him on the bed" "No! No! Let go of me" I scream as he starts tearing off my clothes. Hitting kicking and biting I finally get free but not before my shirt is ripped off and my pants undone. As soon as I am free I take off running towards the door "After him! Don't let him get away!" I hear Ronald yell as his lackey runs after me.