Chereads / Escaping of the destiny / Chapter 12 - The forbidden garden

Chapter 12 - The forbidden garden


Dear diary, today I come with an unusual topic. These past few months I've only been talking to you about Damian, and after finding out what he's been doing in the USA I felt like my world was fading away; so many things have happened these past few days that I almost forgot about it.

But yesterday... Yesterday I felt something similar and at the same time very different. I don't know how to describe it exactly but it was a mix of surprise and confusion; what is this that I'm feeling? Is it because of them? Why did they come together yesterday? And especially because they were holding hands?

Aldora was absorbed in her thoughts when Ethan interrupted her...

-May I come in? (Ethan says opening the door with one hand while the other grabbed a plate of food.

-Yes, you can come in. Have you had breakfast yet?

-Not yet, I was waiting for you and since you didn't come down to breakfast I brought you breakfast to bed hehehe

-Oh!!! You're so attentive hehehe; you know what? You've convinced me... come eat with me.

-Yes? Great... you should try the orange juice, I made it myself... (he said with a happy expression of pride)

-Really? That's strange, the chef doesn't usually let anyone into his kitchen, he doesn't like things to be disorganized and he doesn't like unworthy hands to touch his products hahaha. You should see his face when Lucia almost...

-Yes? Almost what?

-Well... nothing, it's nothing important.

-Are you sure? (He asked worriedly)

-Yes yes, it was stupid; by the way, didn't you tell me how you got into the kitchen?

-I just don't I went in…

-Oh no?

-Well, I had to climb the orange tree in the back garden and squeeze the oranges myself

-What? You climbed a tree? And we have an orange tree?

-Did you not know? It's absolutely beautiful, the view, the air and every corner is full… (Aldora interrupts him)

-It's full of beautiful flowers of all kinds and colors. Have you been to the botanical garden? But that garden has been neglected for years.

-It doesn't seem like it, it's very well kept, I don't remember having seen anything more beautiful from as far back as I can remember.

-That's strange, Grandpa closed that part of the garden since Grandma passed away, he had it done on their 20th wedding anniversary, Grandma loved that garden, every few days she changed the flowers in the whole house and every time she could she made us a delicious fruit tart; Grandpa didn't leave a single piece, he ate it all, she was his strength and he was his light; But since his death he has been consumed by bitterness and sadness… He ordered that part to be closed and no one is allowed to enter there, not even me.

-So how do you explain that it has been preserved so well?

-Well, I think there is only one person capable of answering that question.

Sonia was giving orders to the servants when Aldora followed by Ethan questions her.

-Good morning Sonia

-Good morning my dear girl, how did you wake up today? You didn't come down to have breakfast, right? Come on, I'll make you an omelette

-Don't worry Sonia, I'm not hungry

-I do want to eat!!! (Ethan added enthusiastically)

-But last night they came back quite early and you didn't touch dinner, and now you don't want to have breakfast either, I'm worried that you're not eating properly; lately you've been looking very pale my girl (he said while touching her forehead)

-Okay, that's fine Sonia, I'll eat just for you, okay? Can you take it to me please? I'll eat it on the way

-Perfect, and for you Ethan I'll make you some muesli to eat now and the tortillas to take away, okay?

-Thank you very much Mrs. Monroy (Ethan nodded, bowing slightly)

-Please call me Sonia, my boy, I've been told that you've been taking good care of my little girl Aldora, now you're also part of the family; Come on, go get ready, I'll make you breakfast now.

-By the way Sonia, can you help me with something?

-Depends on what it is, tell me what's going on?

-Someone's been taking care of Grandma's garden, this morning I went out for some fresh air and passed by, do you know who it could be?

Sonia grabbed Aldora by the hand and led her to a corner of the room out of the visible angles of the surveillance cameras.

-Why did you go there? Do you know how upset your grandfather would be if he found out?

-I know, but the issue here is that someone already broke that prohibition shortly after the grandmother's death; Tell me Sonia, is that you, right?

-My girl, the problem is that I... I...

-You have been in this family since my grandparents got married, you were part of my late father's education and mine; I am almost sure that you know all the secrets of this house and this family, but I also know that there are confidential things that you cannot tell me at the request of the grandfather; like why my mother left the house? (she said mysteriously)

-My girl, that is a very delicate subject

-I know, I do not expect you to tell me; what I am trying to say is that you were very close to my grandmother, I could even assure that you were her confidant; She appreciated you very much and in your free time you always helped her with the Garden and then you had a cup of tea with some ginger biscuits that you made especially to strengthen her immune system. The truth is that they were great friends, best friends.

The more Aldora talked and remembered vestiges, Sonia could not resist the pressure, the memories of the past appeared in her head like a movie and in the end she collapsed. Tears slid down her cheeks while tiny sobs could be heard

When she realized, Aldora apologized to her and added

-Sorry for bringing up the subject, I admit that I went too far; you don't have to answer if you feel uncomfortable.

Saying that, Aldora grabbed Ethan's hand and they were about to leave when a soft, sobbing voice stopped them.

-Your grandmother loved poetry, when her eyesight failed she asked me every day to read her a few poems by Rubén Darío, he was her favorite writer. On his deathbed he asked me to take care of his garden. It was his last will; so I have been taking care of his garden ever since.

-Thanks for telling me, and grandpa didn't notice anything?

-The thing is, your grandpa hasn't set foot in that part of the house since the loss of your grandmother, he feels guilty because he is the reason your grandmother died

-What? Are you saying that my grandmother died because of grandpa?