Hi, my name is Skyler. I am 16 years old at first. I'm a high school student in my neighborhood. I have no brothers or sisters, at least not as far as I know. My parents are pretty cold people, even with me. I was born on March 21, 2004, I had a childhood I could say tumultuous for everyone to understand, with many ups and downs. My parents did not let me go to relatives or know anything about my family except them and my grandmother, whom I did not plan to meet. She was like a second mother to me. Unfortunately he left this world when I was 5 years old. My parents barely let me go to the funeral. I didn't really understand much at 5 years old about people who die and things like that, if I knew one thing it was that I could say goodbye to the only person who would be with me for the rest of my life. If I wasn't allowed to know about my relatives, you'll realize that I didn't have any friends either. I was my best friend, I healed every time my mother or father quarreled and blamed me or when for the same reason they quarreled and vented their nerves on me, I helped myself, I did everything for myself. I was very selfish, I might say, but I met Emma, who became my best friend.
The interesting part of the story is just beginning, I was moved to a so-called private high school which was actually a secret scientific laboratory. I don't know how my family managed to find him, but they certainly did. I was sold for a rather small amount, I could say 3 million dollars. A nice amount, right ?
Do you want to know the sequel? I invite you to continue reading and find out my story.