Chereads / One person Two worlds / Chapter 2 - Chapter Two

Chapter 2 - Chapter Two


"That sounds great, how long do you plan to be away?"

I walk towards him and take Oscar from Leo and walk over to the setup.

"Well, I am not too sure as of yet. But for now, I will say that we will be staying there for about 3 to 5 weeks."

I glance back at him for a moment, then bring my attention back to Oscar.

"So this will eventually turn into both of you moving closer to the family?"

I hear him sigh behind me while I carry on grooming oscar.

"Yeah, that is the plan at some point soon."

I pause for a moment and then immediately return to what I was doing.

"You could have just said that I will miss both of you very much."

~Oh no, why do they have to move. I really enjoy tending to Oscar. I am going to really really miss them.~

"I, well, I am not sure why but I kind of didn't wish to tell you right now. I know how much you care for Oscar so I planned on letting you have enough time with him. I'm sorry."

I pause and turn around to look at him. He looks up at me from the chair he's sitting on with slightly glossed over eyes.

~Is he going to cry? I hope not, I will have to walk out if he does. I dislike seeing others in tears.~

"Why are you apologizing for? Life happens and if you are going to be moving, then all I can really do is wish you and Oscar the best. I will be missing both of you but I can ultimately manage."

I look at Leo and give him a small smile. He looks at me with what appears to be, shock and hurt but then simply smiles and looks away. I turn my attention back to Oscar and finish up the grooming session.

*3:55 pm*

"Well, we are all done for this session. I am glad you trusted me with Oscar for so long."

I hand Oscar back to Leo and show him a big bright smile. Leo looks at me and again his eyes have a gloss over them.

"I am glad that you took such good care of Oscar for so many years."

I simply nod and smile at him. I make a motion with my arm pointing to the door. He slowly gets up and we walk to the door and I decide to walk with them until the street.

~Just to enjoy being with Oscar for a few more seconds.~

Once we are outside I look at both of them and give them a big smile and wave goodbye. Leo walks away but after a few steps comes to a stop. I look at his back as he slowly turns back towards me. He walks up to me and hands me a card.

"In case you ever want to hang out and see Oscar. Feel free to call me, we can manage a way to meet up. I mean I will be visiting around here from time to time so maybe we can take that time to hang out. Or maybe before I leave, you could call or text me."

~Um is this his way of asking me on a date?~

I look at him with a small smile.

"Sure I'll let you know if I'm available and maybe we can grab some lunch or dinner."

He nods his head and turns to walk away again. I stand there for a few moments looking at his back, as he makes his way to his next destination.

*A Few days later 4:30 pm*

I just finished up my clients for the day and walked into my office. I take out my phone and look at it for a bit.

~Should I call? What if he's busy, maybe texting is the best way. Wait I don't even remember him saying how long he was staying. What if he already let and I missed my chance to meet up with him. *sigh* Doesn't matter, I'll see what the worse can be.~

[Hey, this is Skylar Sine from Rep's grooming. I just wanted to know how things have been since we last spoke.]

I put down my phone and start looking at some emails to pass some time before I head out. After a few minutes, I hear my phone ding. I pick it up and see that the message was from Leo.

~Is it bad that I'm nervous? What if he already left? Omg, what if I'm just overreacting.~

I sigh and unlock my phone. I take a deep breath and open the message he sent it reads

[Hey, I am glad you decided to message me. I am finishing up packing, I leave in 3 days. If you have some time, want to meet before then?]

~3 days, ok what now. Maybe I tell him we can meet tomorrow? What if he thinks that's my way of not wanting to see him? I have some time right now, would be bad if I tell him that, I mean I don't want to sound like I'm desperate. Ok, I'll give him 2 options on when I'm available that is the safest option.~

[Glad I caught you before you left, took me a few days bc I have been busy. But if you are free I have some time now. Early dinner? If not I'm also free tomorrow for lunch.]