Who ever my murderer was, he said I've hurt him. I can't understand what he means by that. How did I hurt him? Did I even know him? And if I do know him, what have I done that's so bad, that he had to kill me? I mean the man buried me ALIVE and he wants to put the blame on me for him killing me? I have to get to the bottom of this now. My supposedly best friend and now super ex-boyfriend just left after telling my mother that they've cheated on me. That they were blaming themselves for me disappearing. But now they don't feel as guilty as they had been feeling for what seems to be days. I don't care about them now. All I care about is to try and communicate with my mother.
" Mom? " i say, trying to grab her attention.
She doesn't hear me. So I try again and again and again but still nothing.
What's going on? Why can't she hear me? I tried touching her but she didn't even flinch. Am I dreaming? Or is something worse going on. She starts to cry and I try to comfort her, but what she says next is what made me snap my arms back and clutch them to my chest.
" My poor baby girl. I miss you so much. I just wish I could do more and find you so we could either get you home or get you a proper burial. What can I do to make that happen? I hope the picture was fake and that you are still alive waiting to be rescued!"
I've decided to try and give her a message that I'm here and not alive anymore. I try to write something on a piece of paper but can't pick the pencil up. Mom gets up to make some coffee and that gives me the chance to try again without her noticing right away. I concentrate very hard on my days of being alive. Picturing me writing mom a note on what happened to me. I open my eyes with hope and see mom staring my way with big wide shocked eyes. Had I done it??? Did it work??? The one thing I know I should try is talk to her.
"Mom? Can-can you see me?" I ask with hope and sadness in my voice.