Chereads / The Rise of Stormborn / Chapter 8 - Chapter 8 : I'm the Assassin Lewis

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8 : I'm the Assassin Lewis

Edmond finally reached Cabin #11

Edmond headed up to his and Lucia's room opened the door and shut it behind him , He felt a chill in the air and noticed that the window was open , Edmond let out a tired sigh and went to shut the window , when he sensed another presence in the room with him , He slowly took the knife out of his pocket and threw it to were he sensed the presence . The figure dodged and rolled kicking Edmond to the other side of the room into Edmonds bed .

The the figure crouched ontop of Edmond with the knife to his throat , Trying to use my Knife against me isn't smart kid " The intruder chuckled " by the way your reflexes are slow anot to mention your bad timing .

Edmond kicked the intruder off him. The intruder landed on his back then kicked up landing on his feet.

Who the Hell are you ! " Edmond shouted "

hahaha I'm Lewis your dad some people would say "

Your fucking crazy , How could you father some one like me ? "Edmond shouted "

Oh trust that is no picnic "Lewis said with a evil grin " Let me guess your feeling the side effects of my power right now , Fear, and adrenaline but mostly fear . Trust me boy throwing my name around is a bad idea and it will get you killed especially if people find out your my child , The greek Gods are not your friends . Maybe the three decent one are Poseidon, Hades and Hestia . Thats it . Don't trust anyone . They will target you and anyone close to you for the rest of your life.

Edmond took a moment to Look at his Father , He was dressed in all black , looked fairly young . Edmond realized he looked exactly like his father except with poison green eyes while his father had red lava eyes .

It's not polite to stare . " Lewis let out a low chuckle '

So who is my mother then ? Edmond noticed the question took his father by surprise .

That is a story best left untouched . He turned his back on his son , your mother and I haven't parted on the best terms .

Who's fault was it ?

Lewis turned , On both parts . Your mother and I just don't mix well . She is crazy and I'm too far gone to raise kids , so we watch from a distance .

Oh really , Watching from a distance my ass , you let me go through alot of shit just because you didn't want to get your hands dirty and become a father to your kids , you know nothing about kids or me , you can make them but you cant take care of them ! Edmond shouted with tears falling from his face . I was raped , tortured and all because of you !!!!! Do you know how much it hurts to have an absent parent who doesn't give a shit about you or your sister .

Lewis stared at his son letting him let all his frustrations out , Something tugged inside Lewis what the boy was saying was true It was his fault .

You know who saved me ? My bestfriend the son of Hades , Not my Father the one who should have , I became a father to my sister , your Daughter yours not mine ! How much do you know about your own children ??? I want you to Get Out !!!!!!!

I thinks it's best you leave now Lewis came a voice for the door way " It was Professor Brom .

Lewis went to the window and glared at the Professor and jumped out the window , Brom turned around to see the boy fall on his knees screaming just letting the tears fall . Brom knelt beside the crying boy . You have been holding that in for a long time son . Well now the you met your father I can tell you the truth . I am your Uncle , I am Lewis's brother .

Edmond looked up shocked " What " ?

Your Fathers real Name is Lukis Stormborn , He has not had an easy childhood none of us have , We were called the Big Four , and when we became too powerful The Olympian Gods weren't Thrilled so we had to go into hiding so we went our separate ways , Zeus threatened our families .We had no choice but to protect our families . But anyway Lukis has multiple forms .

You have Form Number #1

The Reaper Father Of your Brother Peter

Then You have Form #2

LAKA King Of a Hells Father Of your Brother Johnathan

Then you Have form Number #3

Shot Gun Rain Father of your Sister Scarrlett and younger sister Lucia

Then we have form number #4

Your Father Lewis Stormborn The Assasin

Right now we are not sure where Lukis is he is still in hiding but we know he isnt far from you Kids . Brom said finishing . He loves you in his own way It's just he dosent know how to express it , I'm not making excuses for Him , I just want you to know somethings about your father before you make a Judgment on him . Lukis wanted to protect you all from the same fate he had but it turns out he didn't get his wish , you all suffered in your own way some of you had a similar fate to your Father .

Edmond to a moment to let the information sink in It's hard being a Stormborn Isn't it ? you seem to be a good dad to your kids though Professor .

Brom let out a laugh , Kid I've made my own mistakes with my children , But I was honest with them and my wife your Aunt Polly . But I am not a perfect Parent nor do I claim to be , But I wanted to show my children I wanted to protect them , and Not from a distance Like your father chose , I am not Judging him because he's never been good with people or kids . But he always did try to protect me and our brothers .

Lewis pov

As I listen to my brother talk to my son outside his window in the dark night , I always thought Brom didn't understand or Just hated me but it turns out I was wrong , I understand Edmond and his anger towards me . I don't Blame him , I should Have protected him . But I thought If I was in his life it would hurt more then help him . Brom has always been better with people and Kids then me . I just have no patience for anything or anyone . Brom was always my Favorite sibling compared to the other two . I respected him cause he respected me and wasnt afraid no matter what I did or said to him even when we were younger , granted I was still half Broms age . But I raised them as my own . and yet Brom showed me more respect then everyone else .