The accountant nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, what should I call you?"
"He Chen."
Upon hearing, the accountant was writing the name down in the ledger with a brush when he looked up and saw the gentleman who called himself He Chen had already entered the banquet hall.
He casually opened the thin red envelope and raised his eyebrows as he peeked inside.
When the greenish hue of the banknote caught his eye, the accountant was stupefied.
In all his years of recording wedding gifts, he had never seen such a miserly guest.
He had expected a check, but it was a one yuan bill.
How the hell do you have the nerve to spend one buck on a feast of such extravagant delight?
The favors on each table were nearly a thousand yuan apiece!
The accountant shook his head as he boldly enlarged the name He Chen in the ledger.
As time passed, the accountant was bustling with activity.
Mr. and Mrs. Li were also warmly greeting guests in the banquet hall of hundreds of tables.